Leys, Governor, 70, 72.
Liborreu, 175.
Lilompatie, 206.
Lobah, 224.
Lomantic, 176.
Longat, 205. .
Luru, 160.
Luru river, 1§3, 161.
M ahalon mountain, 2 2 5 , 234.
Madanao, 237-
Malays, The North Bornean, 71,
121, 324.
Mamalunan river, 279.
Maran-Parang, 216.
Maradn (Toaran) river, 232—253.
Mason wasp, 127.
Medhnrst, Sir W., 96, 97.
Meerschaum, Specimen of, 256.
Mentapok, 192,197.
Mentapom mountain, 193.
Mentapose mountain, 172.
“ Men with tails,” 190.
Merrisinsing, 172.
Meteorological Notes, 38, 67, 70,
126,139,152, 201, 208, 231, 256,
Minerals, see “ Geological Notes,”
Mint, Visit to the, 48.
Mirnrn country, 192.
Missionary work, 80.
Montgelas, Count, 80; lost in the
bush, 314—318.
Moroli in the vale, 247.
Mosquitoes, 127, 131, 255, 279.
Moths, 128.
Mouth-organ, Bornean, 329.
Mundy, Capt., 241 (note).
Mullykup river, 302.
Mumus, 224, 226.
Munnus, 219.
Murray, Capt., 28.
Muruts, The, 88, 204, 213,270,272.
Muruyan river, 254.
Musical instruments, 133,163, 329,
N a b a l t j mountain, 234, 241, 245.
Narrow escapes, 265, 305.
Native cloth, 151.
Natural history Notes, 126—128,
131—133, 146, 185 (note), 199,
228, 229, 262, 267, 276, 279, 303,
314, 331.
“ New Ceylon,” 6, 87, 93.
Niasanne, 207.
Nonohan-t-agaioh mountain, 224,
North Borneo Herald, 112, 308
O o d e e n (TJdin), 106,110,113, 285;
evidence of, at inquest, 290; 310.
Oriental Coal Company, 128.
Overbeck, Baron, 85.
P a d d y - c u t i e b , 324.
Page, Mr. P. J. M., 56.
Palu-palu ravine, 250.
Pampang, 235, 239 ; house at, 253.
Panataran river, 244, 245.
Pangeran Brunei, 148—152, 159,
Parang, Bornean, 322—326, 330.
Paris, A day in, 63.
Passir, Sultan of, 190 (note).
Pengopuyan mountains, 2 2 5 , 236.
Petroleum, 137 (note), 139—146,
Pigeon-shooting, 264.
Pigs, Mode of killing, 214.
Pinowanter, 248.
Pinungah, 300, 311.
Pinungah river, 268, 275.
Pipes, Curious, 305, 32?—329.
Pirates, Sulu, 141.
Poduss, 244.
Pomodanyoun, 185.
Pontianak, 4 (note).
Port Said, 66 (note).
Prahu accident, 273—275.
Prize, The Prank Hatton Memorial,
Pryer, Mr. (Resident), 87, 111, 112,
186 (note), 282, 332, 333 (note).
Pudi, 225.
Pungoh, 182.
Q u am u t, 259, 2 6 2 .
“ R a j a h B b o o k e ’s J o u b n a l , ” 241
Rapid, Pearful, 265.
Read, Mr., 26,' 67.
Regent’s Canal explosion, 12.
Roscoe, Prof., 53, 54, 58.
Rothschild’s, Visit to, 48.
Royal Geographical Society, 28.
Royal School of Mines, 15, 334.
Rumalow river, 241.
S am b a b ,English expedition against,
-4 (note).
>Sandakan, 69, 92, 94,109,115, 282.
Sarong, The, 158 (note).
Segama, 8, 90, 94, 336.
“ Semungup” custom, 186 (note).
Senendan, 202.
Sepulut men, 269.
Shooting rapids, 272.
Silam hills, 109.
Sin-Dyaks, 187, 258.
Singapore, 66, 75, 91.
Singat vale, 109.
Singh, Jemadhar Asa, 335 (note).
Sinoront, 212.
Siquati, Oil and coal at, 73.
Siquati river, 135—173.
Sirih-box, A, 330, 331.
Sirih-leaves, Language of, 331.
Slave, Killing a, 212.
Smith at Siquati, 73; and Labuk,
Sogolitan, 189.
Spear, Dusun, 324
St. John, Mr., 121.
Succadana, 4 (note).
Suez Canal, 66 (note).
Sugut rivers, 215.
Sulu men, 180.
Sumpitan, Description of the, 89,
326,327; 212 (note),, 30-5.
S un-birds, 126.
Sunsets. 134,137 (note), 197.
Superstitions, 193, 233, 263, 304.
Swallows’ nests, 228.
Swamp, An impenetrable, 277.
T a b a root, 319.
Taha, Evidence of, at inquest, 292.
Talc, Hill of, 184.
Tampassuk river, 241.
Tampias, 194.
Tanah Dupas (Tampolon), 183.
Tander Batu, 177.
Tanjong Sugut, 175.
Telupid river, 184.
Temperature, see “ Meteorological
Tenegang, 255.
Tertipan, 172.
Tertipan river, 167, 168.
Thames water, 17, 40, 46 (note).
Thomson, Mr. J., 105 (note).
Tidy, Prof.: Paper on “ River
Water,” 58; oratorical manner,
Timbong Batu, 73, 169.
Tinggaluns, The, 256.
Toadilah, 198.
Tobacco, Hse of, 328.
Tonaran river, 234.
Traveller’s tree, 67.
Treacher, Mr. (Governor), 27, 70—
72, 105 (note), 110, 112, 223
(note), 284
Treacher, Mrs., 99.
Tree fern, 67.
j Trentidan, 242.
Tuan Murrim, 276.
Tumboyonkou mountain, 225, 250.
Tungara, 270; people of, 305, 328.
Tuntoul, 211.
Tyndall, Prof., 37.
U p a s juice, Collecting, 198.
V a n M o o b t, O u v e b , 4 (note).
I Victoria, Labuan, 120.
“ Visit to Rothschild’s, and to the
British Mint,” 40, 48.
Von Donnop, Mr., 238, 246.
W a ik e b , Dr., 61, 1 0 9 , 1 8 5 ( n o t e ) ;
ev id e n c e of, a t in q u e s t, 287, 28 9 ,
2 9 2 , 332.
Walker, Mr., 2 6 6 (note).
Wallace, “ Malay Archipelago,”
2 6 4 (note).