Root: many fleshyJib.es, like those of the two last, but they issue
fi om one head.
Skm none.
Leave. racHcai, ihree to Jive, altcnate, two-faced, &c. as in the t^yo
former; only that ihcy ;,re from one and a half, to three feet
long, and aboui an inch and a half broad.
Sca.pe radical, about two Icet long, the lo^ver three or four inche.s
arc involved in dialfy sheath.s, the rest forms the raceme, or
Howcr-bearing pan, which is |5erfcc[ly pendulous, manyflowered.
BracU mimite. one-flowered,
Pdah lanced, spreading, equal, striated with rose-colour and yellow,
Meckny red, lower lij, tliree-parted.
This is also a parasitic planl, a native of the same places, and
Jiowcring at the same time.
Jt diffbrs but litllc from the Epidendrmn aloifolium Linn. Kansjiram.
raaravara of the Hortus Jf.ilabaricus.
Ehrctiaferrca. Willdm. pkylogr. i, lah.i.J. o.
Pisonia? bu:;ifoiia. RoUboellin nov. acl. Hajnims. ¿'p. lab.
Pishanna of the Telingas.
LumbilliofiheTsmuls. [Kocnig.]
Trunk in-egular. Bnrk dark i iisc-colour.
Branches very numerous, and veiy irregular.
¿Mi-« alternate, short-petioled, oval, entire, very smooth, shining,
firm, about half or three-quarters of an inch long by half aii
inch broad.
Floxuers from the axills of the lower leaves, three-fold, sessile, white
smaller than the female.
CalyK three-cleft.
Core/three-cleft, outside iiairy.
short, inserted round a semi-globose receptacle.
Anthers oblong.
Flotvcrs a.xillary, single, sessile, very small, white
Calyx and Carol as iji the male.
Gem oval.
Slylc sliort.
Sligma three-notched.
Ba-ry round, smooth, red, pulpy, size ofa large pea.
See,Is two, on one side flat, on the other round.'
Among the mountain
a shi
this grows to a small tree; but in the low
b. Flowers during the hot season,
aie universally eaten, "and are very well
The berr
TJie wood is dark coloured
wli. vili admit, ..
; durable, heavy wood.
remarkably hard and durable, and
iployed for such uses as require the
Túmida of the Telingas.
Trun/, erect, in large trees, from twenty to twenty-five feet to the
branches, and about eight or ten in circumference. Bark scabrous,
or deeply cracked, somewhat spongy, colour a mixture
of gray and black in irregular strata.
i J W , « very irregular, numerous, rigid, forming a la,-ge, spreading.
shady he,id ; young shoots very downy.
Leaves nearly opposite, short-petioled. oblong, entire, obtu.^e, when
young very downy, when old pretty smooth, abotit four inches
long, and one and a half broad.
Slipules none.
Pedmide axillary, single, short, bearing three or four small, whitish
flowers, supported by short, bowing pedicels.
Br^cls, a small one at the insertion of each pedicel, and one or two
stih smaller, pressing the calyx.
Calyx and Coro¿as in the genus.
FUMs generally twelve or thirteen, short, inserted into a receptacle.
^ 7 , / / , l i n e a r , erect.
Pisia none.
Flatcers rather larger than the male, a.xillary, single, nearly sessile
a small one pressing the calyx.
Calyx always five-cIeft, downy,
Carol Hvc-cMt.
Filamails about ten, short, inserted into a receptacle, between the
germ and the flower.
Anlhers small, seemingly steril.
%/is three, nearly erect.
Sligmas bifid.
Berry round, size of a small apple, yellow, pulpy.
Seeds, Irom two to eight ripen, immersed in the pulp, kidney-form,
sharp on the inner straight edge.
This ebony tree is a native of the woody and mountainous parts
of the (.„rears; it grows to be very large, particularly the male tree
tlie wood of which is most esteemed. It casts its leaves in the cold
• Description by Docior Kocnig.
Fhrci marnili.
OUrx monophyllus, parum vcn.iicosMi, pilosus, [ciCdu!;; hciuiit ovstó, crecw
iiibo breviorcs : tenia brcvioi, ctiusior.
CWfc gbb„, subcrnosa, viridi-n„v«cc..s. £,„,i„nrifid.„ : lacinia
crccltc, »cue, e>;ius pilis loi.gioril)u5 ;,I1,Ì5 a(l,ìr«sÌ5 blrs„t:c, intns nuda
. nro pl„„, ,,„pt.calo bsc... ccta, tuto corolfe mul.o bt^vior..
