\ u
Scientific Name. Authority for Name.
W.A. S.A. T. V, ] N.S.W. I Q.
General Characlci-a.
1874 I 1452
1875 1 1449
1876 1451
1S77 ' 144S
1878 14.50
A. Archeri
A. australis
A. Bailnyi
A. furfuraceus
A. Phillipsii
1453 VIII. 640 ' U. cainpylospora ...
a n d á i s
1454 I VIII. 331 ■ U. rhytidca
I881I 1455 ¡VIII. 2323 I C. licliGiioideuni ...
1S8 2 Í ... I X. 4603 1 T. Toomansis
1883 1459
1884 1457
1885 1458
1SS6 1460
1887 1456
1S87A 1456a
1888| 1461
issaj 1462
1890 1463 ,
Boric., FI. Tasm, II. 276 (I860)
Berk., Linn. Jonrn. X V III, 398 (1881)
Berk, and Br , Linn. Trans. II. 69 (1883
2 6 6 . A s c o b o l u s .— P c r s .,
... i Archer’s ascoholus
Hnulhern ascobnlns ...
... j Bailey’s aseoboius
Pcrs., Tent. Disp. Mcth. 25 (1797)
Berk., in Cooke’s Ilandb. Austr. Fung. 268 (1892)
Scurfy aseoboius
Phillips’ aseoboius
Cooke, Il.audb. Austr. Fung. 268 (1892) ...
Cooke, Austr. Fung. 52 (1883) ...
2 6 7 . U k n u l a .— F r i e s ,
Curve-sxwred urnnla
Wrinkled urnnla
[ Berk, and Br., Linn, Trans. I. 404 (1879)
! Berk, aud Br., Linu. Trans. II. 222 (1887)
268. C en a ng ium
I Lichenoid cenangium
— I 'r i c s
2 6 9 . T ym p a n is
I Tooma tympanis
— T o d e ,
270. O m b r o p i i i la ,— F r i e s ,
j T u l , Carp. I I I . 190 (1865)
272. C o r y n e .— TuL, Carp. IIL 190 (1865).—
... Flesh-like coryne
BOND., MEM. ASCOB. 20 (1869).
ill G m e l. S y s t . U 6 1 ( 1 7 9 1 ) .— P e z iz a .
. . . I T. I Charcoal
B. Old cow dung, &c.,,
... Cow dung
Wavy, sessile, vinous brown.
Brown, cup shaped.
Concave, at first ochrey, then vinous brown and flattened, slightly
granulate externally.
Sessile, globose, then expanded; externally greenish yellow, mealy;
disc slightly concave at flrst, yellowish greeu, turning blackish brown
when old.
Concave with elevated margin, externally wax colour, then tawny,
dise ash coloured.
FRIES, S.V. 345 (1849).
S.V.S. II. 364 (1849).—Peziza, Macropodia.
Q- ! ...
Rotteu wood
Grouud ...
S.M. II. 177 (1822).
IS81| I ... I ... I ...
Meckl I. 23 (1790).
18821 I 1 ... 1 ...
X. 4612 ! 0 . bulgarioides ... ... 8acc., Myc. Austr. 14 (1890) Bulgaria-like ombrophila 1883 Q- Kotten wood
VIII. 2532 0 . radicata Phil., Grev. XVI. 33 (1887) ... Rooting ombrophila ... 1884 V. Swampy places ...
„ 2553 0 . terrestris ... ... ■
0 . trachycarpa ...
Phil., Grev. XVI. 7.5 (1888) ...
P hil., Grev. X IX . 61 (1891) ...
'I'crre.strial ombrophila
Rough -spored ombrophila
Ground ...
Sandy ground among
VIII. 2526 0 . violacea
0 . violacea, var. australis...
Fries, S .V S. 357 (1849)
Cooke, Grev. VIII. 64 (1879) ...
V iole t ombrophila
Southern ombrophila
Truuks ...
Branches, &c., iu
swami)y places
271. O r b il ia .— F r ie s, S.V. 357 (1 8 4 9 ).--P e z iz a , Gallor ia.
VIII, 2572 0 . chrj’socoma ... Sacc. Syll. VIII. 621 (1889) ........................................ Golden-yellow orhilia.. 1888 V. Wood ......................
„ 2568 . 0 . decipiens ... Sacc. Syll. VIII. 623 (1889) ........................................
Deceptive orbilia 1889 Q- Old rope
Funnel shaped, sooty or ashy, stalked, deeply wrinkled, margin
incurved. Stem similarly coloured.
Sooty brown, nearly sessile, hemispherical, cut, uudulately wrinkled,
flesh olive.
I Tufted, ashy, top shaped, stalked, invested with irregular ashy warts,
I disc red broavn.
I Q. I ,,, I Fru it o f Banslda . j Gregarious, a t flrst mealy, sphæria shaped.
FRIES. S.V. 345 (1849).
S.V.S. 357 (1849).—Peziza.
Peziza, Ombroplila, Lieben, Bulgari
. T.
Clustered, gelatinous, then hard, at first sessile, then shortly stalked,
externally bright ochrey yellow, disc reddish brown.
Solitary or tufted, stalked, rather gelatinous. Stem elongated, rooting ;
disc depressed, wrinkled, liver colour.
Circular, sessile, gelatinous, concave or flattened, umher brown, a little
paler externally.
Somewhat greg.arious, sessile, concave, externally wrinkled horizoutally,
firm, dark red brown.
Gregarious or scattered, finally distinctly stalked, violet. Stem
ohconic, short.
Stem longer, flexuous, more ash coloured than type.
Gregarious, almost globose at first, soou flattened, and rather jelly-like,
golden y ellow, horny when dry.
Gregarious or scattered, sessile ; disc pale-flesh colour, orange red,
or pale browu ; externally granulose.
Helvella, Tremella.
Trunks and branches' Tufted, sessile or somewhat stalked, firm, fleshy red, veined below,
o f trees I disc hollowed out.