tlioir apices mcci; the lower pail are Tinnly united their whole
0am nbovc, egg'd.
.yz/i length of the tube,
enlarged, entire.
Cajmde obiong, about as long as the ealyx, two-cell'd, two-valved ;
rcccptacle coin mil nr.
.SaJsvevy numerous.^
Til •y elegant herbaceous plant, a native of the moiin
piirt of the country ; flowers during the ^vet and cold seasc
Limi. spec, plant. eJil. I, />. 052.
; /Eg i net ia. Linn. spcc. pltml. edit. Z. p. SSS.
Win 0j>p0sUa, iijtciitin, «IsccoJiiicarii: inferiori Iripa.iii
J, obscui-c viiiilii, iiucisiiiiislongioi-a.
lU:.iii, nuli adpreisi. Paimmli chyxú.
dimenìi una, iillKilis, vis pedúnculo lorgior: ad b;
crcci;i:, atlijicssa;, lineares, laciulls calyciiiis similUn
Citij.x monopliylliis, cj-lliidiiciis, dcccmstiiitus, siriis qiiinqi
<[uiiii|iicfi<liis: lacinia; snbrajuaIcs, liiicaces, acmro, c
CfJ-iffii moiiopelala, puipiuca, ()uiiic|iicriila : lacinia; nvacrc.
busi ir
n. nudam.
la, c.in-ata, sangninc-i, pilis albis adspti$a. coioll
iloba;: Inlii stipciiores nWoiigi, convoluti, apice dcliisccnlcs
Sí/n; CICCHI 5, rabcr, pilis alljis coiispctsus. clavatuin.
oblonga, obliisa,biIocul:
Lenues three'd. Lcajlds entire, downy, pointed : the c.xterior longrhoinb'd,
the pair obliquely egg'd.
Stipules shoi't, hearted.
Raccmc axillary, ercct, as long as the leaves.
Flotucrs many, yellow, hid in the caly.K, except just when expanded,
and then they only appear in front.
Calyx one-leaved, four-parted, chafi'y, slightly downy, beautifully
reticulated with colour'd veins; upper division shortest, broad,
retuse; under division long, rctuse; lateral parts smallest,
hearted, peimanent.
Carol, Slcmais, and Puiil, as in Dolichos.
Legume obliquely oval, downy, hid in the calyx.
Seed one.
This plant is perennial, with a woody t*
of the mountainous parts of the Circars.
A nativ
' Root, a nuniber of fleshy fibres intiicatel)- inter\voven.
Scapes several, straight, round, smooth, pcrfcctly naked, except immediately
at their base, where each is invoK'ed in a small
sheath, about a foot long, otie-ilowcr'd,
riowcrs lai gc, of an elegant purple colour.
Spnl/ic oblong, pointed, opening lengthways on one side.
Corel one-petaled: bottom of the tube ercct, pitcher-form, above
bent through the spathe horizontally, bellied; border iiveparted:
divisions equal, rounded,
FilciinnUs four, two-powers.
Anlhcrs twin, united by pairs.
Germ above, egg'd.
Style bciu so as to correspond with the form of the corol, and is of
the same length.
Stigma headed.
Ca]>suU egg'd, pointed, size of a filbert, and although I have examined
it in all stages, yet I have never been able to fix upon
any determined internal structure; there are a number of convoluted
laminx throughout, between which are lodged innumerable,
most minute seeds, like those of the Orchide:e.
A small, rare, rust-likc, herbaceous, naked plant; a native of the
hilly pans of the Circars.
• Description by Doctnr Kocnig.
, sublinrizomalc!, flcxiiosa;, lignosa:, albicamcs.
n in ramos pawnlissimos dilTusus. í?nra¿ opposi«, (¡uadrangniarcs, glabri,
ill calycis gemina:, opposilic,
e, ciKpic pannn bicviorcs.
