i í " !
ie of the Telingas,
Leaves ;il(eriiiite, petlolcci, oval, three-n very scabrous, about
ihree inches long, and two broad.
Pelide loimd, scabrous, about an inch and a half long.
Coiymhe IVonx the divisions of the braiichlcts, or terminal, small,
tw.-iork'cl, compos«! ofshort, recurved, one-row'd spikes.
Floxvers .sniull, ^^•h¡tc. There Is a ver)- large i>ro|>or!ioii of ni;ile, or
barren flowers ; they generally occupy distinct parts of the
corymbe, but frequently tlie whole,
J-Jmiuiphrudile Ilowers as in [he genus.
Berij size of a cherry, pointed, yellow, pulpy; pulp gliicinous, as
in Cordis Myxa.
jYuf perforated at the apex, foin-cell'd.
Miih Ilowers want tlie style entirely, but have the rudiment of a
smiill irregular, poor-lookln;
re barren land predominates;
srs during the rainy season.
iefly a native of fojests,
;aves in the cold season;
Arry-coota of the Teliugas.
Sie?n woody, climbing.
Leaves opposite, rellecccd, short-petioled, oblong, acute,
sn\ooth, about six inches long, and three broad,
Floral isny« small, colour'd, downy.
Splics numerous, terminal, and a.Killary.
Brads opposite, lanced, one-flower'd.
Cfliy-v bcird, five-tooth'd.
Carol five-petaled.
Slamcns ten.
Seed fivc-cornercd: corners increased by broad membra.
Is a large climbing shrub, ;
flowers during the cold season.
native of forests, and r
year's, or of two yeai's old branchlets, or j-ouikI the base
present year's shoots,
Flowers small, white, fascicled.
Calyx fi^•e-Ieaved.
Pdah five: four large standing on the upper side ; the fifth is
and stands single on the under side.
S/igma thrce-tooth'd.
Capsule tliree-sided, three-ccH'd, three-valved.
Seeds on& in each cell.
This is a native oF the mountainous pans of tlic Circai
flowers about the beginning of the hot season,
In tlie plate the dissected flower is magnified; the fruit
Tauatiky of the Teliugas.
Leaves three'd: Lcajlels oval, pointed, serrated, gejieially bubbled,
margins frequently reflected, smooth ; fi-om two to three inche.s
long, and about one and a hall broad.
Racemes axillary, single, erect.
Flowers numerous, small, white, fascicled ; Male and HermapkrodiU
Calyx foui-leaved.
Petals four, placed on the upper side.
Filamaits ^'er)• woolly near the base.
Germs two,
Slyh single.
Sligma two-cleft: segments I'ecurved.
Beny twin, singly globular, size of a pea, red when ripe, smooth,
exactly as the hermaphrodite, except the pistil whic
ing, or, at most, only rudiments of one arc found.
This le of the mo!
it grows to a mall t
plants on the coast. Among the
e ; on the low lands neai-er the
ith a grey, spotted baik. Flowers
coast it is alwa;
during the wet 6
The ripe berries are eaten by the natives.
The root is astringent, and employed by the
in substance, lor diarrhoeas.
Coryvie of the Telingas.
Trimk very large. Bark asli-colour, a liule scabi-ous.
Branches numerous, spreading in c\'ery direction.
Leaves alternate, abruptly feather'd, sometimes three'd, about six or
eight inches long, and as many broad. LcuJIels opposite,
generally cwo pair, oblong, entire, smooth, shining, firm,
about five or six inches long, and two or three broad,
round, four or five inches long.
Raccmesmzny, simple or compound, from the extremities of the last
csfroinllic MoUna:íiorConi
Ishy-rashy of the Telingas.
Trunk perfectly erect, of considerable length and thickness.
Branches numerous, ascending.
Leaves alternate, abruptly feather'd, about a loot long, Lceiflels opposite,
four to six pair, oblong, pointed, entire, above smootli,
below downy, about three inches long, and half an inch bi'oad.
• A (liniremspccicsOoiii ilrcOniiuoplitorCommerson. >«.gm. p.tn.
.15 SAPINDUS UlJlilCl>\OS..VPeiiolc
round, downy, ending in a downy bristle.
Panicle tei'minal, large, erect, composed of simple
Calyx five-leaved.
Pelals four, placed on the upper side.
Style single, ascending, shorter than th.
Capsules three, when all come to perfci
oblong, one-ccll'd.
d.icli i
i.iber ti of the
are), singly
parts of the
A lai-gc
Circ.trs. Ffovvers about the beginning of the hot se
The wood of this tree is very useful for a great
poses, being large, straight, strong, and durable ; towards thcceii
it is o f a chocolatc colour.
In the plate, the dissected flower is magnified ; the fruit of
natural size.
>f pur-
Linn. Manl. 65.
Prosopis splcata. Biam.hid. 102. /. 25. / . 3.
Tshamie of the Teling.is.
Vanni maram of the Tamuls. (Kocnig.)
Tnoik tolerably crect. Bark deeply crack'd, dirty-asl.-colour.
