8S. Conn (N. A,)—“ C ontributions to an Economic Know-
Icdgo of the Aiistraliiui Rusts (lircdincoe).” Ibid. IIL,
Rf. 1, 1892.
Wliat has been found out in this and other countries
ooncci ning Wheat Rust together witli tbe examination
of a number o f varieties of wheat,
and tbe kind o f rust determined.
89. -------“ Contributions to an Economic Knowledge of tbe
Auslralian Rusts (Uredineæ).” Ibid. III., Ft. 3, 1892.
S till ling, toiigb cuticle, and glaucousness found to
be characteristic of rust-resistant Wheals.
Various illustrative drawings and tables,
among which the rust-devouring V ip h s is is
90. “ Economic Notes on Plant Diseases.” Ibid, III.,
Pt. 4, 1892.
Apple Scab {Fusicladium dendriticum). Powdery
Mildew o f Apple {Podosphara Kunzei), Bitter
Rot (Gloeosporium versicolor), Mouldy Core and
Water Core iu Apples, Pear Scab {Fusicladium
pyrinum), Shot Hole (Phyllosticta circumscUsa),
Anthracnose ( Gloeosporium ampelinum), Tuftcd-
lenf Blight {Cercospora vitícola), Strawberry-
leaf Blight ( /rayarùp), Wliite Rust
(Cystopus candidus), Pampkin-leaf Oidium
{Oidium erysiphoides), and Powdery Mildew of
Rose {Sphærotheca fia n n o s n ) illustrated and
9 1. ----------“ P lant Diseases and bow to Prevent them.” Ibid.
i n . , P t . 6, 1892.
Pourridie or Mouldy Root o f the Vine, Tufted-
Icaf Blight of Bean, and Apple Canker
described, and remedies prescribed.
92. --------- “ Plant Diseases and how to Prevent them.” Ibid.
I !I .,P t. 12, 1,892.
“ Take-all ” and Dry B light o f W heat and Oats and
Leaf Curl of Peach described and illustrated.
A lso two new species of fungi— Cyathus
dimorphus n nd Tolyposporium anthistiriæ.
93. ------------“ Contributions to an Economic Knowledge of
Australian Rusts (Uredineæ).” Ibid. IV., Pt. 6, 1893.
Seventy-one varieties o f Wlieat described aud
9 1 . --------- “ Contributions to an Economic Knovvledge of
Australian Rusts (Uredineæ).” Ibid. IV., Ft. 7, 1893.
Artificial crossing o f Wheat and improving W heats
by selection fully described and illustrated.
95 . --------- “ Plant Diseases aud their Remedies—Diseases of
the Sugar Cane.” Ibid. IV., Pt, 10, 1893.
The gumming o f Sugar Cane is due to Bacillus
vasr.ularum, and the following five species of
fungi are described and illustrated :— Uromyces
Kiihnii. S tnm e lla sacchari, Macrogyorium
graminum,Pkomasacchari,oxid an undetermined
species causing “ Red Rot.”
96. --------- “ Host and Habitat Index of tbe Australian
Fu n g i.” Ag, Dept., N.S.W. (Miscellaneous Puhlicatioii,
No. 16), p. 44, 1893.
Contains all the fungi recorded in Dr. Cooke’s
“ Handbook o f Australian Fungi.”
97 . “ Contributions to an Economic Knowledge of
Australian Rusts (Uredineæ).” Ibid. V., Pt. 4, 1894.
Improving Wheat by selection.
98. “ Notes on Diseases of P lan ts.” Ibid. V ., Pt. 6,
Bean Anthraeno8e(C()//eíoíríc/ííímiíWe»iííí/n'íin7/í«)i
Bean llu s t {Uromyces Phaseoli), Peach Freckle
(Cladosporium carpophilum), Black Rot of
Tomato {Macrosporium Tomato), a Mango
Blight (Pestalozzia uvicola, Speg.), Disease of
Grass (Ilelminthosporium Ravenclii) illustrated
and described.
99. Cobh (N. A .)—“ A New Australian Fungus.” Ibid. V .,
Pt. 6, 1894.
Peziza Lyonsiæ described and illustrated.
100. Conn (N. A .) and Gl l ip f (A . S .)—“ Insect Larva
(Cecidomyia, sp.) Eating Rust on Wheat and F la x .”
