Fam. 2. JPolyceridce.
Section 1. Tentacles non-retractile.
Gen. 6. Goniodoris, For. Body depressed; cloak distinct, with a waved or
scalloped margin; dorsal tentacles laminated; oral tentacles
flattened; branchiae non-retractile. Tongue narrow, with
4 plates, the two next the median line bearing each a large
spine ; no central plate. A spinous buccal collar
Gen. 7. I dalia, Leuck. Body convex, smooth; cloak very small and indis- j
tinct, margined with filaments, longest in front of the tentacles; ^
head much produced in front, plain, thick; tentacles 2, dorsal,-i*
linear, laminated; branchiae simply pinnate, non-retractile.
Tongue narrow, with 4 spines, the 2 next the median line large ;
no central spine. A spinous buccal collar.
a. Centre of the back with filaments. Lingual spines next
the centre falcate, and smooth or minutely denticulated;
external spines short. Spinous collar complete .
b. Centre of the back without filaments. Lingual spines
next the centre recurved and strongly denticulated ; external
spines much hooked. Spinous collar incomplete, bilobed .
Gen. 8. A ncu la , Loven. Body limaciform, smooth; cloak obsolete, forming
an indistinct ridge near the gills bearing several appendages
; tentacles 2, clavate, laminated, non-retractile, with
styliform basal appendages; head produced at the sides into
tentacular processes; branchiae non-retractile. Tongue narrow,
with 4 spines, the 2 next the median line large and broad, with
the inner margin denticulated; no central spine. A spinous
buccal collar . . .
Gen. 9. P olycera, Cu v . Body limaciform; cloak indistinct, forming a
digitated veil and a ridge bearing a row of tubercles on each
side of the back; tentacles 2, .laminated; branchial plumes
non-retractile, with lateral appendages. Tongue rather narrow,
with 12 to 16 plates, the 2 next the centre on each side large,
bicuspid; no central plate. Lateral corneous jaws.
a. Veil dilated into tentacular filaments; branchial plumes
simply pinnate; branchial appendages linear, one on each
side . .
b. Veil short, bilobed, margin tuberculated; branchial
plumes branched; branchial appendages tubercular, more
than one on each side
Section 2. Tentacles retractile within sheaths.
Gen. 10. T hecacera, Flem. Body limaciform, smooth; cloak obsolete;
veil indistinct, or none; tentacles 2, laminated; branchial
plumes non-retractile, with lateral appendages. Tongue with
12 or 14 plates, the 2 inner plates on each side bearing bicuspid
spines ; no central plate. Small lateral corneous jaws
G. nodosa, Mont.
I. elegans, Leuck.
I. aspersa, A. & H.
A. cristata, Aid.
P. quadrilineata, Müll.
P. ocellata, A. & H.
T. pennigera, Mont.
Gen. 11. Triopa, Johns. Body depressed; cloak small, covering the head,
with linear, or subclavate marginal appendages; dorsal tentacles
laminated, with tight sheaths; oral tentacles cylindrical;
branchiae non-retractile. Tongue rather broad, with numerous
plates, the two innermost on each side bearing large spines ; no
central plate . ■ . . . T. claviger, Mull.
Gen. 12. E uplocamus, Phil. Body rather depressed; cloak small, covering
the head, the margin surrounded with branched appendages;
dorsal tentacles laminated; oral tentacles in form of oval
lobes; branchiae non-retractile. Tongue broad, with numerous
elongated plates, the 3 innermost on each side bearing large,
broad spines: no central plate. A spinous buccal collar . E. croceus, Phil.
Gen. 13. P locamopherus, Rupp. (Peplidia, Lowe.) Body limaciform; cloak
obsolete, forming an expanded veil over the head, with branched
appendages, and 2 or 3 tubercles on each side of the back;
dorsal tentacles laminated; oral tentacles flat; branchiae
branched, non-retractile; a fin-like carinated ridge down the
posterior part of the back to the tail. Tongue? Jaws? P. ocellatus, Rupp.
Gen. 14. ASgirus, Lovin. Body convex, covered with large tubercles; .
cloak indistinct, forming a veil over the head and a tuberculated
ridge on each side; dorsal tentacles 2, linear, smooth,
with wide sheaths; branchial plumes non-retractile. Tongue
broad, with numerous simple, curved, lateral spines; no central
plate. An upper corneous jaw . . . A5. punctilucens, L
Gen. 15. Ceratosoma, Gray. Body elevated; cloak wanting; dorsal
tentacles laminated, retractile; branchiae retractile within a
cavity; back produced posteriorly into a conical protuberance
behind the branchiae. Tongue broad, with numerous rows of
simple spines; no central spine. A spinous buccal collar . C. trilobata, Gray.
Sub-Order—P o l y b r a n c h ia t a .
Tribe 1. Liver generally central; branchiae laminated.
Section 1. With the branchiae on the under side of the cloak.
Fam. 3. JPhyllidiadte.
Gen. 16. P hyllidia, Cuv . Cloak covering the whole body, tuberculated
or pustulated; dorsal tentacles laminated; oral tentacles small,
linear; branchiae surrounding the body, interrupted only by
the head; anus median, in the posterior part of the cloak.
No tongue. No jaws
Gen. 17. F ryeria, Gray. Like the last, but with the anus situated beneath
the cloak posteriorly
P. trilineata, Cuv.
F. pustulosa, Cuv.