West-African fishes. Although this specimen differs from
typical Ct. Petherici in the fin-formula, which is D. -j-f, A. T®T,
I refer it for the present to the Nilotic species.
In young specimens, 60 millim. long, the opercular armature
and the vomerine and palatine teeth are well developed ;
but these specimens have the body still lower than the adult,
viz., one third of the total (without caudal) ; in the adult it is
a little less than two fifths. The ornamental colours are
prettier than in the adult, the diffuse blackish spot on the tail
of the latter being a complete white-edged ocellus in the
Ctenopoma Kingsleyoe, sp. n. (Pl. I. fig. A.)
Ctenopoma Petherici, part., Giinth. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1867, xx.
p. 110 (part.).
This species is allied to Ct. Petherici, but has a deeper
body, and especially the young differs much from that of the
Nilotic species.
D. 16 ~ A. L. lat. 25. L. transv. 2^/9.
The depth of the body is scarcely less than one half of the
total length (without caudal), the length of the head a little
less than one third. The snout is nearly equal to the diameter
of the eye, which is two ninths of the length of the head ;
interorbital space rather convex, wider than the orbit. Mouth
narrow, the maxillary extending somewhat beyond the front
margin of the orbit. Vomerine teeth ; palatine teeth in a very
narrow linear band. A series of short spinous teeth above
and below the opercular notch ; subopercular and part of the
interopercular margin finely and equally serrated. Tail very
short, the anal terminating immediately before, or subcon-
tinuous with, thé caudal. Pores on the head entirely covered
by scales. Five or six rows of scales on the cheek, the scales
near the eye being much smaller than the others. Ventral
fins not prolonged, reaching the vent. Soft parts of the
vertical fins scaly. Blackish, a diffuse large black spot on the
end of the tail, in front of the root of the caudal.
This diagnosis is taken from an adult specimen 150 millim.
long ; two young ones, 60 millim. long, differ in the following
points :—
Their body is somewhat less elevated (though much more
than in young Ct. Petherici), its depth being contained 2\
times in the total length (without caudal). Interorbital space
as wide as the diameter of the eye, which is one fourth of the
length of the head. Two or three spines above and one
below the opercular notch ; suboperculum partly and indistinctly,
interoperculum not serrated. Vomerine teeth developed,
only traces of palatine teeth in front of the bone.
Coloration as in the adult.
All three specimens from Kondo-Kondo.
Chromis latus, Gthr.
The typical specimen was most likely from the same
locality, the late Mr. Fraser being known to have collected in,
or to have received collections from, the Niger delta.
Chromis ogowensis, sp, n.
? Chromis microcephalus, Sauvage, Bull, Soc. Zool. France, ix. 1884,
p. 196 (nec Bleek.). •
D. tt- A. f., P. 13. L. lat. 27. L. transv. 3/11.
Scales on the cheek in three series. Twenty-eight notched
teeth on each side of the upper jaw. The maxillary terminates
some distance in advance of the vertical from the
eye. The depth of the body is a little less than one half of
the total length (without caudal), the length of the head a
little less than one third. Eye two ninths of the length of
the head, much less than the length of the snout and than the
width of the interorbital space. Pectoral fin with the third
and fourth rays produced and extending to the first anal spine.
Caudal fin truncated, scaly. Body with indistinct cross-bands.
Vertical fins blackish, the dorsal with black longitudinal
stripes, longitudinal on the spinous portion, oblique on the
soft; a large oval black spot behind, the last dorsal spine.
Ventrals black. A black opercular spot.
Total len g th ............................................... 1.70
„ „ without caudal................................. 143
Length of the head . / . . . . ■............ . . . . 47.
Diameter of the eye . . . . .......................... 10
Length of the eighth dorsal spine . . . 19
Ogowh River (Lambarene)
Hemichromis fasciatus, Ptrs. .
Azumine Creek;, Ogowe River.