¡'¡laments four, inserted below the divisions of the corol, and ratlie
shorter than thc-m.
Germ globular.
Style none.
Conda Ma)'oor of i\xc Telingas.
Tmni one or more fi-om ilie same root, erect. Bmi: ash-coloured.
Leaves nlternate, short-petioled, oval, pointed, entire, smooth, glossy,
somcwliat succulent, from four to si.x inches long, and from two
10 three broad.
Unccmc corymbe-like, axillary, shorter than the leaf.
Peduncle roimd, smooth.
Pclicels chtbbed, round, smooth.
Binds, a concave one below eacli pedicel.
Flozuers pretty large, rose-coluured.
Calyx !)e!o\v, live-leaved: Lcajlels imbricated, concave, roundish,
Coro/onc-petaled: tube exceedingly short: border five-cleft: divisions
spreading, hearted.
Filamaiis live, exceedingly short, from the bottom of the tube.
Anlkers oblong, acute.
Germ oblong.
Style awlcd.
Bar of a ,iall che )und, i -, black, . :-seeded,
A small tree, or large shrub; a native of moisE places in the valleys
among the mountains.
Thc juice ofihe berries is of a very beautiful bright red colour;
upon paper it changcs to a durable brown.
i?c?i7 very minute, much smaller than a grain of black pepper,
smooth, red, juicy.
Tiiis is a middle sized tree, a native of most parts of the Circars,
though by no means common ; it seems to grow equally well in
every soil ; flowers and bears ripe fruit all the year round.
The berries have a strong aromatic smell, and taste nuich like
The bark of the root is remarkably acrid; bi-uised and applied
io the skin it soon raises blisters, for which purpose the natives
often use it ; as a stimulant it promises to be a medicine possessed
ol ver\' considera!>le j)owers.
Trmik erect. Bark ash-coloured.
Leaves alternate, slioit-petiolcd, oval, a little scolloped ; when full
grown smooth, when yoimg covered with much rust-coloured
doNN'n, from three to fn-e inches long, and one and a half broad.
Pcdmtcles axillar)', numerous, short, downy, bowing, undivided,
Flozcei-s small, dirty white.
CVi/;'.x below, five-leaved: leaflets imbricated, downy, permanent.
Corol one-petaled : tube short, inside downy, margin five-parted :
segments spreading, half-lanced, acute, waved.
Mctary: fi-\'e petals alternate with the filaments, waved, length of
the statnens.
Berry oval, size of an olive.
Seed generally one or two, though there are the rudiments of five.
flowers during the hot
Ì of the toj3S of the chiefly;
Leaves alternate, petioled, hearted, sawed, downy, two and a half
inches long, and one and a half broad.
Slipides reflex, small, acute.
Peduncles a.xillary, ore or more, three-flowered.
Leajleh oHlxt calyx large, reile.x.
Xeelury one-leaved, five-toothei!; teeth converging over the pistil.
Filamenls five, very short, from the fissures of the nectary, reflex.
Anthers double, singly oval, the rest as in the gemis.
An erect herbace •sph •e of the tops of the jnountain
• DcsciiiiUon by Doclor Koenig.
JJamii/i'oijpoiili.Ceicics, glabri, iiitiJi, ailiciihci, ad nixiculos coinjircssiusculi, clliiicn Mansversali
promiiiiib slipnlis tailiicis utiinquc notali, (laccidi, pcndiili, loiigi.
Wo opposiu, pciiduh, pcliohlA, hiiccolaio-obloiiga, obtusa ciitii acumine, iiilcjonima,
iniijinc calloso, uirinqiic glabra, niiicJa, ncivou, rigida, sabcaniosa, Pnhti paieiitcs,
filiromics, glabri, vi.'i loiigiiiidinc tenia; pariis folii.
Flma jd apices ranioiiiui axilbi-cs, i-accmosi. Racnd piiiicubli, tricholoiai. ¡JmUca
opposiix-. scssilcs, oblonga, membratraceíe, cailpnc.
Cal)x moiiophylliis, canipaiuilaiiis, qii.idridciUatus : dciuicuHspalenlibiis, rotandaiis, lacerociUalis;
glilwr, menibiinaccus, («rsistciis.
Conila nionopclah, canipainihu, glabra, nienibiauacca, qiisilrifitla: lacinia rcilcxK, ovata;,
acuii;, margiiiilius rc>'oluiÌ5, pilis rainiinis udprcssis vLidibus aelspetsrc; calycc duplo
FUamaIn quatuor, iiiGii lacinias corolla: adusta, paicnlia, bicvia. Jnliinx oblonga, pajA'a;,
Gamr< supeiun, globosiini, glabiiun. St;liii vix uUus, Stigma liypocralcrirorme, pcriontiim.
globosi, cainosa, pellucida, rubra, fcrtilis magnitudine pisi niinotis. .Jnim iiincirai,
globosuin, \ii-ldi-fuscuiii, magnitudini pijierisalbi. Bacca; stcrilcs coloris clcjaniiorii
el magis pellucid s suni,
Car-alkim of the Telingas.