«uu-c.Palillm, uiiiluni. crccx., all«, bng° io,«.
Cn^i tiibtilosus, obsolete cii langiihris. liirsiuiii
C»«//„ utili marc.
linMri.ol>loiigL,i„, ¡„ 6'ír/w« calya Jongiorc
divlsiuii it> lobos, pleniinqiie quatuor, parvos.
Becca sub|lolx,sa, cu.i, wuimm promi.iulo, glab,.,,
jolis, bui cincia caiyce pcrsiiccnü. patclli,;roi,
1 dcsincnj. Sllgm piaiiiiin, slclhlim
iii-aiitiico-riibra, in.igniiiidinc pisi iiiai,
glabro. Smina duo, Biiigna, cxlus
season, and the new leaves appear again, with the flowers, iu April
and IVfay,
The black part of the wood of this tree is too well known to ret|
uirc a particular description in this place. It is only the centre of
large trees that is bhick and valuable, and the quantity found is
more or less according to the age of the tree. The outside wood is
white and soft, and either decays soon, or is destroyed by insects,
which leave the black untouched.
The ripe fruit is eaten by the natives, but Is astringent, and not
\-ery palatable.
Tclla-gada of the Telingas.
Trunk and Branches irregular. Bari dark rust-colour.
iíaiífi short-petioled, alternate, Ewo-faccd, oval, pointed, smooth,
entire; from tliree to six inches long, and from two to three
Umbcllets axillary, single, pedunuled, bowing, bearing many small,
fragrant, wliite flowers.
Calyx and Carol as in the genus.
Filaments about eighteen, short, inserted into a receptacle.
Anlhers single, linear, erect.
F/ozcerj single, short-petioled, a.xillary,
Calyx and Carol as in the genus, cxcept that sometimes the calyx
and corol are three-cleft.
Slav is tlirc )r four, nd St
Styles three or four.
Sligmas lacerated.
Bcny about the size of a nutmeg, round, pretty smooth.
Seeds from two to eight ripen.
It is a native of most of the uncultivated, hilly parts of the Circars,
and, on the mountains it grows to a pretty large tree. Flower;
duringjuly and August.
Yerra-gada of the Telingas.
Trunk crooked, covered with dark, rust-coloured, pretty smooth
/.ratyei alternate, two-faced, short-petioled, oval, pointed, smooth
on both sides, entire; three to four inches long, and about two
Flojwrs axillary, single, short-peduncled, bowing.
Caly.x and Co7ol as in the male, but much larger.
Filaments four, short,
Anthers four, membrane-like, lanced.
Oer,u globular.
Styles fotn-.
Stig7aas bifid,
Be,ry as iu the genus.
A middle sized tree, common among the mountains in the Circars.
Flowers during the hot season, and does not cast its leaves
till the new leaves come out.
The timber ofthis tree is variegated with dark and white coloured
veins, and is hard, and very durable.
Nella-woolymera of the Telingas.
Tmnk irregular. Bark scabrous, dark rust-tolouied.
Branches spreading, nearly two-faced.
Thonu often many, though .sometimes wanting, large, and strong,
i r a w j short-petioled, alternate, two-faced, oval, entire, below very
downy; from one and a half to two inches long, and one
Pedunclc axillary, short, solitary, bowing, bearing generally about
six minute, white flowers.
Calyx and Corol as in the genus.
Filamails about twelve, short, inserted into the bottom of the tube
of the corol, several of them bifid, or bearing double anthers.
Anthers about sixteen, erect, linear.
Flaxvers axilkry, solitary, sessile, small, white.
Calyx and Corol as in the genus.
Filaments abotit eight, inserted into the bottom of the tube of the
Anlhers small, hearted.
Styles four.
Stigmas simple.
.ficr^ size of a cherry, ripens two or three seeds only, although there
ai-e the rudiments of eight.
This is a tree of middle size, among the Orixa motnitains: but in
the low lands towards the coast it is only a large bush; flowers during
the hot season.
The wood of the larger trees is yellowish, very hard and durable,
and is used by the natives for various economical purposes.
The fruit, when ripe, is eaten raw, and is very palatable.
Umbells axiflary, simple, small, bowing.
Flojoers nearly sessile, bowing, small, greenish-white.
Bracts small, oval, woolly, or with membranaceous mai-gins.
Calyx as in the genus.
Corol contorted.
Stamens as in the genus, but inseited into the bottom of the tube.
Kak-woolymera of the Telingas,
Trunk irregular. Bark rust-coloured.
Branches scattered, spieadlng.