Branches irregulai', very numerous, form a globulai-, shady head.
P;2ii/ijscattcr'd over the small branches, in some trees wanting.
Leaves alternate, abruptly feather'd, from two to three inches long ;
feathers from one to four inches; when in pairs, opposite,
and have a gland between ; one and a half inch long. Leajlets
opposite, from seven lo ten pair, obliquely lanced, smooth,
abou l a l f a n i n c h i
inai, or froi
;th ofa
Us, thread-fc
Stipules none.
Spikes nuny, ten
nearly erect.
Bracts minute, onc-flower'd, falling.
F W r , ! numerous, small, yellow, single, approximated.
below, five-tooth'd.
Filamenb united at the base.
Anthers incumbent; a white gland on the apex of each, which falls
off soon after the flo\vcr expands.
Style crooked.
Lesinme oblong, pendulotis, not inflated.
Seals many, loilged in a biown, mealy substance.''
This orows toa large tree: is a
Ilowers duiing the cold, and begin
itive of m
ing of the
;t parti
oblunga, SI
Lcgmiml lineri e,
The pod of this tree is the only |)art ii.sed ; it is about an incl
circumtercnce, and from six to twelve long; when ripe, bro\
smooth, and contains, besides the seeds, a laige Cjuantity
brown, mealy substancc, which the natives cat; it has a .sweei
agreeable taste, and may be compared to the Spanish .Algaraba
=e (Ceratonia siliqua).
of ;
Billoo of the Telingas.
Trunk tolerably erect, supporting a large, spreading, evergreen,
shady head. Bark pretty smooth, dark rust-colour.
Leaves about the extremities of the branches, abiuptly feather'd,
six or seven inches long. Lea/lels alternate, short-petioled.
upper hall'
e the breadth ofthelovvei
three-eighths of an inch 1
ind, smooth.
mooth. e inch long.
Petiole 1
Slijnd.es none.
Panicles pietty large, terminal.
Flowers numerous, small, yellov
Brad, small, below each subdiv
n of I Ik >anicle.
Calyx and Corel as in the genus.
J^ecUny: a fleshy notch'd ring ;
ninding the base of the ger
fî/nmiiîistcn, spreading.
Go-TO above.
Style short.
Stigma simple.
Capsule about one inch long, and half an inch in diameter, oblong,
three-cell'd, three-valved, opening from the apex.
Seeàs four in each cell, raembnme-wlng'd, alternately placed with
four oblong, compress'd, spongy bodies, resembling the seeds
This is a middle-sized tree, a native of the mountainous parts of
the Circars. Flowering time, the beginning of the hot season.
The wood of this tree is of a deep yellow colour, remarkably
close grained, heavy, and durable ; it is used for various economical
purposes, and comes nearer box-wood than any other wood I have
met with.
• Dcscriiilion l;y Dr. Kocni;;.
Rmm inujores crassi, puci ; adulii i-.miosioies, aciilcni. Rmuìi glici ni, filironncs, iiuin«-
i-osisiimi, jlnbii, i cu lesi i, a|>icil)iis naccidis pendali, viiidss. Amtci in nmis
idllllis S|).U5Ì, conico com prassi, cincmscciitcs; in iniiliilis magis acuminili,
ci-ccii, btcvcs.
IVm nnmeiosa, plcntia, :iltfrna, pctiolal.i, bipiniiata : Pinu^ qu:.lcrrà : infcrioras pJtcnlissimK.
GUmUdn umbilicaci infij b;i5Ìn jhii ioidi ninni pcliolo ad nail. fcKota
opi>o5llj, sul)scss'ili:i, oblique oblongs, inlcgcrrima, aciils, iiirin<inc glabra.
S/Ji'«-« sxillircs UTininalcsquc, i.oiilciia;, Ulirornits. Fhm parvi, sulpliurci.
Gdjx inonnpbyllus, cinipanulaliis, quinqneJcnialus. gl;il)cr, corolla Icrlia ¡uilc brevior.
Pcliia qninqnc, liucari-lanccohli, ciccia, spicc icciii va, glabra..
dcccni, basi pci.aoiiini adnata, icciualia, capillacca, longiiudinc corolla.'. AAr.
nqnc ailenuaium. »niculamm, gbbnim, spidiamicuiQ,
Snmtia ovaio-oblonga.
Lagerstroemia Flos Rcgin®. Rdi. obs. 5. />, 25.
Adamboe. Meed. mal. p. iS. I. 20, 21.
Trunk erect. Branches horizontal, spreading. Bark .smooth, rustcolour'd.
Young shoots angular: angles wing'd as in Lagerstroemia
Leaves opposite, or nearly so, short-petioled, oblong, entire, smooth.
four or five inches long, by about w o bioad.
Stipules none.
Panicles terminal, pyramidal, rigid, about a span long.
Pedmcle round, smooth.
Pedicels short, rigid, ihree-Ilower'd.
Bracts few, small, falling.
Flmoers much larger, and much more beautiful than those ol La