Root fibrous.
SleniS several, perennial, succulent, about a foot or two high, at the
base they rest on the ground, and strike root; above erect, foursided:
angles bluni, notchcd.
Brandies erect, like the stems.
Leaves alternate, sessile, on the angles of the branches, lanced, very
Flowers axillary, about the extremities of the branches, peduncled,
generally single, erect, small, variegated with dark purple and
Calyx to the bottom five-cleft: divisions lanced.
Cord: tube scarce any ; border Hat: divisions linear, margins reflected
FoUides erect, as thick as a goose-quill, about foin- or live inches
This plant is not very common; it grows among bushes on high,
dry, barren ground; flowers during the wet season. The natives
eat raw the most succulent tender branches, altliougii they are biiter
and salt to the taste.
Lythrum frmicosum. Linn. Spec. Plant. G-ll.
Seringie of the Telingas.
Stem and principal branches erect; smaller ascending; bark rust
Leaves opposite, two-faced, sessile, half-lanced with a hearted base,
acute, above smootli, below whitish.
Raceme axillary, short, bearing from five to fifteen flowers.
F/ozufri pretty large, red coloured, permanent.
Calyx red, six-toothed, equal, permanent, as is also the colour.
Co/ol: petals six, small, lanced,
Filamaiis equal, inserted in ihe calyx near its base.
Sligvia oblong.
Capsule covered with the coloured permanent calyx,
A very beautiful flowering shrub, a native of the hills and valleys
through the northern provinces. Flowers during the cold, and beginning
of the hot season.
The bright red calyx, which retains its colour till the seeds are
ripe, gives to this shrub a very showy appearance. I do not know
any use it is applied to.
Canipoo-Tiga of the Telingas.
Calyx four-leaved. Corol four-petaled, inwardly keeled. Nectarial
bodies four, awled, on the apex of the keel of the petals, converging.
Anthers lijiear, sessile, in the grooves of the keel.
Cajisule one-celled, two-valved.
perennial, composed of many smooth, cylindric, fleshy tubers,
from six to tweh'e inches long, and IVom three to five in circumference
about the middle; ihey taper equally towards
eacli end.
Stem bieimial or more, twining, smooth, from six to twenty feet
long, running over small trees, kc.
Brandies like the stem, but few and slenderer.
altern; times opposite, petioled, nearly
depending, hearted, fine-pointed : point recurvate, entire,
smooth, shining, in substance sofi and delicatc, generally
eleven-nerved, with beautiful, very fine, transverse veins running
between the nerves ; about four or six inches long, and
three or fotn- broad.
iidled, smooth ;
Petiole slightly a half or two incl
Peduncle axillary, single, erect, length of the petiole, generally twollowered.
Pedicels chibed, shoit.
Brad one, lanced, at the base of the pedicels.
Calyx below, four-leaved : leaflets lanced, membranaceous, striated,
colome<l, revohUe, placed iuimediatcly below the petals.
Petals foar, nearly erect, lanced ; the lower half is rather bro;tder
than the uppei, and along its inside runs a deep, sharp, slightly
waved keel, whicli forms on each side of ii a deep groove or
hollow; the four keels converge, and in some measure adhere
together, which brings the sides of the petals close, forming
like a tube; the upper part of Uic petals is narrow, bending
out a little, then their jioiiits bend in.
Xectury is composed of four, lanced, yellow bodies, each sitting
sessile on the apex of the keel of tiie petals, converging into
one conical body.
Filaments none.
Anthers eight, linear, lodged in the grooves formed by the keel of
the petals, adhering their whole length, but their chiefiiisertion
is near die base.
G im above, hearted.
St)ie none.
Stigma pointed.
Capstde egged, compressed, onc-celled. two-valved, o|)ening from
the apex; is about an inch and a half long, and one broad.
Seeds from five to eight, inserted by pedicels into the bottom of the
capsule, cylindric, striated : the pedicels are surrounded wiJi
numerous, small pellucid vesicles,
Tliis is n native of moist valleys among tlie mountains; iis /lowcr-
Duduga of the Telingas.
Tnmk erect, long, and perfectly straight.
Branches spreading, horizontal: branchlets two-faced.
Leaves alternate, two-faced, short-petioled, lanced, or oblong, pointed,
below downy, entire; about four inches long, and one and
a half broad,
Stiindes none.
Peduncle axillary, simple, bowing, bracted near the base, oneflowered,
round, downy ; about one inch long.
Calyx three-leaved,
Carol six-petalcd, &c, as in the genus.
Filaments very numerous, sliort, clubed, grooved, fleshy, ascending,
placed so very close as to press uj3on one another, inserted into
a globular fleshy receptacle.
Anthers four or five-sided, lop'd, a little concave in the centre.
Germs about forty, occupying the disk or centre, oblong, sessile,
Styles short.
SlignuLS large, purple.
Beiries many, pediceled, diverging, umbelJ-Iike, globular, size of a
small cherry, and very like one when ripe ; one-celled.
Seed one, round, like the berry.