r » l ‘J!
A r r a n g em e n t o e O r d e r s ( 4 ) .
4 5 . MuCEDiNACEAi— F i n e l y f ilam e n to u s , p a l e o r b r i g h t c o lo u r e d ( r a r e ly b iw u i s l i ) .
4(). D e m a t ia c e .e — F in e ly f i lam e n to u s , b row u o r b la c k , r a t h e r r ig id .
4 7 . 8 t u , u e a c e / E — F in e ly f ilam e n to u s , p a le o r b r o w n ; f e r t i le th r e a d s c o lle c te d in f a s c i c l e s ( s t r o m a ) .
4 8 . T u b e r c u i . a r i a c i 'L E — C om p a c t, w a r t - l ik e , g lo b o s e , d i s c - l ik e , s u p e r f ic ia l o r e r um p e n t , w a x y o r s o m ew h a t g e l a t in o u s
O r d e r X L V .— J I ü c e d i n a o e æ , L i n k ,
a r r a n g e m e n t OE G ENER A (13).
Section I, Amoroaporæ, Sacc.—Conidia spherical or shortly cylindrical, continuons, transparent or brightly coloured.
Sub-section 1. Micronemeæ, Sacc.—Threads very short, or scarcely distinct from conidia.
Genera (3)—
283. Oospora, Wallr. [ 284. Moiiilia, Pers. \ 285. Oidium, Link.
Sub-section 2. ilaeronemcæ, Saec.—Threads elongated, distinct from conidia.
Genera (9)—
286. Trichoderma, Pers.
287. Aspergillus, Adans.
288. Pénicillium, Link.
289. Rliinotricbnm, Corda.
290. Sporotrichiim, Link.
291. Botrytis, Adans.
292. Sepedoninm, Link.
293. Verticilliuin, Nees.
294. Nematogouium, Desm.
Section 2. Didymosporcc, Sacc.—Conidia ovoid, oblong or shortly fusoid, one septate, hyaline or brightly coloured.
Genus (1)—
295. Tricotbecium, Link.
O r d e r XLVL—D e m a t i a c e ì e , F r i e s .
Section 1. Araerosporai, Sacc.—Conidia continuous, globose, ovoid or oblong.
Sub-section 1, Slicroiiemea;, Sacc.—Threads very sbort, or scarcely distinct from conidia.
Genera (4)—
296. Couiosporiiim, Link. 298. Iloriniseium, Kunze. j 299. Ileterobotrys, Sacc.
297. Tonila, Pers. !
Sub-section 2. Macrouemeie, Sacc.-—Tlireads evident and distinct from conidia.
Genera (3)—
300. Pericouia, Todo. | 301. Monotospora, Corda. | 302. Botryotrichum, Sacc, and
Section 2. Didymosporm, Sacc.—Conidia ovoid or oblong, typically one septate.
Snb-section I, Micronomeic, Sacc.—■Threads very sbort or scarcely distinct.
Genus (1)—
303. Bispora, Corda.
Sub-section 2. MacronemecD, Sacc.—Threads evident and distinct from conidia.
Genera (3 )—
304. Fusicladium, Bon. 305. Scolecotricbum, Kunze. 306. Cladosporium, Link.
Section 3. Pbragmospora;, Sacc.—Conidia ovoid, oblong, cylindrical or worm shaped, two or more septate.
Sub-section 2. Macroiiemece, Sacc.—Threads evident, and distinct from conidia.
Genera (4)—
307. Ilelrainthosporium, Link. 309. Cercospora, Frcs. 310. Ileterosporinm, Klotzsch.
308. Brachysporium, Sacc.
Section 4. Dictyosporm, Sacc.—Conidia globose, transversely and longitudinally septate, brown.
Sub-section 1. Microuemete, Sacc.—Threads very short, or scarcely distinct.
Genus (1)—
311. Sporodesmium, Link.
Sub-soetion 2. Maeronemcic, Sacc.—Threads evident and distinct from conidia.
Genera (3)—
312. Stcmpbylinm, Wallr. ] 313. Macrosporium, Fries. | 314. Fumago, Pers.
O r d e r XLVII.— S t i l b e a c e .e , F r i e s ,
a r r a n g e m e n t o f g e n e r a ( 6 ) .
Series 1. Ilyalostilbece, Sacc.—Threads and conidia pallid.
Section 1. Amcrosporm, Sacc.—Conidia globular, ellipsoid or oblong, continuous, transparent or pallid.
Genera (3)—
315. Stilbum, Tode. [ 316. Isaria, Pers. | 317. Ceratium, Alb. and Schw
Series 2. Phceostilbcic, Sacc,—Threads aud conidia brown, rigid.
Section 1. Araerosporm, Sacc.—Conidia globose, oblong or elongated, continuous.
Genus (1)—
318. Ilarpograpbinm, Sacc.
Section 4. Pbragmosporm, Sacc.—Conidia oblong or cylindrical, two to more septate.
Genera (2)—
319. Podosporium, Schw. | 320. Isariopsis, Fries.
O r d e r XLVIII.—T u b e r c c l a r i a c e ^ , E h r b .
Scries 1. Tnbcrculariete inucedineiE, Sacc.—Threads and conidia white or bright coloured.
Section 1. Amcrosporce, Sacc.—Conidia continuous, ovoid, sigmoid, shortly cylindrical or fusoid.
Genera (6)—
323. Ægerita, Pers.
324. Fuslcolla, Bon.
325. Ilyraennla, Fries.
326. Thozetia, Berk, and F. v. M.
321. Tnbercularia, Tode.
322. Illosporinra, Mart.
Section 3. Pbragmospora;, Sacc.—Conidia elongated, fusoid or sickle shaped, typically two or more septate,
I 328. Fusarium, Link. | 329. Microcera, Desm.
Genera (3)—
327. Bactridium, Kunze.
Series 2. Tuborcnlarietc dematiem, Sace.—Threads olive or sooty black, conidia same colour or hyaline.
Section 1. Amerosporai, Sace.—Conidia continuous, globose, ovoid or elongated.
Genera (4)—
330. Epicoccnin, Link. 332. Myrothecium, Tode.
331. Struraella, Sacc.
333. Actinomma, Sacc.