Sub-Fam. Melibin.®. Tentacles 2, plain, retractile within sheaths. Branchiae clayate:
Anus latero-dorsal.
Genus. 12. DOTO, Oken.
Body without cloak. Branchise ovate, muricated, set in single series on each side.
Tentacles filiform, with short trumpet-shaped sheaths. Veil short and smooth. Fani. 3, FI. 4.
Tongue very narrow, consisting of a single plate with a large central spine and mimte lateral
denticles. No jaws.
1. D. f r a g il is , For. Uniform yellowish-brown or olive; branchiae robust, ovate-conical, without
terminal spots, 7 to 9 on each side. Length 1 inch. PI. 5.
2. D. p in n a t if id a , Mont. Yellowish or olive, spotted with brown and black; veil arched; branchiae
ovate-conical, 7 to 9 on each side, the tubercles slender, each with a terminal black spot.
Length ^ inch. PI. 45. -----
3. D. coaoNATA, Müll. Yellowish-white spotted with re d ; branchiae ovate or subdavate, B or 6 on
each side, with a terminal purple spot on each-tubercle. Length 1 inch. PI. 6.
Sub-Fam. EoLiuiNis. Without cloak. Tentacles 4 or 2, ' non-retractile, without sheaths.
Branchiae simple, papillose. Anus lateral. Gastro-hepatic system with a posterior central
Genus 13. EOLIS, Cu v ie r .
Tentacles 4, linear. • Branchiae set-in transverse rows along the sides of the back. Fam. 3,
Pis. 7 and 8.
Tongue narrow, generally of a single plate. Corneous jaws.
Section 1. Branchial numerous, subcompressed and crowded s angles of the foot sharp.
Spawn of several undulating coils. Folis proper.
Lingual plate broad, uniformly pectinated.
*Lingual plate a single arch.
1. E. p a p u l o s a , -Urm. Brown, gray, or orange, spotted with brown and.white,; ovate, subdepressed;
branchial stout, set in 18—24 transverse rows; head broad, usually with a triangular
mark; tentacles short; anterior angles of the foot rather.short. . Length 1J tt> 3 inches.
PI. 9.
** Lingual plate a double arch.
2. E. o la uca, A. and H. Brick-red, subdepressed ; branchial conical, vermicular, glaucous or olivaceous,
spotted with hrown and white, set in 14 rows; tentacles smooth; anterior angles of the
foot a little produced. Length 1| inch. PI. 11, and Appendix (19), p. vii.
3. E. Album, Cocks. Grayish-white; branchiae suhconical, set in 12 to 14 rows, the first 2 or 3
white, the rest gray marbled with hrown, with yellow apices; tentacles yellowish ; anterior
angles of the foot a little produced. Length -J, inch. PI. 10, figs. 5, 6.
■ Section 2. Branchiae clustered: angles of the foot produced. MabelUna..
:* Tentacles laminated. Spawn of many undulated coils.
Lingual plate with a strong central spine , and marginal denticles. .
4. E. coronata, For. Whitish, slender; branchiae linear, oblong, crimson reflecting blue and tipped
with white, set in 6 or 7 clusters; dorsal tentacles strongly annulated, with 7 or 8 rings;
oral tentacles long; anterior angles of the foot a little produced. Length 1 inch. PI. 12,
and Appendix (20), p. vii.
5. E. D rummondi, Thomp. Whitish, stout; branchiae long, sublinear, reddish or brownish with
white tips, set in 4 to 6 clusters; dorsal tentacles densely annulated, with 20 to 30 rings;
oral tentacles very long; anterior angles of the foot much elongated. Length 1* *inch.
PI. 13, and Appendix (21), p. viii.
6. E. pu n c ta ta , A. and H. Yellowish flesh-coloured, covered with white spots; branchiae oblong, acute,
yellowish-browu, set in 5 or 6 clusters; dorsal tentacles obliquely laminated; oral tentacles
long; angles of the foot much produced. Length 1 inch. PI. 15.
7. E. elegans, A. and H. Yellowish-white; branchiae rosy flesh-coloured, margined above and below
with blackish-purple, apices white, set in 7 clusters; dorsal tentacles stoutish, corrugated
; oral tentacles long; anterior angles of the foot produced. Length \ inch. PI. 17,
figs. 2, 3, 4.
** Tentacles smooth. Spawn of many undulating coils. Coryphella, Gray.
Lingual plate as in the last, with 2 separate, lateral, denticulated spines.
8. E. RUFiBRANCHiALis, Johns. White, very slender; branchiae linear, rose-coloured with white tips»
set in 6 or 7 clusters; tentacles of moderate length, the oral pair shortest; angles of the
foot short. Length 1 inch. PI. 13.
9. E. lineata, Lov. White, pellucid, slender, with 3 longitudinal opaque white lines on the body;
branchiae linear, rose-coloured, with a white line in front and white tips, set in 4 or 5 clusters;
tentacles with a white line on each, the oral pair longest; anterior angles of the foot
produced. Length 1 inch. PI. 16.
10. E. smaragdina, A. and H. White, slender; head short; branchiae elliptic-oblong, green with
white tips, set in 5 clusters; tentacles long, of equal length; anterior angles of the foot
produced. Length | inch. PI. 17, fig. % '
11. E. gracilis, A. and H. White, slender; head longish; branchiae elliptical, orange with white
tips, set in 4 or 5 clusters; tentacles long; anterior angles of the foot much produced.
Length £ inch. PI. 18.
12. E. pellucida, A. and H. White, slender, pellucid; branchiae linear, scarlet with white tips,
set in 5. or 6 clusters; tentacles long, of equal length; anterior angles of the foot much
produced. Length § inch. PI. 19.
13. E. L andsburgii, A. and H. Violet-coloured, slender; branchiae elliptic-linear, orange-red with
white tips, set in 5 or 6 clusters; tentacles violet-coloured, with white tips, the oral paii
longest; anterior angles of the foot rather short. Length J inch. PI. 20, and Appendix
(22), p. viii.
*** Tentacles with a bulbous swelling (or smooth ?). Spawn of many plain coils.
Favorinus, Gray.
Lingual plate with a single smooth spine.
14. E. alba, A. and H. White, slender; branchiae linear-oblong, rather depressed, white, sometimes
spotted or ringed with brown, with white tips, set in 5 or 6 clusters; dorsal tentacles blackish
brown, white above, with a'bulbous swelling; oral tentacles very long; anterior angles
of the foot much dilated. Length | inch. PI. 21, and Appendix (23), p. viii.