15. E. ca rn ea , A. and H. Flesh-coloured, slender; branchiae linear-conical, rose-coloured, set in 7
clusters; tentacles rather long, of equal length, the dorsal pair dark olive-brown, paler
above, oral pair whitish; anterior angles of the foot much produced. Length £ inch.
Appendix (24), p. ix.
**** Tentacles plain, small; branchiae on footstalks.
Lingual plate with a small smooth (?) spine.
16. E. glattcoides, A. and H. White, depressed; head small; tentacles small, smooth; branchiae
linear, white, with yellowish tips, and a narrow, pale fulvous, central gland, set in 11 pedunculated
clusters; foot broad, with the anterior angles acute, short. Length g inch. PI. 22,
figs. 1—4.
Section 3. Branchiae in transverse, generally rather distant, rows. Angles of the foot short.*
Cavolina, Cuvier.
* Branchiae in close transverse rows; sides of the head produced; angles of the foot
rounded. Spawn a depressed semicircular mass.
Lingual plate with a large central spine and marginal denticles.
17. E. P e a c h i i , A . and H. Yellowish or flesh-coloured, subdepressed ; branchiae numerous, subclavate,
yellowish-brown tipped with white, set in 20 rows; dorsal tentacles rather long; oral
tentacles shorter. Length | inch. PI. 10, figs. 1—4.
18. E. n a n a , A . and H. Yellowish-white, ovate-oblong; branchiae subclavate, rose-coloured, set in 8
to 10 rows; tentacles of moderate length. Length -i inch. PI. 25. *
** Branchiae in rather close-rows; angles of the foot variable.
Lingual plate denticulated, with the central -spine not prominent.
19. E. s t ip a t a , A . and H. Yellowish-green, ovate, subdepressed; branchiae elliptical or subclavate,
green, set in 9 or 10 rows, nearly covering the back; angles of the foot short. Length
i inch. PI. 22, fig. 5.
20. E. a ng tjlata, A. and H. Pale orange, subangulated, depressed; branchiae cylindrical, orange
spotted with white, set in 10 or 12 rows; dorsal tentacles short; oral tentacles rather
longer; anterior angles of the foot much produced, pointed. Length ^ inch. PI. 23.
21. E. in o rn a ta , A . and H. Pale fulvous, ovate, subdepressed; branchiae elliptic-cylindrical, fawncoloured
or reddish, spotted with brown and white, set in 9 rows; tentacles short; anterior
angles of the foot a little produced, pointed. Length inch. Appendix (25), p. ix.
22. E. c o n c in n a , A . and H. Whitish; branchiae purple-brown, with a metallic lustre, tipped with
white, set in 9 or 10 rows; tentacles smooth, the dorsal pair longest; anterior angles of the
foot short. Length g inch.. PI. 24.
23. E. o l iv a c e a , A . and H. Yellowish-white, with opaque white spots; a pink streak on.each side of
the head; branchiae cylindrical, olivaceous, obscurely banded, set in 6 or 8 rows; dorsal
* We have adhered to the four sections given in our description of the genus, but the information
acquired since the period of its publication makes it necessary to subdivide them a little more. The
3d section is composed of rather heterogeneous materials, some of which scarcely agree with its general
character. This is more especially the case with the first division.
tentacles with a rose-coloured band ; anterior angles of the foot rounded. Length , inch.
PI. 26, and Appendix (26), p. x.
24. E. aurantiaca, A. and H. Buff-coloured, rather robust; branchiae purple-orange below, with a
white ring above and bright orange tips, set in 10 or 11 rows; dorsal tentacles rosy orange,
of moderate length; oral tentacles shorter; anterior angles of the foot rounded. PI. 27.
25. E. pustulata, A. and H. White, pellucid; branchiae long, linear, obtuse, yellowish-orange,
granulated with white, set in 9 or 10 rows; tentacles shortish; anterior angles of the foot
rounded. Length \ inch. PI. 46, figs. 4, 5.
*** Branchiae in rather distant rows; anterior angles of the foot rounded.
Lingual plate denticulated, with the central spine a little prominent.
26. E. Cotjchii, Cocks. Bluish-black, with opaque white spots, anterior parts and tail white;
branchiae ovate-oblong, transparent white with opaque white spots, set in 4 distant rows of 3
papillae each; tentacles white, linear, the dorsal pair longest. Length 1| inch. Appendix
(27), p. x.
27. E. AMCBNA, A. and H. Greenish-white, with brown markings and white spots; branchiae
yellowish-green with yellow spots, set in 8 distant rows; tentacles with a brown band, the
oral about half the length of the dorsal pair. Length •— inch. PI. 30, and Appendix (28), p. x.
28. E. N orthumbrica, A. and H. Greenish-white; branchiae subclavate, dark bluish-green, set in 9
remote rows; dorsal tentacles obtuse, annularly corrugated, oral pair rather shorter; anterior
angles of the foot a little produced. Length l inch. PI. 31, figs. 2, 3.
29. E. arenicola, For. White, slender; branchiae linear, blackish-green, with yellow tips, set in 15
rows; tentacles long, pointed, yellowish. Length | inch. PI. 31, fig. 1.
30. E. Glottensis, A. and H. Greenish-yellow; branchiae robust, blackish-green, with golden-orange
tips, set in 8 or 9 rows; tentacles rather long, obtuse. Length ^ inch. PI. 29, figs. 5—8.
31. E. viridis, For. Greenish-white, slender; branchiae linear, pointed, bright green, strongly tipped
with white, set in 10 rather distant rows; tentacles of equal length, longish; anterior angles
of the foot slightly produced. Length inch. PI. 32.
32. E. purpurascens, Flem. Pink, slender; branchiae filiform or subclavate, set in 5 rows of 3 each;
dorsal tentacles moderately long; oral tentacles very short. Length 1 inch. Appendix
(29), p. xi.
**** Branchiae inflated; anterior angles of the foot rounded. Spawn cup-formed.
Lingual plate with large denticles and a stout central spine. Two separate plain lateral
33. E. cingulata, A. and H. White, spotted and blotched with olive-brown; branchiae ellipticoblong,
white with 3 rings of olive, set in 8 or 9 distant rows; tentacles with a fulvous
band. Length T*5 inch. PI. 28.
34. E. vittata, A. and H. Yellowish with ferruginous markings; branchiae subclavate, pale buff or
flesh-coloured, with 3 brown bands and yellowish tips, set in 6 or 7 distant rows. Length
to inch. PI. 29, figs. 1—4.
35. E. CjErulea, Mont. Green, nearly linear; branchiae ovate, green at the base, blue in the middle,
and orange at the apex, set in 6 rather distant rows; tentacles linear, green. Length , inch.
Appendix (30), p. xi.
36. E. picta, A. and H. White, spotted with orange-brown and opaque white; branchiae ovate,
inflated, spotted with brown, set in 7 or 8 rows; tentacles with a fulvous band. Length 1
inch. PI. 33.