Alie of theTelingas,
Tnmk very irregular in shape and size, covered \yicli a davk-coluuied
scabrous bark-
Branches numerous, nearly erect.
Leaves opposite, slion-pedoled, cgg'cl, smooth, slilning, firm, entire,
scarcely any veins; from three to four inches long, and from
two to three broad.
Umhellels many, compound, small; from scabrous elevations, wliere
the leaves stood, over the old woody branches,
Pcdundcs common and partial, Ibui-sided. Pedicels round, coloured.
The parts of fructification as described in Reichard's edition of ilie
Genera Plantaru¡n,
Seed: seldom more than one comes to perfection, though in the
germs the i-ucliments of many are to be seen.
A very common small tree, or large shrub, in every jungle on the
coast. Flowers about the beginning of die liot season.
The ripe berries are eaten by the natives; tiiey have much pulp,
of a bluish-black colour, and of an astringent quality.
Is a ative of the large extensive forests on the
a small tree, though oftener found in the
Gollunga of the Telingas.
Trunk scarce any. SaH ash-colour'd.
Brandies nuinerous, nearly erect.
Leaves alternate, three'd, four'cl, fiv'd, generally fiv'd, feather-form.
Leajlcts alternate, oblong, entire, smooth, shining, from two to
three inches long, and about one and a half broad.
Petiole round, smooth.
Raceme terminal, and axillary, short, often compound, covered with
a rust-coloured down.
Bracks small, conca\'e, one inider each subdivision of the raceme,
i^/owi« small, white, very fragrant.
Calyx and Carol as in the genus.
J\^eclary a notch'd l ing suri'ounds the base of the germ-
Filameitls swelled at ihe middle, alternately shorter.
Pistil as in the geiuis.
Berry round, red, smooth, size of a small cherry, pulpy.
Seeds one or two only come co maturity, though the germ has always
the rudiments of five.
Adavie-nima (wild Lime) of the Telingas.
Trunk irregular. Barh pretty smooth, grecnisli ash-colour.
Branches numerous, very irregular.
Thorns single, axillary, very strong, and very sharp, but in many
plants entirely wanting.
Leaves alternate, short-petioled, oblong, end-nick'd, smooth, firm,
from two to three inches long, and one, or one and a half,
Sll{mhs awl'd.
Raceme axillary, short.
Bracks awl'd, small.
Calyx below, four-five-parted, permanent-
Corol four-five-petal'd, oval, equal, expanding. Xcelary cylindric
mouth ten-tooch'd: teeth alterniitely longer.
Filamaits none.
Anlhers rest on the teeth of the nectary.
Germ above, globular.
Style length of the nectary.
Stigma foui'-five-lobed.
Bmy size of a nutmeg, very like a Lime, hcnee comes the Hindoo
name; commonly four-cell'd.
Seeds generally solitary.
an elegant looking, fragrant shrub, very c
vated lands, but is found chiefly under large trees, where
ave dropped the seeds; flowers all the year,
whole plant, when drying in the shade, difl^uses a pleasant
tent scent, which I cannot describe, the flowers are exquiitely
birds li
Birds eat the berries grcedil)'.
Conda Gollunga of the Telingas.
i f a i ; « alternate, fiv'd. alternate, linear, oblong, serrated,
smooth, five inches long, and about two broad.
Panicles terminal, and from the exterior axills.
The rest as in L. pentaphylla.
It i: •e of the moxmtainous parts of the Circars, where it
niddle sized ti-ee, with
The berries ofthis species arc also e:
e equally fragrant wiih those of ihe
er a difference of soil and situation i
ihis and the L. pentaphylla,
labit they agree; the saw'd leaves arc i
for the
shady head,
iten by birds, and the flowers
last tlescribcd species; whe-
:an produce such diflerenee
is doubtful: in their general
he chief specific disi
e deemed cha;
of the plant itself, and the panicles,
Tsjeru-Catu-Naregam. Rheed. vial. -I, f . 31. i
Torellega of the Telingas-
Leaves on the young shoots, alternate,
feather'd with an odd one, thre^
n the woody ramu 11 fascicled,
to four inches long. Leaflets
iwo-three pair, opposite, sessile, oblong, nearly equal, slightly
notch'd, obtuse, smootli, texture slight, covered with numberless
small diaphanous points, one inch long, andhalf an inch broad.
