brown; tarsi and feet ashy brown” ( T. Ayres). Total length,
5 inches; bill, 0-55; wing, 2-85; tail, T65 ; tarsns, 0-6.
Fig. Bocage, Orn. Angola, pi. x, fig. 2.
Page 332. P a r is om a s u b c -e rb le um .
Ladysmith, August (Reid).
Yery common in the bush along the Orange River (Bradshaw).
Page 334. P a r is om a l a y a r d i .
Scarce on the Orange River, and not found so near water as P . subcoe-
ruleum (Bradshaw).
Page 334. In s e r t:—P a r is om a p lumbeum (Eartl.). Plumbeous Flycatcher.
Capt. Shelley has shown me two specimens collected by Mr. T. E.
Buckley in Suazi Land, which are identical with others from Sene-
gambia and N. E. Africa. Gapt. Reid’s supposed specimen of
P . layardi, recorded as being procured by him on the 26th of
December between Durban and the TTmgeni River, also belongs to
the present species.
P . plumbea differs from P . subcmruleum in its white or fulvous under
tail-coverts, as in P. layardi, but it may easily be told from the
latter species by the absence of spots on the breast. ,
Page 336. H y l i o t a v io la c e a .
Considered to be distinct from the true E . violacea, from Gaboon, and
named E . barbozce by Dr. Hartlaub (J. f. 0. 1883, p. 329).
Page 336, In s e rt:—H y l i o t a a u s t r a l i s , Shelley. Mashoona Flycatcher.
This is an unmistakable species, only to be confounded with
E . barbozce, of Benguela. I t was discovered during Mr. Jameson’s
expedition to Mashoona Land. Mr. Ayres says it was exceedingly
scarce, frequenting the upper parts of high trees, amongst the
buds and young leaves of which it actively searched for insects.
Captain Shelley gives the following description of the species:—
Upper parts and sides of the head dull black, slightly glossed with
metallic lilac; across the lower back a broad band of white feathers
tipped with black, much hidden by the overlapping of the black
feathers, giving a mottled appearance to this p a rt; median and
greater wing-coverts entirely white, with the exception of a few
of the outer ones; secondaries with a white base, increasing in
breadth towards the innermost ones; inner webs of the quills with
white edges ; under wing-coverts white ; two centre tail-feathers
entirely black, the others more or less narrowly and partially
edged with white on both webs; the outer feather has the white
extending over the entire basal portion of the external web for
about three quarters of its len g th ; under surface of the body
ochraceous yellow, deeper on the breast and paler on the vent and
under tail-coverts, the latter being almost w h ite : thighs white in
front and black behind. Total length, 4 6 inches ; culmen, 0 4 ;
wing, 2-8 ; tail, 2 ; tarsus 0'75.
Fig. Shelley, Ibis, 1882, pi. vii, fig. 1.
Page 336. C h lo e o p e t a i c t e r i n a .
Caconda (Anchieta).
Page 338. M u s c ic ap a g r i s o l a .
Caconda (Anchieta).
Potchefstroom, January: moulting (Ayres).
Quae Quae River, October 22 (Ayres).
Blauw Kranz River between Colenso and Estcourt, November (Reid).
In summer on the Orange R iv e r; not very plentiful (Bradshaw).
Page 338. I n s e r t M u s c ic a p a f in s c h ii , Bocage. Finsch’s Flycatcher-
Discovered at Caconda by Senor Anchieta. Professor Bocage says
th a t it is like M. grisola and of the same size, with the throat and
breast marked with brown streaks en chevron.
Page 3,39. M u s c ic a p a u n d u l a t a .
Should be placed in the genus Alseonax, which has a much broader bill
than Muscicapa. I t should be called Alseonax adusta (Boie).
(Cf. Sharpe, Cat. B. iv, p. 129.)
Page 339. I n s e r t A l s e o n a x minima (Eeugl.).
Yon Heuglin’s Flycatcher.
This Abyssinian species has occurred to Senor Anchieta at Caconda.
I t is described by Yon Heuglin as follows:—
Size very small; above greyish dusk y ; forehead, lores, eyelids and
belly dull dusky white, the sides of the neck, breast, flanks and
under wing-coverts shaded with the same colour as the back;
quills internally towards the base dull huffy white; wing and tail-
coverts externally margined with pale rufous ; bill short, depressed,
dusky black, bluish flesh-colour a t the base; feet bluish-black;
iris dusky. Total length, 4" 3"'; bill from front, 3 | " '; wing,
2" 44"'; tail, 1" 9'" ; tarsus, 5§'".
Fig. Heuglin, Orn. N. O. Afr. taf. xviii, fig. 1.
Page 345. I n s e r t P l a t y s t i r a m e n ta lis , Bocage.
White-chinned Flycatcher.
Caconda (Anchieta).
Described by Professor Bocage as resembling P. peltata, but very much