lAu.vn- (F. M.)—“ Contributions to Uie Queensland
Flora.” Botany Bull. V lil. Dept. Ag., Q., 1893.
Forty-five spouies of fungi are recorded.
“Additional Fungus Blights." Report of Colonial
Botanist in Ann. Rep. Dept. Ag., Q., 1893.
S1.X fungi arc noted and two new.
‘•Companion for the Queensland Student of Plant
. ---------- “ Botany abridged.” Dept. Ag., Q., 1894.
Edible fungi in Queensland recorded
. --------- “ Contributions to the Queensland Flora.” Botany
Bull. IX. Dept. Ag., Q., 1894.
Thirty-six species described aud two recorded
■without description.
• (F. M.) and G okdox (P. R.)—“ Plants reputed
onous and Injurious to Stock.” Svo. Brisbane,
. Bailey t.
Poisonous Inju
A few fungi are added, injurious to fodder plants.
Nine altogether, with an illustration.
Bailey (F . M.)—[S ee “ Teuison-Woods (J . E .)” ]
. B axciioft ( J .)—“ Experiments with Indian Wheats iu
Queensland.” Proc. Roy. Soc., Queensland, I., Pt. 4,
Indian Wheats of the tall dark-bearded kinds
found to be rust-resisting.
B ancroft (T. L.)—“ Notes on Bacterial Diseases o f tbe
Roots of Leguminosæ.” Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S.W.,
Vol. V IIL , Pt. I., IS93.
F ive leguminous plants affected — Mimosa, Ses-
bania, Dcsmodium, M edicago, aud Crotalaria.
. B auwick (J .)—“ Smut in Wheat.” - Proc. Roy. Soc.,
Tasm., 1889.
Considers that it is grain damaged in thresliing
which is smutty, aud self-sown grain is never
. Be ll (R.)—“ Some A ccount of Red Rust aud its Remedy.”
Pp. 10. Ballarat, 1893.
The remedy given is to apply a solution o f common
salt to the growing, wheat plant—1 lb. of salt
to 1 gallon of water.
Bennett (G .)—“ Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia.”
8vo. Lond., 1860.
Reference to a luminous agaric.
. Benson (A . II.)—“ P rincipal Insect and Fuugus Pests in
New South Wales, and their remedies.” Ag. Gaz.,
N .S .W., III., Pt. 8, 1892.
Notices injurious fungi, with thc-ir remedies, on
Citrus, Apple, Pear, Apricot, Plum, and
Peach trees, and Vines.
. ______ “ Apple Culture.” Ibid. V., Pt. 6., 1894.
Fungus diseases o f Apple described and illustrated.
. B e r k e l e y (M. J.)—“ Contributions towards the Flora
o f I'an Diemen’s Land.” Fungi. Ann. Nat. Hist. III.,
Twenty-seven species given, rivelve of which are
common European fungi.
. ---------- “ D escription of Two New Fungi in the Collection
o f Sir W. J . Hooker.” Hook., Jouru.Bot. I I ., PI. 1,
Lentinus fa s c ia tu s is described from Tasmania.
44. B e r k e l e y (M. J .)—“ Ou some Entomogenous Sphffiri«.”
Hook., Loud. Journ. Bot. I I ., PI. 1, 1843.
Seven described altogether, and one {Splueria
Taylori) described aud figured from N .S .W .
4 5 . ---------- “ Decades of Fungi.” Decade I. Ibid. I l l , PI. 2,
Three new species are described from Australia—
Agaricus n idiformis, Polyporus portentosus, and
Asercc rubra.
46. “ Decades of F u n g i.” Decades III.-V H . Ibid.
IV ., PI. 2, 1845.
Forty-nine new species described, and some
47. ----------“ Decades of Fungi,” Decades V III.-X . Ibid. IV.,
IT. 2, 1845.
Three new species decribed— Sphceria elevata, S .
pulv inulus, suid 5 . inspersa.
^ 4 8 . “ Decades of Fuugi.” Decade X I. Ibid. V., 1846.
Four new species described for Australia—
M arasmius hepaticus, He.vagonia similis, Polyporus
brunneo-leucus, and Peziza fu sisp o ra .
