some fine specimens, as well as for a knowledge of its spawn, which is deposited in the
months of June and July on the under side of stones, forming a spiral riband of two
The skin is well supplied with spicula, resembling in form those of G. nodosa, but
rather more bent and nodulous.
This species is rather inactive in its habits, though occasionally it crawls about pretty
freely, and frequently swims inverted on the surface of the water in the usual manner.
Pigs. 1, 2, 3. Different views of Goniodoris castanea.
4, 5. Pront and side views of a dorsal tentacle.
6. A branchial plume, much magnified.
7- A portion of the skin from the side, much magnified.
8. A few of the spicula, highly magnified.
9. Spawn.
10. A portion of the same, more highly magnified.