Ag. Gaz., N .S .W .,lI.,P t. 2,1891. Also Ami.Nat. Hist.
VII., 6th Scr. 1891.
Larva observed under the microscope unmistakably
feeding on rust spores. Tbe larva uot
only devours the spores but spreads the rust.
101. CooKK (M. C.)—“ The Beech Morels of the Southern
Hemisphere.” Pharm. Journ. (3 ), I., 264, 1870.
Cyttaria Guytnii (B.), fouud on living branches of
Fa g u s Cunninghamii aud F . Guimii in Tasmania,
is figured and described.
102. “ J ew ’s Ear (Ilirneola auricula-judæ).” Ibid. 681,
Figured and popularly described.
“Fungi; Their Nature, Influence, and Uses.” 8vo.
Various Australian species referred to.
“ Australian Fungi.” Grev. VI. 70, 1877.
Twelve species collected in neighbourhood of Melbourne
by Mr. Le Fcvre, one of which was
undescribed, viz., Trametes scrot/icidata ( Berk.).
105 . --------- “ New Zealand Fungi.” Grev. VIIL 54, 1879.
Thirty-six Australian species recorded.
106. “ AustralianFungi.” Grev, IX. 142, 1881.
10 7 . “ Australian Fungi.” Grev. X. 60, 93, and 131,
108. • — “ Australian Fungi.” Grev. XI. 28 and 57,
— “ On Xylaria and its A llie s.” Grev. XI. 81,1883,
Three new Australian species described.
— "Australian Fungi.” Grev. X I. 97 and 145,
11 1 . “Hypoxylon and its Allies.” Grev. XI. 121,
Three Australian species described.
112. ----- “ Fungi.” Trans.Roy. Soc.,S.A., Vol. X V I.,P t, 2,
Eleven species recorded aud two described.
“ Fungi Australiani.” 8vo., PI, 4, pp. 72, London
and M elbourne, 1883.
Hymenoniycetes, 783 s p e c i e s ; Gastromycetes, 111;
Myxomyceles, 33 ; /Ecidiomyretes, 47 ; X'/.v-
comyccie.v, 84; Pyrenomycetes, 94; IJyphomycetes,
47 ; Phyconiyjceles 4 ; total 1,203 sp e c ie s .
115. -
“ Some E xotic F u n g i.” Grev. XII, 85, 1884,
Meliola densa (Cooke) described.
“ Some E xotic Fungi — Australasia.” Grev.
XIV. 11, 1885.
Five species described.
116 . --------- “ Some Exotic Fungi.” Grev. X IV . 89, 1886.
Phyllosticta palmicola (Cooke) described.
117 . “ Exotic Fungi.” Grev. XV. 16, 1886.
Six species described.
118 . “ Some Australian Fungi,” Grev. XV . 93, 1387.
Fourteen species described.
119. Cooke (M. C.)—“ Some Australian Fungi.” Grev.
XV I. 97, 1887.
Nineteen species described.
120. ---------- “ New Australian Fungi.” Grev. X V I, 1, 1887.
Thirty-five species described.
12 1 . ---------- “ Two Remarkable Fungi.” Grev. S V I . 20,
Cerebella paspali and Beniiarcyria appianata,
— “ Australasian Fuugi.” Grev. XV I. 30, 1887.
Nineteen species described.
1 2 3 . “ Australian Fungi.” Grev. XVI. 72, 1888.
Twenty-nine species described or referred to.
12.1. “ Australasian Fungi.” Grev. X V I. 113, 1888.
Eight species described.
12,5. “ Australasian Fungi.” Grev. X V II. 7, 1888.
Seven species described.'
— “ Australian Fuugi.” Gn V. XVII. 55, 1889.
Seven species described.
— “ Some Brisbane Fungi.” Grev. XVII. 69, 1889.
Four species described.
— “ N gav Australian F u n g i.”
Grev. XVIII. 1,
Forty-two species described.
— “ New Australian Fuugi.”
Grev. X V III. 25,
Six species described, and one new genus—
- - “ Australian Fungi.” Grev. X V III, 1, 1890.
Thirty-six species mostly described.
“ Australian Fungi.” Grev. X V III. 49, 1890.