Petiole broad-wing'd, leaf-like, articulated.
Flowers white, small, flagrant, collected on small iimbells, or racemes,
over various parts of the branchlets.
Calyx small, four-tooth'd.
Petals four, lanced, spreading.
Xeetary: a ring surrounds the base of the germ.
FilamenlJ eight, rather shorter than the petals, broad towards the
base, spreading.
Anlhers incumbent, oval.
Germ above, sessfle.
Sfyle thick, shorter than the stamens.
Stigma oblong.
Be/ry sixe of a large pea, smooth, juicy, when ripe black, fourcell'd.
Seeds four, one in each cell, though it seldom happens that all come
to maturity.
in form
sized tri
1 the low lands near th
mountains it grows to a
Bandy-moorroodoodoo of the Telingas.
Bl anches f
ody, climbing.
Leaves opposite, short-petioled, egg'd, pointed, downy, about three
inches long, and two broad.
Panicles terminal and axillary, middle-sized, cross-armed.
Bractes single, below each flower, lanced.
Flozuers opposite, without smell.
Calyx above, chafl'y, very large, deeply five-toodi'd, permanent.
Filaments inserted into the mouih of the calyx, alternately lo-
Pericarp none, except the crust of the seed, oblong, five-si
crown'd with the large withered calyx, and covered with rustycolour'd
Adave (t-, e. wild) Gorinta of the Telingas.
Branchlets two-faced.
Zrat^ij short-petioled, alternate, two-faced, wedge-form, rounded at
the apex, entire, smooth, shining, about half an inch long,
and three quarters of an inch broad.
Stipules single, within the leaf
Peduncles axillary, geneially one, two or tliree, short, one-flower'd
Flowers small, yellow.
Kectaries: two exterior, as described in the genus; interior b el I'd,
surrounding the germ: margin ten-tooth'd, stamen-bearing.
Filammls a continuation of the teeth of the interior nectary.
Style single, rather longer than the stamens.
Stigma three-cleft.
Drupe size of a french bean, oblong, succulent.
Is a small irregularly formed ti
mountains in the Ciixars. Flowe
e of vailles among the
. r j u l y .
Linn- spec, plant. 731.
of the Telingas.
Leaves alternate, short-petioled, oblong, acute, finely sawed, smooth,
the youngest are remarkably coiour'd, about four or five inches
long, by two bi'oad.
Paniclcs fascicle-like, from the naked branchlets, below ihe young
Bractes small, falling,
Flowers large, yellow, inodorous.
Calyx five-leaved: leaflets oblong, large as the petals in size, but not
coiour'd, permanent.
Petals from seven to twelve, generally nine or ten, oblong, falling.
Filaments short, jsermanent,
Anthers linear, erect, falling.
Gen« J genera fly as many as there arc petals, surrounding a halfround
Style from the apex of the receptacle, rather longer than the stamens,
Stigma perforated.
Pericarp none. Receptacle half round, coiour'd, with a ridge for
each seed or petal, that was in the corol; on each sits an oblong
egg'd seed (as in Quassia), .about the size of a large french
bean, smooth; when ripe black. It is rarely that all the seeds
come to perfection.
It is a small tree, a native of our Circar mountains. Flowers
about the beginning of the hot season, at which time the leaves begin
to come out, having cast ihem during the cold season.
This is a large, climbing shrub, a native of forests ; flowers in
Februai-)' and March.
Linn. spec, plant. 8 •18.
Antirdiino adfinis maderaspatana, capillacco folio iriphyllos, fiorc
purpureo. Phik. amaWi. 17. tab. 3lS.f. 3.
Stem herbaceous, straight, ramous, fbur-angl'd, four-groov'd, about
three or four feet high, spotted with dark purple.
Branches opposite, stem-like.
Leaves opposite, irregularly feather-cleft; divisions linear, as in
Ipomoea quamoclit.
F/oam axillary, solitary, short-pedicell'd, large, rose-colour'd,
Braaes-xvio, ihread-form, press on the calyx laterally.
Calyx one-leaved, five-cleft: divisions linear, erect, permanent.
Corel one-pctaled: Tuhe beliied, two or three times longer than the
calyx: .ßorf/er live-parted, segments equal, rounded.
Filaments four, two-powers, the superior pair end in a recurved
hook ; the inferior in an erect horn.
Anlhers linear: tlie sujierior paii" approach archwise, so that