E. Alderi. Like the last, with the denticles a little more slender (averaging 23 on each side) ; the
base pale yellow, with the boundary line a little darker. 13 plates. Tongue tapering
gradually. 0*1*0. Pig. 6.
E. coronata. Lingual plate arched, rising into a strong spine in the centre, with 7 or 8 denticles
on each side. Upwards of 15 plates; amber-coloured. Tongue tapering. 0*1*0. Pig. 7.
E. Drummondi. Like the last, but having the plates more pointed, with 9 denticles on each side.
16 plates; brown amber-coloured. 0*1*0.
E. elegans. Lingual plate slender, deeply arched and pointed, tapering to a very strong spine in the
centre, with 6 denticles on each side. About 20 plates; pale yellow. 0*1*0. Fig. 8.
E. rufibranchialis. Central plate tapering to a strong, rather obtuse point, with 7 denticles on each
side; a separate, slender lateral spine on each side, of an acute triangular form, with the
apex turned outwards, and having on the inner margin 12 or 14 minute denticles. 15 to
20 rows; amber-coloured.- 1*1*1. Pig. 9.
E. lineata. Like the last, but with the lateral spines considerably larger and broader, with the
apex curved inwards; the inner margin with 13 denticles. 14 rows; pale yellow. 1*1*1.
Fig. 10.
E. smaragdina. Like E. rufibranchialis, but with the central plate broader, more squared at the
sides, and the denticles stouter; the lateral spines more triangular, shorter, the apex
curved inwards, and with only 6 denticles. About 13 rows; colourless. 1*1*1.
E. gracilis. Like the last, but with the denticles of the central plate longer, stouter, and only 4 in
number; denticles of the lateral spines 8. About 13 rows; pale straw-coloured. 1*1*1.
Fig. 11.
E. pellucida. Lingual plate uniformly arched, pretty evenly denticulated, with 15 denticles, the
centre one not much larger than the rest; lateral spines 1 on each side, smooth, pointed,
broad at the base. 26 or 27 rows. 1*1*1. Fig. 12.
E. Landsburgii. Central plate a pointed arch, with the marginal denticles straight, rather stout,
nearly as large as the central one, 5 on each side; lateral spines 1 on each side, rather
large, with 5 or 6 denticles on the inner margin^ and the apex much produced. 27 rows;
pale yellow. Tongue tapering slightly. 1*1*1. Fig. 13.
E. alba. Lingual plate a slender, pointed arch, smooth at the sides, with a large, smooth central
spine; no lateral spines. 11 or 12 plates; pale yellow. 0*1*0. Fig. 14; and Fam. 3,
PL 7, figs. 11, 12.
E. cornea. Like the last, with the spine a little more slender. 0*1*0.
E. glaucoides. Tongue very slender and minute, with apparently a single, smooth central spine.
Upwards of 50 rows, closely united, and appearing like one continuous band. (We have
only been able to see this tongue in profile, as represented in the figure.) 0*1*0. Fig. 15.
E. Peachii. Lingual plate a pointed arch, with a broad, angulated base, the apex rising into a strong
spine, with 9 or 10 small lateral denticles. 18 plates; dark amber-coloured. Tongue
tapering. 0*1*0. Fig. 16.
E. nana. Lingual plate a broad arch, with a thick, obtuse central spine, and 5 curved denticles on
each side. 21 plates ; dark amber-coloured. Tongue tapering. 0*1*0. Fig. 17; and Fam. 3,
PI. 7, figs. 9, 10.
E. stipata. Lingual plate a broad, slender arch, with 11 stroug, straight denticles, the central one
scarcely exceeding the others in size. 69 plates; pale yellow. Tongue not tapering.
0*1*0. Fig. 18.
E. concinna. Lingual plate a pointed arch, straight at the sides, and tapering to a strong central
spine; lateral denticles 5 on each side, rather stout, curved, and not so long as the central
spine. 29 plates; brown amber-coloured. Tongue tapering very little. 0*1*0. Fig. 19.
E. olivacea. Lingual plate a widish arch, with 13 strong, rather diverging, slightly curved denticles,
the central one scarcely stronger than th‘e rest. 57 plates; pale yellow. Tongue tapering a
little. 0*1*0. Fig. 20; and Fam. 3, PI. 7, fig. 8.
E. aurantiaca. Lingual plate a broad arch, with 6 strong, straight, rather distant denticles or spines.
Upwards of 80plates; almost colourless. Tongue tapering very much. 0*1*0. Fig. 21.
E. pustulata. Lingual plate a slender, subangular arch, straight at the sides, with 9 large denticles; the
central One stouter, but scarcely more prominent thah the rest. About 23 plates. 0*1*0.
Fig. 22.
E. amcena. Like the last, with the denticles less curved, 11 in number. 20 plates. Tongue tapering
very little. 0*1*0. Fig. 23.
E. Glottensis. Lingual plate a broad, rounded arch, with 11 strong, straight denticles, the central
one not much larger than the rest. 54 plates; pale yellow. Tongue tapering very
little. 0*1*0.
E. viridis. Like the last, with the lingual arch more slender, and the denticles rather larger, 5 or 6 on
each side; 36 plates; pale yellow. Tongue tapering very slightly. 0*1*0. Fig. 24.
E. vittata. Central plate rather broad and angulated, with the apical spine prominent, and 3 or 4
straight, largish, diverging denticles on each side; a separate, plain, triangular spine on each
side. 67 rows; pale straw-coloured. 1*1*1. Fig. 25.
E. exigua. Like the last, but with the central plate and lateral spines rather narrower. 40 plates;
pale yellow. Tongue tapering to a fine point. 1*1*1.
E. tricolor. Central plate angulated, rising to an obtuse spine at the apex, the marginal denticles
very stout, 4 on each side; the 2 lateral spines slender, smooth. About 70 plates; pale
straw-coloured. 1*1*1. Fig. 26.
E. amethystina. Like the last, but with the denticles rather longer, and not quite so stout. 62 plates ;
pale yellow. Tongue tapering very slightly. 1*1*1.
E. Farrani. Like E. tricolor, but with the denticles more slender, 5 on each side; the lateral spines
larger and broader. 1*1*1. Fig. 27.
E. picta. Like E. tricolor, but with the central plate more slender and pointed, the apex more prominent,
and the denticles longer, and more slender, 4 on each side. Lateral spines small.
(Number of rows not determined.) Pale straw-coloured. 1*1*1.
E. despecta. Lingual plate rather broad, with a strong apical spine, and 6 delicate, short, curved
denticles on each side; no lateral spine. 22 plates; amber-coloured. Tongue tapering
conspicuously. 0*1*0. Fig. 28.
Embletonia pulchra. Lingual plate narrow, arched at the sides and produced into a prominent point
in the centre, with small lateral denticles.* 60 plates. 0*1*0. Fam. 3, PI. 38, figs. 5, 6.
E. pallida. Lingual plate evenly arched, broad at the base, with the central denticle or spine slightly
prominent, and 6 or 7 well-defined, rather slender, curved denticles on each side. 31 plates;
almost colourless. Tongue tapering gradually. 0*1*0. Fig. 29.
Sub-Fam. Herm&ince.
Fiona nobilis. Lingual plate a broad arch, with a strong, prominent, central spine, and 6 stout,
strongly curved denticles on each side. 33 to 40 plates; orange or amber-brown. Tongue
tapering slightly. 0*1*0. Fig. 30; and Fam. 3, PI. 38«, fig. 7.
* These have not been represented on the figure; the magnifying power used at the time being
insufficient to show them.