Page 256. Dbymceca s u b s tb i a ta .
This is the single representative of the Indian genus Bumesia in
South Africa, and should be called Bumesia substriata (cf. Sharpe,
t. o. p . 206).
Orange River (Bradshaw).
Page 256. Dbymceca o c u la b ia .
Is a Spiloptila (cf. Sharpe, Oat. B. vii, p. 232).
Orange River (Bradshaw).
Abundant in the neighbourhood of the Malope River in January ; also
at Spalding’s on the H a rt River, February 1st (Ayres).
Page 258. Dbymceca a f f f n i s .
Is identical with a widely spread African species, Prinia mystaeea,
Four lines from end of page read “ w orn” for “ warm.”
Caconda (Anchieta).
Common in the Rustenberg Mountains (Ayres). Umvuli River,
Mashoona Land, August, scarce (Ayres).
The note on the habits of the bird in thè Transvaal should, according
to Mr. Gurney, really apply to T). flavicans.
Umgeni River, December 26 (Reid).
Page 2 5 9 . Dbymceca m a c u lo sa .
Should be called Prinia macidosa.
Page 260. Dbymceca h y p o x a n th a .
Should be also referred to the genus Prinia.
Not uncommon in the Newcastle district (B., P., and R.).
Page 263. C i s t ic o l a c u b v ib o s tb is .
This is the summer plumage of G. natalensis (cf. Sharpe, Cat. B. vii,
p . 2 7 9 ).
Umvuli River, August : not plentiful. Native name, Umkuwele
Near Pietermaritzburg, August (Reid).
Page 265. C i s t i c o l a t in m e n s . .
Rustenberg, scarce (Ayres). '
Common in the neighbourhood of Newcastle (Reid).
Page 263. Insert :
C i s t i c o l a a n g o le n s i s (Bocage). Angolan Grass-Warbler.
Described by Professor Barboza du Bocage as being nearly allied to
G. natalensis and 0. curvirostris, but having the bill perceptibly
less stout. He says th a t Smith’s figure of G. tinniens (vel levaillantii)
gives a good idea of the colouration of G. angolensis, but
th a t it is much larger. Our belief is th a t the Angolan bird will
prove to be G. natalensis.
Two specimens were procured by Anchieta at Caconda in Benguela.
Page 264. C i s t i c o l a f u l v i f r o n s .
Proves to be identical with 0. lugubris (Rupp.), a widely spread African
Page 268. C i s t i c o l a c h in ia n a (large race of G. subruficapilla).
Tatin River, December 8 ; Sernli Pan, December 17; Mangwato,
December 27; commonest Warbler in tha t part of the country
Very common near Newcastle (B., F., and R.).
Page 269. C i s t i c o l a e u p ila tA ( = G. subruficapilla, var.)
Rustenberg (Ayres).
Page 269. C i s t i c o l a iso d a c ty la '.
This is not the G. isodactyla of Professor Peters, which is the same as
G. lugubris, as the editor has assured himself by an examination of
the type specimen. The bird called G• isodactyla in the present
edition is G. subruficapilla, adult, in winter plumage.
Page 270. C i s t i c o l a l a i s .
This is the young bird of G. subruficapilla in its first winter dress
(cf. Sharpe, Cat. B. vii, p. 289).
Page 273. C i s t i c o l a su b c in n am o n e a .
- I t has been made the type of a separate genus, Furyptila, by the
editor (Cat. B. vii, p. 116).
Page 273. C i s t ic o l a f a s c io l a t a .
Also separated by the editor under a different generic title, Galamo-
nastes (Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii, p. 133).
Rustenberg district, May (Ayres).
Tatin River, December 13 (Ayres).
Page 259. C i s t i c o l a p b o c e e a .
Is the large race of 0. subruficapilla (i.e. G. chiniana) in breeding
plumage, thp type having been'examined by the editor (Cat. B. vii,
p. 286).
Page 271. C i s t i c o l a a b e r r a n s .
Rustenberg (Ayres). We think the specimen recorded by Mr. Gurney
(Ibis, 1880, p. 101), probably belongs to the winter plumage of
Dryodrcnnas fvlvicapilla. Mr. Gurney also points out that the
note on the habits of this bird, in Natal, really belongs to Prinia