fontanelle is elongate, slightly encroaching upon the base
of the triangular process. The length of the head (measured
to the end of the process) is two-ninths of the total
caudal) ; tlie width of the interorbital space is one-half of t e
length of the head. Barbels moderately long, that of the
nostril not reaching the gill-opening, and that of the maxi - .
lary extending to the origin of the dorsal fin, which is opposite
to the end of the pectoral. Anal fin not low. Vertical fins
separated from eacl},.other by a small interspace. Coloration
uniform blackish brown.
Total len g th ■ . . . I71
„ „ without c a u d a l ............................ 15°
Length of upperside of h e a d ............................... 35
Width of interorbital space
Diameter of the e y e .................................... • 2 7
Ogowi River.
Clarias gabonensis.
Clarias gabonensis, Giinth, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1867, xx- P- II0-
D. 76-78. A. 56-60. P. i/io.
Vomerine teeth villiform, forming a band which is a little
broader than the intermaxillary band, without posterior protection
; each half of the intermaxillary band is twice as wide
as it is broad, and laterally scarcely extends so far as the
vomerine band. Head naked above, finely granular and
striated. The occipital process triangular, with rounded end,
its base being a little longer than its sides. The fontanelle
is ovate, and does not encroach upon the base of the triangular
process. Length of the head one-fourth of the total (without
caudal) ; snout contracted, the width of the mterorbital space
being less than one-half of the length of the head. Barbels
moderately long, that of the nostril reaching to the root of the
pectoral fin and that of the maxillary to The origin of the
dorsal, which is nearly opposite to the end of the Pectoral.
Anal fin not low. Vertical fins separated from each other by
a small interspace. Coloration uniform blackish brown.
Total length . . . .............................................l6|
„ „ without caudal . ....................
Length of upperside of the h e a d .................... 3°
Width of interorbital s p a c e ............................ 15
Diameter of the e y e ................................ 3
This species inhabits also the Ogowé River. To facilitate
comparison with the other species here described, I have given
a fuller diagnosis than my former one.
Clarias buthupogon.
? Clarias laviceps, Gill, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad, 1862, p. 139.
Clarias buthupogon, Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1878, p. 96.
Clarias gabonensis (Clarias megapogoti), Sauvágé, N. Arch. Mus. iii.
1880, p. 39, pi. i. fig. 2 (not Giinth.).
D. 84-87. A. 65-67. P. 1/8.
Vomerine teeth villiform, forming a rather broad band,
without posterior projection, and as broad as the intermaxillary
band ; each half of the latter is twice as wide as broad,
and both the intermaxillary and vomerine bands have the
same lateral extent. Head covered above with a very thin
skin and finely and rather sparsely granular. The occipital
process projects as an isosceles triangle, the hind margin of
the head being deeply notched on each side of the process.
The fontanelle is of an oval shape, its greater portion lying
in advance of the base of the process. The length of the
head (measured to the end of the process) is two-sevenths or
one-fourth of the total (without caudal); the width of the
interorbital space is somewhat less than one-half of the length
of the head. All the barbels very long, the nasal reaching
beyond the head and the maxillary beyond the origin of the
anal. Pectoral fin extending to the vertical from the first
dorsal ray. Anal fin low; both the dorsal and anal extend
to the root of the caudal. Sides of the head and neck with
whitish specks.
Total length................... 225
„ „ without cauda l.................... . '. 195
Length of upperside of h e a d ................................ 48
Width of interorbital s p a c e ................................ 21
Diameter of the e y e ............................................ 4'5
The specimens were obtained at Kondo-Kondo and in
Coriseo Island. The original description of C. loeviceps runs
as follows :— “ Height at anus a tenth of ' length ; head
(laterally) a sixth, its breadth an eighth ; the surface smooth ;
maxillary barbels twice as long as head. D. 86, A. 61,”—
and is quite insufficient for exact determination of specimens.
The typical specimen came probably from Liberia.