: dorsal ibus majoi ibus nibris,
Diala:, ina:c)iialcs: clussupg-
S/ems herbaceous, towards the base creeping, and branchy, above
erect, roinul, smooth; the erect parts fiom nine to fifteen
inches high.
Lmves alternate, stem-clasping, lanced, saw'd, smooth, the base is
much expanded so as to form a cup-like receptacle for the
Flewers axillary, single, sessile, (the compound is meant,) a beautiful
light purple.
Commo?! Perianth many-leaved, unequal, the exterior two or three
Icallets placed on the sides, are the largest and leaf-like. Parlial
Perianth one-flower'd, onc-leaved, bellied, mouth contracted,
margin two-cleft, permanent.
Core/compound: CW/cZs numerous, equal: tubes longer than their
perianths; border five-clcft, spreading,
Filaviaits five, See. as in the class.
G.m egg'd.
Slig-<m two-cleft.
Pa icnrp none; the belly of the partial pei ianth closely envelops
each seed, forming its exterior covering.
Seed one, wedge-form, somewhat four-sided, crowned with the tvvo
divisions of the mouth of the partial perianth. +
Is a native of moist places. Flowers during the wet .season,
+ Dc5cripdi>n by Docloi' Kocnig.
Cmth basi palcns, ramosus, posica crcctiis, Ic es, glabci , pcdalis, vcl bii>cdalis.
Jiami iiiiniciDsl, bracliiaii, approsimali, simplices.
Fctia allcraa, lincari.lanccolata, glabra, dciilala, dcncicii lis minimis icinolls, pkrniiiqiie iiiFra
capiiula norum lila, inu:iniali.i, quorum duo liCcralia mulcocics niiiioi-;i, onml.i bjsi
CiJ'UnIn planinsciila, p.irum convcja, c flosculis bermapliroditis uunici-osissiinis compo
Cat;, communis niillns. hvolucm cbasi 1 ri uin folio ram dibcaia in incinljianasvcnosai,.
ioimas, lacciu.dcnCala.'ii cl triljusvcl diioljus Involucrispiopriis, latís, rai,-tn1>r;mjc
purpuico-albis. veiiis ubsciirioribus, magli i tildi ue iníequalibiis. Fatc^ ad margii
: CoiW^rik Ijermaplii-ixlilie, inpnlcs. P:i>/inn iofiiudibuliforssimo,
qui nqucpii tilo; lacinlis linea ri-h uceóla ti s, ca;iulco-i)iii-
Limi. mppl. -I2'l.
Mugalie is the Telinga name of the male plant, and Ghajzanghce
hat of the female.
Caklera is tlie name they are known by amongst Europeans on
Frmik: now and then a plant may be found ^^•ith a single, pretty
erect one, often feet in height, and a ramous round head ; but
tills is seldom, for it is generally in form of a very large, ramous,
spreading bush. From the stems or larger branches
issue large carrot-shape, obtuse-pointed, roots, descending till
they come to the ground, into which they enter and then divide.
The substance of the most solid wood is something like
cabbage stem, and by age acquires a woody hai clness
n the
Lem liluent, stem-clasping, closely imbricated in I
rows, round tlie extremities of the branches, bov
three to five feet long, tapering to a very long fine
point, very smooth and glossy, margins and back am
very fine sharp spines; those on the margins point
those ofthe back point sometimes one way, sometimes t
large, terminal, pendulous, compound, leaf)', raceme, tl
of which are white, lincar-oblong, pointed, and cont
the axill of each, there is a single thyrsus of simple, ;
of long-pointed, depending s
iig; from
sessile, but aised fro of the r
a diíFerc
3 other calyx
Terminal ilitary, having n
termination ofthc three rows
fascicles of white fioral leave
which stand at equal distant
ms nmnerous, collected in firr
e future drupes), closely impacted t
affixed to the
Style :
SUgma sij-igle, oval, groov'd lengtljwise, yello\
side of a two-Iipp'd umbilicus on the apex of the germ.
