252. C isticola c h in ia n a . Larger Grey-backed Fantail.
Drymoica chiniana, Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 91.
We regard this species as a large form of G. subrufica/pilla, which
it represents throughout S. E. Africa, Natal, and the Transvaal into
Damara Land. Sir Andrew Smith procured the first specimen near
Kurrichaine, and Captain Shelley has recently received this bird
from the neighbourhood of Durban, where it was procured by Mr.
T. L. Ayres, and Mr. T. E. Buckley has brought back skins from
Swaziland. The latter gentleman also met with it in Bamangwato
in 1873, and in the Transvaal Mr. Ayres reports that it is common
in many localities on the Limpopo. We have also seen specimens
from Macamac. In Damara Land it cannot be rare, for Mr.
Andersson’s collections contained plenty of examples, shot near
Otjimbinque, Elephant Vley, oh the Swakop River, &c. He also
procured it in Ondonga, and Senor Anchieta has likewise met with
it at Humbe on the Cunene river.
The following description is from Mr. Buckley’s Bamangwato
specimen, which seems to be in full breeding plumage. The winter
dress is more mealy.
Adult male.—Head and nape uniform rufous; back ashy brown,
with dark brown centres to the feathers, the scapulars more grey;
wing-coverts coloured like the back with pale fulvous margins to
the feathers; quills dark brown, externally margined with rufous,
becoming paler towards the tips of the feathers, especially of the
primaries, the innermost secondaries edged all round with ashy
fulvous ; tail light brown, slightly rufescent, the two centre feathers
darker brown with fulvous margins, and tipped with pale fulvous,
the outer ones with white, all having a blackish subterminal bar;
lores yellowish buff, as also a ring of feathers round the eye; feathers
over the eye fulvescent but not forming a very distinct eyebrow;
ear-coverts greyish brown with narrow whitish shaft-lines; cheeks,
throat, and under parts white, the flanks somewhat washed with
fulvous grey, the sides of the upper breast greyish brown; thighs
tawny buff; under wing-coverts also pale tawny buff; lower surface
of quills brown, the edge of the inner web pale rufous; bill brown,
the lower mandible lighter; feet very light brown; iris light hazel.
Total length, 5-6 inches; culmen, 0'55; wing, 2-6; tail, 2-7 ;
tarsus, 09.
Fig. Smith, 111. Zool. S. Afr. Aves, pi. 79.
253. C is t ic o la ru filata . Rufous Grey-backed Fantail.
We have examined the type-specimen of this bird, which was
kindly shown to us by Dr. Finsch, and we are of opinion that it must
for the present be kept apart from D. chiniana, which i£ resembles
in général appearance, but is distinguished by its rufous and
general foxy-red cast of colours, more especially on the head. Two
specimens were procured by the late Mr. Andersson in Damara Land,
and the following is the description of the type.
Adult male.—Above sandy brown, the dorsal feathers mesially
dark brown, giving a slightly streaked appearance, these streaks
shaded with rufous on each side, imparting a rufous appearance to
the back ; head and neck uniform light chestnut ; wing-coverts light
brown, washed and tipped with ashy fulvous, the' median series with
obsolete indications of a rufescent streak near the tip ; quills brown,
externally edged with pale rufous, especially near the base of the
primaries, the margins to the inner secondaries paler ; rump uniform
sandy brown ; upper tail-coverts pale rufous with lighter buff margins
; tail light chestnut, all the feathers tipped with buffy white,
before which is a blackish brown subterminal bar, the two centre
feathers much more narrowly tipped, and the subterminal bar very
indistinct; lores and a very well marked eyebrow dull white; sides of
face yellowish, the upper margin of the ear-coverts inclining to chestnut
; cheeks and throat dull white ; rest of under surface of body
yellowish ochre, darker on the sides and much lighter down the
centre ; thighs pale chestnut ; under wing and tail-coverts yellowish
ochre; inner lining of quills ashy brown, margined with rufous along
the inner web ; bill dark brown, the under mandible yellowish ; feet
yellowish. Total length, 5'7 inches; culmen, 055; wing, 2'3 ; tail,
2-7 ; tarsus, 0-95.
254. C ist ico la isodactyla. Tawny Grey-backed Fantail.
Under this title we believe that we have identified correctly a
little Grass-Warbler, of which we have seen several specimens obtained
by the late Mr. Andersson in Damara Land. The species was
originally described by Dr. Peters from South Mozambique (J. f.
0. 1868, p. 132), and more recently we received from the Rev. Mr.
Wakefield a specimen from Mombas, agreeing with Dr. Peters’
description. From this Mombas skin Mr. Andersson’s specimens
are inseparable, and we therefore include C. isodactyla as a bird of