Mental attributes of the Negroes, 669-
Mionde charm, 444
Missionary teaching, 658-602
Missions, 28, 54, 422, 615
Mondoleh Island, 610
Moondah River, 407
Mourning for the dead, Native, 482
Mpama River, 358
’Mpongwe tribe, 223, 400
Mungubattu Region, 455
Mungo Mah Lobeh (The Peak of
Cameroons), Ascent of, 548-608
Mungo River 5 7 o
Muni River, 407
Murder Societies, 536
Music, Native, 66, 181
Miitterrecht, traces of, 224, 486
Okana River, 185
Okoneto Mt. 338
Okyon, 74
OlSga Souls, 230
Olangi Mt. 177
Old Calabar, 42
Olomb’ompolo River, 348
Ombiwiri spirits, 444
Omon Range, 99 (note), 594
Ordeals, 464, 490, 497
O’Rembo Vongo, 235, 241
Orunda Prohibition, 456 , •
Osheba tribe, 369 (note)
Osoamokita, 143, 217
Otalamaguga, 371
Ovata, 185
Owassa God, 69
Ownership native laws of, 498-499
a s s a u , Dr., his explorations on the
Ogowé, 371, 394
his description of Ivory hunting,
quoted on the subject of native
superstitions, 456
Nazareth Bay, 125
Nbakim or ghost traps, 495
Ncovi, Lake, 238
Ndiva, Tribe, 437
Ndorko, 338
Ndork, 495
Negroes, 442
Ngunie River, 137, 370
Niger-River, Mangrove swamps at the
mouth of the, 94
“ Nigger” English, 432“433
Njole, 105, 148, 167
Njoko, Mount, 185
Nlcama, River, 348
Nkami Country, 242
N’Poulounay, 369 (note)
Ntamq, Brazzaville, 360, 361, 366
O a t h , Mbiam formula, 465
Odeaka Cheese, 227
Ogololé Creek, 104
Ogowé River, 103
Discovery of, 103, 370
Geography of, 372, 375
History of its exploration, 354-371
Scenery of, 129-130
Oil Rivers, 73
P a l l a b a l l a M o u n t a in s , 99 (note)
Palm Wine, 667
Pandamcs Candelabrtim, 303 (note)
Papaw, 39
Parroquet Island, 347
Pepper Coast, 75
Phangwe, (see Fan)
Picarthartes gymnocephalus, 23
Pico de las Nieves, 13
Pirate Rocks, 615
Pistia straliotes, river lettuce, 378
Plantain eaters, 236
Plantations, 640-645
Plants of Cameroons and the Ogowé
district, 732-733
Polygamy, 212-214, 662
Pongara Point, 348
Portos of Fernando Po, 59, 71
Ports, The Leeward and the Windward,
75 ; post-mortem, 467
Portuguese possessions, 641
Pottery of the Bubis, 65
of the Fans, 322
Princepe Island, 46-48
Property, Native Laws of, 484-486
Pythons, Measurements of, 161, 547
R a i lw a y s , 634, 638-639
Read, Mr. Winwood, 357, 437
Rembwé River, 297, 333-352
Rio del Rey, 609 - *
Rivers of West Africa as waterways, 634,
635, 638
Rubber collecting, 289-292
Rumby Mountains, 99 (note) 894
■ S a c r ific e s , 451-4.54. 455
Samba, 137
Sanatoriums, 604,near Ambas Bay, 615-
618, 620
Sanctuaries, 466
Santa Isabel, 5°
San Thome, 46
Sasabonsum, 509, 511
Sass Wood, 464
Schools, Mission, 28, 29
Sciurus eborivorus, 325
Seasons of the West Coast, 375
Second sight, 460
'Sete Kama, 372
:Shandi Island, 185
Sierra Leone, 14, 25
Sierra del Cristal, 99 (note) 159. *77.
185, 262, 407
:Sissa souls, 517
. Slessor, Miss, 74. 474. 524
: Slavery among the Bubis, 70, 678
: Sleep Disease, 401
: Small Pox, 401
: Societies, Secret, 526-543
Crocodile, 538
Egbo, 532
llkun, 521, 527, 529
Leopard, 537, 543
-Ukuku, 445. 535. 54°
Yassi, 535, 542 • i — :
:Soil character of the West Coast,620-62
; Songs, of the Bubis, 66 o
;Soulof the Igalwa and ’Mpongwe, 180,
: Spaniards at Fernando Po, 53, 55
. Spirits and Apparitions, 443-445, 5°5>
; Sra5h°m9,a n5d55a zi. , the und, erwor,ld, of,- Ithe
Tschwis, 517-520
.Suhman (tutelary deity), 510, 511
.Sun Worship, absence of, in Native
Creeds, 508 ; surf, 513
:Swamps (see Mangrove, 87, 95)
Talismans, Mahommedan, 19
Tando, God, 521
Tattooing, 530
Tea-planting, 644
Teneriffe, 13
Tetze Fly, 637
Theft, Laws of, 496
Timber, 638
Tomanjàwki, Mt., 182
Tornados, 374
Trade, English, 432-434, 502-504
W' Africa, 631
Transport, means of, from the interior
to the Coast, 634
Twins, Native superstitions regarding.
U b a n j i Nation, 359
Ukuku Society, 541
Underworld, the, 488, 517-520
V a n i l l a , 644
Victoria, 606, 607
Victoria, Peak, (see Mungo Mah Lobeh)
Viper a Nasicornis, 205
Volcanoes, 437
Volcanic Islands on the W. Coast, 46
Volta, River, 634
Vultures, legends regarding, 235 (note)
W a l k e r , Mr., his explorations, 369-371
Water-drinking, 687
Widows, Native treatment of, 487-
491. 5i6 I
Witchcraft, Native, 442-458, 463-467,
482, 515
Witch Doctors, 463-464
Wives, Native, 466, 497
Women, 527
their rights of property, 484-485
Wonga Wonga, the Hole, 437
Words, Magic, 453
T a b o o s , 485, 456, 455 z
Talagouga, 152, 156 (note) 165
gorge, 143 Z o e n a n g e , Lake Eliza z Onange, (Lap
M t ., 144 Anengue in map), 226