Gen. 3. Triopa, Johnston. Tentacles clavate, retractile within sheaths: cloak margined with filaments.
T. clavigera, Mull.
var. T. plumosa, Thomp.
Sub-Family, Polycerirue. Without distinct cloak.
Gen. 4. JEgires, Loven. Tentacles linear, retractile within sheaths: body covered with very large
M. Maura, For.
ffl. punctilucens, D’Orb.
Gen. 5. Thecacera, Fleming. Tentacles clavate, with sheaths: head bilobed: branchiae with two or
more lateral appendages.
T. pennigera, Mont.
Gen. 6. Polycera, Cuvier. Tentacles clavate, non-retractile: without sheaths: a veil over the head
bordered with tubercles or tentacular points: branchiae with two or more lateral appendages.
P. quadrilineata, Mull.
var. D. flava, Mont.
P. typica, Thomp.
P. ocellata, A. & H.
var. Triopa Nothus, Johns. ?
P. Lessonii, D’Orb. (P. citrina, Aid.)
Gen. 7. Idalia, Leuckart. Tentacles clavate or linear, with filaments at their base: head slightly lobed
at the sides: back with numerous branchial appendages.
I. elegans, Leuck.
I. aspersa, A. & H.
I. quadricomis, Mont.
I. crist at a, Aid.
Fam. 2. Tritoniad^e. Branchiae laminated, plumose, or papillose, arranged down the sides of the
back: stomach simple.
Gen. 8. Tritonia, Cuvier. Tentacles 2, with branched filaments, retractile within sheaths: veil tuber-
culated or digitated: branchiae plumose, arranged in a single series on a ridge down each side of
the back.
T. Hombergii, Cuv.
T. plebeia, Johns.
var. T. pulchra, Johns.
Fam. 3. Eolidid.e. Branchiae papillose or branched, arranged on the sides of the back: stomach
Sub-Family, Melibairue. Tentacles 2, with sheaths.
Gen. 9. Dendronotns, Aid. & Hanc. Tentacles clavate, laminated, retractile within sheaths; front of
the head with branched appendages: branchiae branched, arranged in a single series down each
side of the back.
D. arborescens, Mull.
var. Tr. lactea, Thomp.
Tr. pulchella, A. & H.
D. felina, A. & H. ?
Gen. 10. Doto, Oken. Tentacles linear, retractile within sheaths: veil small, simple: branchiae ovate-
muricate, arranged in a single series down each side of the back.
D. fragilis, For. (Melibaea pinnitifida, Johns.)
D. coronatus, Gm.
var. M. omata, A. & H.
D. pinnitifidus, Mont.
D. maculatus, Mont.
Sub-Family, Eolidirue. Tentacles without sheaths, linear, 2, 4, or none.
Gen. 11. Eolis, Cuvier. Tentacles 4: branchiae papillose, arranged in rows on the sides of the back:
. anus lateral.
♦Branchial papillae numerous, depressed, and imbricated.
E. papillosa, Linn.
E. Zetlandica, For.
E. rosea, A. & H.
E. obtusalis, A. & H.
E. stipata, A. & H.
♦♦Branchial papillae clustered. (Flabellina, Cuv.)
E. coronata, For.
E. Drummondi, Thomp.
E. curta, A. & H.
E. pedata, Mont.
E. Cuvieri, Johns.
E. rufibranchialis, Johns.
E. pellucida, A. & H.
E. gracilis, A. & H.
E. alba, A. & H.
♦♦♦Branchial papillae in transverse, rather distant, rows. (Cavolina, Brug.)
E. angulata, A. & H.
E. nana, A. & H.
E. concinna, A. & H.
E. aurantiaca, A. & H.
E. olivacea, A. & H.
E. cingulata, A. & H. (Hystrix, A. & H.)
E. vittata, A. & H.
E. Northumbrica, A. & H.
E. viridis, For.
E. longicomis, Mont.
E. arenicola, For.
E. purpurescens, Flem.
E. coerulea, Mont.
E. foliata, For.
E. pallida, A. & H.
E. tricolor, For.
E. Farrani, A. & H.
♦♦♦♦Branchial papillae in a single row on each side. (Tegipes, Cuv.)
E. despecta, Johns.
E. plumosa, Flem.