Two species de sc ribed— Sphæropsis phomatoidea
and Capnodiastrian orbiculatum.
— “ Australian Fuugi.” Grev. X V III. 80, 1890.
Three species described.
“ On Campbellia—Now Genus.” Grev. XVIII.
87, 1890.
134. • “ Australian Fungi.” Grev. X IX . 5, 1890.
F ive species described.
13 5 , “ Australian Fungi.” Grov. X IX . 44, 1890.
Fifteen species and new genus {Chainoderma)
13 6 , --------- » Australian Fungi.” Grev, X IX . 89, 1891.
Twenty-one species described.
13 7, ----------“ Additions to Daedalea.” Grev. XIX. 93, 1891.
DaHlaku Muelleri described.
“ Trametes and its A llie s.” Grev. XIX. 98,
Sclerodepsis, Tranietes, and Hexagonia noticed.
“ New Sub-gcnus of Agaricus.” Grev. XIX.
104, 1891.
Metraria insignis described.
“ Additions to Merulius.” Grev. X IX , 108,
141. Co o k e (M.C .)—“ Australian F ungi.” Grev. X X . 4 ,1891.
Seventeen species described.
142 . ----------“ Species of Cyphella.” Grev, XX. 9, 1891.
Cyphclla uustraliensis described.
143. ______ “ Notes on Clavariei.” Grev. XX . 10, 1891,
Clavaria Muelleri (Berk.) and C. tasmanica (B e rk .)
are described.
144. --------- “ Notes ou Thelephora;.” Grev. XX . 11, 1891.
Species o f Jlymenorhate and Corlicum referred to.
145 . ----------“ Apple Scab (Fusicladium dendriticum).” Grev.
XX . 27, 1891.
Noticing profusion of examples from Australia and
methods of checking quoted.
146. ______ “ Ceylon in Australia.” G r ev .X X . 29, 1891.
Ceylon species of fu n gi found also in Australia.
147. --------- “ Australian Fungi.” Grev. XX. 65, 1892,
Four species described,
- “ A Mystery Solved.” Gardener's Chronicle,
20th Oct., 1892.
Selerotium o f M y litta with Polyporus ovinus.
- “ Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms—A Popular
History of Eiitomogenous^Fungi or Fungi Parasitic
upon Insects.” S.P.C.K., Lond., 1892.
Seven Australian forms are noted and described.
- “ Handbook o f A ustralian Fungi.” 8vo., pp. 458.
M c rulius pelliculosus described.
PL 36. London, 1892.
Gives a technical description o f over two thousand
species, and is intended to include all
Australian fungi known to date.
5 1 “ Australian Fungi—A Supplement to Handbook.”
Grev. XXI. 35, 1892.
Twenty-four species recorded as additions and corrections
to the Handbook.
52 . “ Fungi.” Trans. Eoy. Soc., S.A., X V I , Pt. II.,
Eleven species recorded, and two described—
Stcphensia a n n iva g a (Cooke and Mass.) and
Diploderma Sabulosuiyi (Cooke and Mass.).
“ E xotic Fungi.” Grev. XXL 75, 1893.
A new species {Diplodia Marsdeniæ, C. aud M.)
15 4 . ----------- “ Australian Fungi.” Grev. X X IL 36, 1893.
Nine new species described, and seven old ones
1 55 . “ Australian Fungi.” Grev. X X II. 68, 1893.
Two new species described—Hypoxylon atrosphæricum
(Cooke and Mass.) aud Belonidium
parasiticum (Cooke and Mass.).
Cooke (M, C.)—[S e e “ Kalcbbrenner (K.)”]
156. Cooke (M. C.) and M assee (G.)—“ Glceosporium pestiferum.”
Gardener's Chronicle, Loridon, 1891.
157 . Corda (A. C. J.)—“ leones Fungorum bucusque
coguitoruin.” 6 vols. Folio. 1837-54.
158. Codeslaxd (F.)—“ Disease of the Vine (or Oidium
Tuckeri), aud its Remedy.” Pamphlet. Melb., 1876.
159. CuAWFOKD (F. S.)—“ The A pricot Disease.” Proc. Roy.
iSoc., S .A., 1884.
Phyllosticta circuiyiscissa aud Helminthosporium