49 . “ On Cordyceps Guuiiii.” Ilook., Lond. Jouru.
Bot. VII., 577, IT. 22, 1848.
First described nnd figured.
50 . “ On some Entomogenous Sph£erio3.” Liun.
Journ. I., IT. 1, 1856.
Entomogenous species of Cordyceps mentioned for
Australia—C. Gunnii awd C. Taylori.
51 . “ Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany.” 8vo.
London, 1857.
Refers to various Australian fungi, and gives
drawings o f some such as Cy ttaria Gunrdi.
5 2 . “ Elora of Tasmania,” Fuugi. Hooker’s Botany
o f the A ntarctic Voyage. 4to. Pt. H I., Vol. II., IT, 4.
Two hundred aud seventy-five species are described,
only about eight of which are peculiarly Australian.
63. “ Outlines o f British Fungology.” Svo. Lond.,
Tasmanian fungi referred to at pp. 34 aud 35.
“ On a Collection of Fuugi from Cuba.” Journ.
Liun. Soc. X ., 1868.
Habitats given for species occurriug also in A u stralia.
“ Australian Fungi, received principally from
Baron F. von Mueller and Dr. R. Sehomburgh.” Ibid.
XIIL, 1873.
Fungi characterized, ami where new described;
received during a period of nearly twenty
“ Enumeration of the Fungi collected during the
Expedition o f H.M.S. Challenger." 1874-5. (Third
notice.) Ibid. XVI., 1877.
Forty-nine species are recorded a ltogether from the
neighbourhood of Sydney, N.S.W,, and new
species are described.
“ Gardener’s Chronicle.” 791, Fig. 130. 1878.
Description of Qordyccps Menesteridis-—ihQ same
as, or a variety of, C. entomorrhiza.
“Australian Fungi.” Part II. Received principally
from Baron F. von Mueller. Ibid. X V H I., 1880.
A number of new species described.
59, B e r k e l e y (M. J .) and Bkoo-3ie(C. E.)—“ On some species
of the genus Agaricus from Ceylon.” Trans. Lmn hoc.
XX V IL, 149-15-2, IT. 33-34, 1868.
GO. — — “ The Fmigi o f Ceylon.” Linn. Journ. Bot., Vols.
XL, X lV .a n d X V ., 1870-75.
Contain descriptions of fungi common to Ceylon
nnd Australia, between which countries remarkable
coincidences occur iu tbe distribution
of some species.
Descriptions of New Species.”
Bot, I., PL 2, 1878.
.^, Quecnsl
Ibid. L, 2nd Ser.,
About one hundred and twenty species recorded.
, ------- - Ibid. IL, 2nd Ser., PI. 6, 1882.
Fifty-three species recorded, for the most part
common European ones.
« i^ist of Fungi from Queensland and other Parts
o f Australia, with D escriptions o f Now Species.” Ibid.
II.,2 n d S e r ., Pt. 3, PL 1, 1886.
Supplementary to previous lists.
. B erk e l ey (M. J.) and Curtis (M. A .)—“ Fungi Cubenscs
(llym enom yc ete s).” Journ. Linn. Soc. X., 18C7.
Habitats given for species occurring also iu Au stralia.
. Bicheno (J . E .)—“ On the Potato as an Article of
National D ie t, and the Potato Disease iu connexion
with Distress in Ireland.” Proc. Roy. Soc., Van
Diemen’s Land, I., Pt. H I., 1851.
Sceptical as to the disease originating with the
Aphis ; that more likely the insect is the
effect than the cause.
.. Bl ioiit in W h e .^t .—Dept. Ag., Vict., Bull. No, 1. June,
Disease similar to “ T ake-all.”
B resadola (J.) and S.-^ccardo (P. A.) — “ PngiUns
mycetum Australiensium.” Malpighia, Genoa, 1890.
Eighty-three species are recorded, with plate, five
o f which are new.
1, B ro'wn (R .)—“ [Miscellaneous Botanical Works (Ray
Society): General Remarks—Geographical and System
a tic a l-o n the Botany of Terra Australis.” _L, 1866.
(Reprinted from the voyage to Terra Australis, by M.
Flinders, London, 1814.)
Ten species of fungi are noted.