fra/compound; oval, from five to eight inches in diameter, and
from six to ten long, weighing fnmi four to eight pounds;
rough, rich orange-colour, composed of drupes numerous,
wedge-shape, angular; when ripe, their large, or exterior ends,
arc dctaehed from one anothci-, and covcred with a firm, deeper
orange-colour'd skin; apices flat, consisting of as many angular,
somewhat convex, tubercles, as there are cells in the drupe,
each crowned with the withered stigma, internally; die exterior
half of these drupes [next the apex) consists of dry spongy
cavities, their lower part next the core or common recejjtacic
is yellow, consisting of a rich-looking, yellow pulp, imer-
' ' " .rong fibres; here the nut is lodged,
compound, top-shape, exceedingly hard, angular,
M l of cacli <
containing as many cells as there are divisions on the apex
ofthe drupe; each ceil is perforated above and below.
Cmmi infcium, obcoitlaUnn, compiessxira, alaiiim, coronaiiim valvis duabus oppositis,
Iiicmbiaiuccis, ovatis, .uutis, coioratis, longltudiuc tubi coroila;. ifr/iii extra antlieias
panim proniinens, bif.dus, „iveus.
Scmlm oljcordaw, ccmpicssa, alata, disco pilis raris brevibiis teclo.
RiapKicahm maigine palcaccuiii, disco nudum, planum.
oblong, smooth, adhering lengthways to a small fascicle
ng, white fibres, which pass through the perforation of
I. By far the greatest nttmber of these cells arc barren.
ive of the warmer parts of Asia. All ,wils and situations
t it equally well; it flowers chiefly during the :ainy
This plant
takes much r
•s well, 1
rare to find the
old extensive
originally a fc
much employed for hedges, and a
II. It grows readily from branches, whene
ull grown ripe fruit. The male is by far th
mistance merely accidcntal; for I have seei
)dges entirely fumalo. owing to there havin]
;r white leaves of [he flowers [chiefly those
male) that yield that most delightftd fragrance, for wl.ich tl
so universally and deservedly esteemed ; and of all the pe
that I know, it is by far the richest and most powerful.
The lower yellow pulpy part oi' the drupe is sometim
eaten by
the natives in times of scarcity and famine, which, alas! occur too
often; the tender white base of the leaves are also eaten raw or
boiled, at such melancholy times. The taste of the pulpy part of
the drupe is to me very disagreeable.
The fusiiorm roots, already mentioned, are composed of tough
fibres, which basket-makers use to tie tlieir work with; they are so
soft and spongy as to sei've the natives for corks;
posed of longitudinal, tough, useful, fibres,
'c never known this plant cultivated with
for fences.
I h;
the lea
my othe
Explmialion of the Figures in Ihc Plate <
Fig, I. OneoftI
: fru
corol than the
:s forming tl, ree imbricated
ose of the male raceme,
the base of the young
le compound germs of
ind the receptacle.
. One of tlie drupes which compose
3. A perpendicular section ofthe sam
•I. A transverse secuon through the sf
5. Another section where the nut is k
fertile, and nine abortive cells.
B. A third section near the base belo\
7. The upper part of the nut of the si
S. An under view ofthe same,
fl. The receptacle or core.
10. One of die seeds affixed to its hwcic
Tr!/7ii erect, but short, as thick as a man's body.
//«rf large, very ramous.
Bnmcldets t\^•iggy,
Leaves alternate, sliort-petided, broad-lanced, fine-pointed, most
minutely saw'd, above smooth, below whitish, from two to
four inches long.
Aide Anient filiform; its peduncle often leaf-bearing, issuing from
the dry, smooth, brown, involucre-like scales of the bud.
Perianlh j»oper small, cup-form, with a long depending tonguelike
Filammls six to eight, retrofracted, three or four limes longer dian
the tongue of the perianth.
Anthers twin, singly orbicular, and groov'd.
Female Aments shorter than the male.
Perianth, die same.