;v o many, sea f ilie trunk and larger
hi-gc, strong, frcqueiiLly v;
Leavci ;ikcin;itc, short-peiiolecl, two-f;icecl, lineiir-oblong, hcavtecl at
Uic base, entire, soft, somewliaulowny; abouuwo inches long,
;iud (lircc-qiiartcrs broad.
Pcditiide axillary, length or die petiole, single, bowing, bearing
ihrcc small, white Howers.
Cn/j-v nnd Carol a.s in the genus.
Filammts eight, short, insertecl into the bjse of the tube ofthe flower,
each bearing two linear, erect anchors.
Peduncle axihary, length ol'the petiole, single, one-IIowcred.
Calyx ami Corel as in the genus.
FilamcnU twelve, inserted into tlie bottom of the tube.
Anlkcrs single, linear, crcet.
Stylc.^ rotir.
Stipnas forked.
Berry round, size of a small crab-apple.
Seeds from six to eight rijien.
This is a pretty large tree, among tlie mountains in the Circars;
but in the low lands towards the sea it is much smaller; flowers
most part ofthe year.
The wood, when large, is dark-coloured, hard, and durable, and
is used by the natives for many economical purposes.
e reguí
Tliis is one ofthe most common scraggy, thorny bushes, on the
coast, every soil and situation suiting it; flowers in the hot season,
and makes excellent fenccs.
The ripe fruit is eaten by the natives; the leaves are universally
eaten in curries: on both accounts the plant has the additional name
Kura, which means esculent.
Lamarck aicyclof. i. p. 602.
. Rkecd.mal.i. p.H.lab.S
Trunk scarcely any, but brandies innumerable ; tlie
larly cross-armed, and spreading,
Thorns simple, opposite, above the axills, spreading, cross-armed,
very strong, and very sharp: in luxuriant plants they arc
sometimes Lhrce-cleft.
Lenvca on the young shoots opposite, on the elder branchlets fascicled,
short-pet i oled, reflected, egged, entire, smooth, size
Stiimles connecting, awled.
Umbellets opposite, below ihe thorns, small, about the lengtii of the
Peduncle and Pedicels smooth, round.
Flowers small, yellow.
Calyx aboN-e, Ibin-toothcd : teeth acute, permanent.
Carol one-petaled; tube bellied, short; mouth downy; border fourparted:
segments egged, expanded.
Filaments four, in the mouth of ihe co rol,
ÀnHien egged.
Germ below, globular.
Style rather longer than the tube of the corol.
Stigma headed,
D!^lpe inverse-hearted, laterally compressed a little, with a hollow
on each side, size of a cherry, crowned with the remaining
calyx, fleshy, smooth, yellow, two-celled,
Ma.- one in each cell, oblong, one-celled.
Bota-cadamie ofthe Telingas,
Tjunh straight, Bnrk brownish-grey, cracked,
opposite, numerous, spreading, forming a large, oval, shady
iiOTfs opposite, decussated, petiolcd, oval, entire, smooth.
Petiole channelled.
Slipules large, oblong, obtuse, glutinous, falling.
Peiiimc/ii cemiinal, single, or three; when three, the middle one is
shortest, near the apex jointed, and bracted. each supporting a
single globular, naked head of florets.
Bracts two, opposite, near the extremity of the peduncle, oval,
fWw.^imall, light-yellow.
Receptacle cliafiy: chafFs wedge-form, hairy at their insertions',
very minute, entire.
Coro/ 0 ne- p e t a led, 1 un ne 1 -fo rm: tub e w idenin g; b o rd e r fi v e -p a rted,
divisions pointed, spreading.
Filaments five, ¡¡hort, inserted just within the mouth ofthe tube.
Anthers erect, oblong, pointed above.
Germ beneath.
Style thread-form, nearly twice the length of the corol.
Stipna large, resting on tlie style.
top-shape, coveredwith«scabrouscrustorbark.whichsplits
irregularly when the seeds are ripe; within is the proper twocclled
capsule, each consisting of one valve, opening round
the apex, and down on the inside.
Seedi several, very minute, oblong, tailed, inverse, imbricated round
the outside of their receptacles with the insertion downwards.
Tliis grows to a large tree;
roast, but chiefly among the
of almost every part of the
IS ; flowers during the cold
The wood is of a light chesnut colour, firm, and close grained.
It is used for various purposes, where it can be kept dry; but if exposed
to wet, it soon rots.