). Campbell (F. 1\I.) [now Mrs. Martin].—“ Victorian
I'ungi hitherto unrecorded.” Vict. Nat. IL, No. 1!,
127, 1886.
Twenty-one species are given.
J Tbirty Species o f Fungi hitlicvto unrecorded for
Victoria.” Vict. Nat. IV,, No. 6, 95, 1887.
1. — — “ Vegetable Pathology.” Vict. Nat. IV., No. 8,
124, 1887.
Reference is made to the importance o f tho subject,
and the great d:unage done by fungus pests to
our forest trees and cultivated plants.
2. — — “ Fungus P ests.” Vict. Roy. Com. Veg. Prod., 5th
Progress Report, 1883.
Various fimgus diseases pointed out, and a largo
and interesting collection exhibited.
3 . Clarson (W.)—“ Blights and their Teachings.” Bull.
No. 5, Dept. Ag., Vict,, Sept., 1889.
General reference to various fungus pests of the
74, Clarson (W .)—“ The Fruit Garden.” Pts. I. and IT.
Melb., 1889.
Reference is made to fungus diseases under llic
different fruits.
75 Cobb (N. A .)—“ Peacli Rust in our Orchards (Uromyces
amygdali).” Ag. Gaz., N S.W., L, i’t. 1, 189Ü.
Description, wilh figure, and treatment recom-
7G. --------- “ Report ou Pumpkin Mould.” Ibid. 1890.
Description and drawing o f mould belonging to
the Erysipheæ.
77 . --------- “ Contributions to an Economic Knowledge of tbe
Australian Rusts (Uredineæ).” Ag. Gaz., N.S.W,, I.,
Pt. 3, 1S9Ü.
Methods of investigation given, aud rust occurring
around wheat paddocks recorded.
78 . “ Notes on Diseases of Plants.” Ibid. II-, Pt. 1,
Anthracnose on Vines, Fusicladium pyrinum,
Sphærella fra g a r iæ , and Puccinia malvacearum
79_ ______“ pathological Notes.” Ibid. H., Pt. 2, 1891.
Sphærella destructiva (B, and Br.)on Lucerne, and
red incrustation on feuce-rails noted.
80. “ Notes on Diseases o f P lan ts.” Ibid. IL, Pt. 3,
Bitter Rot of Apple {Glceosponumversirolur), Flax
Rust {Melampsora lini), and Peach Rust {Vac
cinia p ru n i) noted.
8j_ ______ “ P athological Notes.” Ibid. II., Pt. 4, 1891.
Maize Rust [Puccinia maydis) and Apple Scab
{Fusicladium dendriticum) noted.
8 2 . “ Notes on Diseases o f Plants.” Ibid. IL, Pt. 5,
Cystopus candidus or White Rust, U.slilago maydis
or Maize ^m w t,r a c c in iam a y d iso x .Maize Rust,
Sphærella destructiva on Jmcerne, and Water
Core in Apples noted.
8 3 . “ Notes on Diseases of P lan ts.” Ibid. II., Pt. 6,
Mouldy Core in Apples and Gioeosparium p esliferum
o f the Vine noted.
8,1. ______“ Notes ou Diseases o f Plants.” Ibid. II., Pt. 8,
Apple Scab [Fusicladium dendriticum) and Strawberry
Leaf Blight {Sphærella fra g a r iæ ) again
8 5 . ______ ‘i Notes on Diseases of Plants." Ibid. II., Pt. 10,
QtnonWddevi{Peronospora Schleideniana),Tc>bncco
Mildew {Perono.spora hyo.svyami), B:maiia
Disease, and Bread Jlould ou Oranges noted.
Potato Blight described, but not found in
8G . “ Smut.” Ibid, IL, Pt. 11, 1891.
Oat Bm\\i{Ustilago avenoe), Wheat Smiit_(i7sOÏ«i7o
tritici aud urocystis oc ulta). Maize Smut
{Ustilago m aydis), and S tinking Smut o f Wheat
{ 'iille iia fcetens) described.
87 ______ » Dialogue concerning the manner iu which a
Poisonous Spray does its work iu Preventing or
Checking Blight.” Ibid. IL, Pt. 12, 1891.
With various drawings showing bow a fine spray
acts upon the spores o f a fungus.