Rustenberg, not plentiful (Ayres).
Lion Camp, Crocodile River, July ; second Makalaka Kraal on ¡Zambesi
Road, September (F. Oates).
Page 20. M e l i e r a x n ig e r .
Humbe (Ancldeta).
Vaal River, twenty-four miles from Potcbefstroom (Hex). Potchef-
stroom, August (Ayres). Rustenberg (Lucas).
Page 22 . A s t u r p o ltz o n o id e s .
Huilla and Humbe (Anchieta).
Near tbe Vaal River; between Potcbefstroom and Rustenberg; near
Marico (Barratt).
¡First Makalaka Kraal on Zambesi Road, August 22nd; Hendrik’s
Vley, December 18tb (F. Oates).
Umvuli River, August 23rd; Gangani River, September 18th (Ayres).
Page 22. In s e r t: A c c i p i t e r o v am p en sis. Andersson’s Sparrow-Hawk.
This species was discovered in Ovampo Land by the late Mr. Andersson,
and was named by Mr. J. H. Gurney from specimens in the
Norwich Museum. We have since seen examples collected by
Dr. Bradshaw on the Zambesi, and Sir John Kirk has recently
presented to the British Museum a bird of this species obtained by
himself during the first Livingstone expedition.
The latter specimen, as well as -the one in the Norwich Museum, had
.been referred to Astur polyzonoides, which this Sparrow-Hawk
much resembles in its grey colour above and barred breast, but
it can always be distinguished by the long middle toe, which
measures 1'4 inch in the male, 1‘7 in the female.
Fig. Gurney, Ibis, 1875, pi. vi.
Page 22 . A c c i p i t e r r u f i v e n t b i s .
Lydenburg District (Ayres)._
A male in the Drakensberg on August 27th (B., F., and B.).
Page 23. A c c ip i t e r m in ttllu s .
Humbe on the Cunene River (Anchieta).
Rustenberg (Ayres).
Page 26. B o t e o j a k a l .
Decidedly scarce in Kovana Land (Bradshaw).
Near Bloemfontein. Lydenburg; smaller than specimens from the
colony (Barratt).
Very common in upper portion of Natal Colony (B., F., and B.).
Page 30. B u t e o d e s e r to r u m .
Scarce and very shy on the Orange River; only one specimen procured
Huilla in Mossamedes (Anchieta).
Transvaal in April (A y re s).
Siklogolo River, January 17th (Ayres).
Page 32. G tp a e tu s o s s if r a g u s .
Lydenburg District (Ayres).
Page 33. A q u i l a v e r r e a u x i i .
Breeds in the Magaliesbergen (Ayres).
Page 35. A q u i l a r a p a x .
Humbe ; native name Lucoi (Anchieta).
Potchefstroom (Ayres).
Page 36. A q u i l a w a h lb e r g i i.
Mrs. Monteiro has sent to the British Museum an immature specimen
of this Eagle from Delagoa Bay. I t is possible th a t Lophotriorchis
lucani, Sharpe and Bouvier, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, ii, p. 471,
may also be the young of the present species.
Gangani River, September 1 7 th ; a pair commenced to build on an
upper bough of a large tree on the banks of the Dmvuli in the
beginning of October (Ayres).
Page 37. N i s a e t e s p e n n a tu s .
Near Newcastle, November (Feilden).
Page 38. N i s a e tu s s p i l o g a s t e r .
Biballa and Huilla in Mossamedes (Anchieta).
Page 40. S p iz a b tu s b e l l i c o s u s .
Caconda in Benguela; native name Oonga (Anchieta).
Page 42. A s tu r in u l 'a monogrammica.
Common in the interior of Mossamedes, but not yet seen in collections
from Gambos and Humbe. Native name a t Capangombe, Oagongue
Rustenburg (Ayres).
Page 43. C i r c a e tu s c in e r e d s .
Maconjo and Humbe; resident during the year a t the latter place.
Native names at Maconjo Kingahiadiulo, and a t Humbe Anhubi
and Lucoi. Professor Barboza du Bocage thinks tha t Circaetus
thoracicus is a distinct species from G. cinereus.