Daduga of the Telingas.
Tnink erect. Bark like that of the former.
Branches very numerous, horizontal, forming a very large shady
¿ffflmopposite, decussated, petioled, broad-hearted, pointed, entire,
above pretty .smooth, below downy, particularly when young,
and beauufullyreticidated with small veins; from four lo twelve
inches each way.
Petiole round, a little downy, from two to three inches long.
Slijndes as in the foi iner.
Peduncles axillary, from one to foui', round, downy, length of the
petioles, near the apex jointed, and bracted; each supports a
single globular head.
Bracts oval, falling.
Flowers as in the former.
Galyx five-parted; div
Corol, Slameits and S
Stigma clulj'd.
Capsule wedge-form
SceM about six in ee
not iniljricatcd
pointed; uppc
This, like the fur.
tobe had of a larg
\ise(I for almost ev
.s club'd,
in tiie former.
II tlic foregoing sjjecl
; flowers dui 5 the
it April,
ingly beauiift.1, its colour like that of the box-
, and at the same time very close grained ; it
lize. from one to two feet or more in diameter;
ypui-pose where it can be kept dry; for furdingly
well, being pretty, light, and durable,
Bagada of the Telingas,
Tinnk irregular. Bark scabrous, ash-colour'd,
Branches opposite, decussated.
Leaves opposite, decussated, short-petiol?d, oblong, pointed, most
entire, very smooth and shining both above and below ; from
four to nine inches long.
Stijmlesas in the two former.
Peduncles teiminal, one or three, as in Nauclea pai vifolia.
Floxoers larger than in either of the former, purple.
Calyx, as in Nauclea cordifolia.
Corol, Staviens, Pistil, and Style, as in the formei'.
Stigma globular.
Capsule top-shape, wants the outer covering, two-cell'd: the cells
two-valved on the out or convex side; on the inside, there is
only the receptacle of the fruit, which is broad.
Seeds numerous, most minute, imbricated, with their insertioiis
uj) wards.
A small tree; a native of the moist valleys among the Gircar
Ilowerlng lime April (beginning ofthe hot season.)
Willdai. phylogr. I, p. 1. fai. 2 . / . 1.
Tella-juvie of the Telingas.
Trunk and larger Branches covered with dark rust-colour'd bark;
young shoots downy.
Leaves alternate, petioled, egg'd, above scabrou.'c, below downy,
two or three inchos lung, and one or two broad.
Petiole channel'd, about an inch long.
Cor^wiie terminal, globular, composed of dense, recurved, c
spikes, divisions always two-fork'd.
Flowers very small, white.
Calyx: divisions egg'd, outside downy.
Corol: tube bell'd. not swelled at the base.
Style two-cleft.
Stigmas simpJe,
Berry size of a grain of pepper, i-ed, marked with lour angular elevations,
corresponding with the angles of the four-parted nui.
Md four-parted, smooth, each division onc-cell'd,
This is a
barren plac
nail buUiy tree, or
; Jlowers during the
e of dry, rocky.
Serigada of tlie Telingas,
Trunk erect. Bark ash-coJour'd,
Branches numerous, nearly erect.
Leaves alternate, short-petioled, oval, somctime.s scollop'd, pretty
smooth, three or four inches long, and about two or thi-ee
Cfl^wiij lateral, or axillary, two-fork'd, composed oftliin, recurvedone
rank'd spikes,
Flowers while, small.
The parts of fructification as in the last, except that here the
seeds, or nuts, are wrinkled on the outside. The chief specific difference
is in the corymbes ; there, they arc terminal • here lateial
or axillary.
This species grows to a pretty large tree, and is a native of our
Cordia retusa. Vahlsymi. 2. p. 12.
Btipana-boory of the Telingas,
Leaves on the young shoots alternate, on the foimcr branchlets fascicled.
sessile, reflected, wedge-form, very scabrous, veryhard,
above shining, Irom half, to one inch long, and from about a
quarter to iialf an inch broad.
Peduncle from amongst the leaves on tlie woody branchlets, from two
Pedicels very short.
Flowers small, white,
Calyx five-parted : divisions lanced, as long as tlie coi-ol.
Corol beir<l; border five or six-cleft
Slameiis five oi' i . shorter than the corol.
Style two-cleft.
Beyry size of a pea. succulent, red.
Ml five or six-cell'd.
This is a middle-sized, ramous shrufa ; v
lands and forests; flowering time the wet s«