Page 120. H a lc y o n c y a n o le u c a .
Crocodile River, November 15th. Nata River, December 6th (F .
Page 121. H a l c y o n s e n e g a l e n s is .
Katumbella (Anchieta).
Page 121. H a l c y o n malimb ic a.
The specimens from South-western Africa belong to the race named
by Drs. Cabanis and Reichenow, Halcyon cyanescens (J. f. 0 . 1877,
p. 103).
P a g e 121. T ockus flavirostris.
Sparsely distributed about the wooded hill-sides in the Magaliesbergen
P a gC 1 2 2 . B ucorax cafer.
Mashoona Land (Ayres).
P a g e 1 30. T ockus flavirostris.
Crocodile River, J u ly ; Motloutsi River, August 24th (F. Oates).
Mashoona Land (Ayres).
Maconjo and Huilla (Anchieta).
Page 133. T o c k u s n a s u tu s .
Huilla (Anchieta).
Not common about Rustenberg (Ayres).
Page 134. U p u p a a f r i c a n a .
A great many seen about the mimosa thorns on the Rhinoster River,
between Kronstadt and the Yaal River; Modder River near
Bloemfontein; between the Mooi River and Rustenberg (Barratt).
Not numerous near Rustenberg (Ayres).
Mashoona Land (Ayres).
Ingagane River, July 9 th ; near Ladysmith, August 21st; Blauw
Kranz River, November 22nd; Pietermaritzburg, August 30th and
September (B., F., and It.).
Page 137. I r r i s o r e r y th r o r h y n c h u s .
Oliphant’s Nek, near Rustenberg; British Caffraria, and Oliphant
Hoek, district Alexandria (Barratt).
Rustenberg (Ayres).
Crocodile River, November; Tati, June 2 6 th ; First Makalaka kraal
on Zambesi road, August 30th (F. Oates).
Not uncommon on Umvuli River. Matabili name Inshlaza (Ayres).
Page 138. R h in o p om a s te s c y a n om e la s .
Marico (Barratt).
Near Metli River, August 10th; Seruli River, October 18th ; Palat-
swie River, October 20th ; Tati, October (F. Oates).
Ladysmith in the winter (Beid).
Page 144. S c h i z o r h i s c o n c o lo r .
Common about Rustenberg; from Marico (Barratt).
By no means uncommon in Mashoona Land (Ayres).
Dombe: native name Quere; Capangombe; Humbe: native name
Kuele (Anchieta).
Page 149. C u c u lu s s o l i t a r i u s .
Near Newcastle, September 27th (Butler).
Page 147. C u c u lu s c a n o ru s .
Transvaal, December 27th (Ayres).
Page 148. C u c u lu s g u l a r i s .
Plentiful a t Kanye in Sechele’s country in January. Liberally distributed
throughout South-central Africa; arrived a t Umvuli River
about the middle of September in considerable numbers, when
their monotonous Tcoo-Jcoo was heard all over the country. From
there being no difference in the cadence of the two notes the song
may be readily distinguished from th a t of the Guculus canorus
Page 150. C u c u lu s c lam o su s.
Crocodile River, November (F. Oates).
Page 151. C u c u lu s sm a r a g d in e u s .
Near Newcastle, October 22nd (Jones). Between Colenso and Maritz-
burg (B., F., and B.).
Page 153. C h ry so c o c c y x c u p r e u s .
By a mistake this species has been called Chrysococcyx instead of
Cuculus cupreus.
Potchefstroom. “ Do not remain here during our winter months,
June, July, and August. In the stomach was an egg partly
digested, which I take to be th a t of Passer arcuatus; bu t I was
not aware tha t the Cuckoos eat the eggs from the birds’ nests they
are accustomed to lay in ” (Ayres).
Crocodile River (F. Oates)
Umvuli River, October 6th. “ I see Mr. Sharpe thinks I am mistaken
as to -the identification of the eggs of this species, but I am