Fam: 3. PL 31
'—Hancock da. A .Holmes lidiobzit.
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Fig. 1.
EOLIS ARENICOLA, F o r b e s , M. S.
E. alba: branchiis linearibus atro-viridibus, apicibus flavis, in seriebus 15 digestis: tentaculis
linearibus flavis : angulis anterioribus pedis subrotundatis.
Hab. Dredged in ten-fathoms water, on weedy ground, at the entrance of Menai Straits. Pro/*
E. Forbes.
Body about three quarters of an inch in length, slender, white.. Dorsal tentacles long,
linear, smooth, and tapering; pale yellow, a little deeper towards the top. Eyes small,
situated behind them. Oral tentacles rather shorter than the dorsal pair, and of a similar
form and colour, placed on the upper part of the lip, which is semicircular, margined with
yellow. Branchice rather long, linear, and tapering at the to p ; the central vessel of a dark
bottle-green, irregular in its outline, much narrower than the sheaths, and extending about
two thirds up, above which the papillae are of a pale yellow, with the extremities colourless.
There are fifteen rows, of three or four papillae each, on each side ; the central ones are long,
and those at the sides very small and clavate, and more numerous; the uppermost, when
there are four, are also small and irregular. Foot linear, squared in front, with the angles
slightly rounded off, and tapering to a fine point a little beyond the branchiae behind.
This fine species was dredged off the Isle of Anglesea by Professor E. Forbes, in the
summer of 1844. Our drawing is taken from the sketches of that gentleman, kindly placed
in our hands for the purposes of this work.
Fam. 3, Plate 31.
Figs. 2 and 3.
EOLIS NORTHUMBRICA, A l d e r a n d H a n c o c k .
E. gracilis, sub-viride alba: branchiis subclavatis, viridibus, apicibus albis, in seriebus 9 remotis
digestis: tentaculis dorsalibus, subannulatis': lateribus anterioribus pedis paululum productis, rotundatis.
jEolis Northumbrica, Aid. and Hanc. in Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 13, p. 165.
Hab. On a coralline from the fishermen’s fines, Cullercoats, A. H.
Body a quarter of an inch long, slender, transparent, of a delicate pale green. Dorsal
tentacles rather long, cylindrical, abruptly truncated; the upper half white, with a few