37. E. tricolor, For. Buffish-yellow, ovate-oblong; branchiae elliptical, inflated, with a violet central
vessel and yellow tips, set in 13 or 14 rows. Length 1 to 1J inch. PI. 34.
38. E. amethystina, A. and H. Yellowish-white j branchiae elliptical, much inflated one way and
depressed the other, with the central vessel purple, granulated, and a broad ring of pale
orange-red at the top, set in 10 rows; dorsal tentacles twice the length of the oral ones.
Length § inch. Appendix (31), p. xi.
39. E. F arrani, A. and H. Yellowish-white or lilac, with orange spots; branchiae ovate-oblong,
inflated, yellowish-white or lilac, with a ring of bright orange near the apex, set in 9 or 10
rows; tentacles banded with orange. Length | inch. PI. 35, and Appendix (32), p. xii.
40. E. ExiGUA, A. and H. Yellowish-white marbled with brown; branchiae ovate, abruptly pointed,
with 2 or 3 bands of brown, reddish above, set ,in 5 rows of 1 or 2 each; dorsal tentacles
longish, oral rather short, both banded with brown. Length ^ inch. PI. 37, and Appendix
(33), p. xii.
Section 4. Branchiae fusiform, set in a single row on each side of the back; sides of the
foot rounded. Spawn reniform. Tergipes, Cuvier.
Lingual plate with a stout central spine and marginal denticles.
41. E. despecta, Johns. White, with an undulating olivaceous line in the middle of the back; branchiae
ovate, white with a yellowish or olivaceous granulated centre, and generally a reddish ring
near the top ; dorsal tentacles long, smooth; oral tentacles short. Length ^ inch. PI. 36,
and Appendix (34), p. xii.
Genu s 14. EMBLETONIA, Alder and Hancock.
Tentacles 2, linear, dorsal; the oral pair fused into two flattened lateral lobes. Branchiae
few, fusiform, set generally in single series down the sides of the back.
Tongue, a single plate hearing a central spine and lateral denticles. Corneous jaws.
1. E. pulchra, A. and H. Flesh-coloured, spotted with white; tentacles short, distant; branchiae
elliptical, orange-red spotted with white, 5 or 6 in single series on each side. Length ^ inch.
PI. 38.
2. E. minuta, For. and Goods. Pinkish-yellow, linear; tentacles longer than in the last, wrinkled;
branchiae linear, vermicular, pinkish, tipped with white, arranged in single file, 7 on each
side. Length ± inch. Appendix (35), p. xii.
3. E. pallida, A. and H. Yellowish-white with a few black spots on the back; tentacles approximating
; head-lobes indistinct, forming a semicircular veil, produced at the sides; branchiae
nearly linear, very pale orange, set in 4 or 5 rows of 2 papillae each on each side. Length
r0 inch. Appendix (36), p. xii.
Sub-Fam. H erm;ein,e. Tentacles 4, 2, or none. Anus dorsal. Digestive system with 2 lateral
posterior gastro-hepatic vessels.
Genus 15. FIONA, Alder and Hancock.
Branchiae numerous, papillose or fusiform, with a membranous expansion down the side
of each; set on the sides of the back. Tentacles 4. Anus latero-dorsal. Fam. 3, PI. 38«.
Tongue, a single stout plate with a central spine and marginal denticles. Corneous jaws.
1. F. nobilis, A- and H. Buff or whitish; tentacles long, tapering, both pairs similar; branchiae
crowded, with the central vessel dark brown, and an opaque iridescent apex. Length 2
inches. PI. 38a, Jig. 1.
Genus 16. HERM^EA, LovIsn.
Without cloak. Branchiae papillose, set on the sides of the back. Tentacles 2,
ear-shaped. Anus antero-dorsal. Appendix (37), p. xii.
Tongue, a single plate hearing a broad spine. No jaws.
Section 1. Tentacles with both margins terminating at the sides of the head; body
1. H. bifida, Mont. Yellowish-white, with 2 red lines along the back, slender; tentacles rather
short, truncated, rising in a point behind; branchiae oblong, slightly tuberculated, with a
ramified rose-coloured vessel in the centre of each. Length 1 inch. PI. 39.
Section 2. Tentacles with the anterior margin continuous with the side of the head, forming
a sub-veil; body with the sides depressed and slightly expanded.
1. H. dendritic a, A. and H. Greenish-white with dendritic green veinings;. tentacles oblong
ear-shaped; branchiae elliptic-linear, green, spotted with white. Length & inch. PI. 40.
Genus 17. ALDERIA, Allman.
Without cloak. Head with two lateral lobes or rudimentary tentacles. Branchiae
papillose, set in transverse rows on the sides of the back. Anus postero-dorsal.
Tongue a single plate with a large central spine. No jaws.
1. A. modesta, Loven. Yellowish, variegated with brownish-gray; branchiae elliptical, set in 6 or 8
rows, increasing in size posteriorly; foot large, reflected at the sides. Length J inch.
PI. 41.
Sub-Fam. P roctonottnaj. Tentacles 4, non-retractile, without sheaths, oral pair small. Branchiae
papillose. Anus postero-dorsal. Posterior vessel of the gastro-hepatic system central.
Genus 18. PROCTONOTUS, Alder and Hancock.
Branchiae arranged on an obsolete pallia! ridge, on the sides of the back and in front of
the head. Dorsal tentacles simple, linear. Oral tentacles originating in a veil.
Tongue broad, with numerous spines. Corneous jaws.
1. P. mucroniferus, A. and H. Fawn-coloured, marbled with brown; branchiae inflated, hyalin^
mucronated, set in 12 rows on a pallial ridge on the sides of the back, with 4 large ones in
front. Length \ inch. PI. 42.