A b am b o , see Ghosts '
Aburi, 29
Accra, 26, 29
Adooma Tribe, 355
Adultery, Laws of, 497
Africans, their culture and characteristics,
439, 500-504, 605
Agonjo, 306, 308, 333
Ajumba, 317-229
Akanda Point, 414
Alondo Point, 392, 410
Alouette, Mt. 408
Ambas (or Amboises) Bay and Island,
6 10 -6 13
Andande, 215
Angola-bells, 66
Anno Bom, 46, 55
Anzam, or Anyambi, God, 442
Apparitions, 520-523
Arevooma, 250
Art, characteristics of Négro, 503
Asyuka, 375
Axim, 95
Aynfwa Goddess, 512
Ayshoulca, 241
Ayzingo. Lake, Elivà z’Ayzingo, 237,
240, 269
B a k w e , Boqué, R iv e r , 348
Bana, Bank and Island, 405
Bantu, religious ideas of the, 443
Basile in Fernando Po, 44
Bateke Tribe, the, 357
Bats, Witch, 470
Baumann, Dr. Oscar, on the dances of
the Bubis, 67
on the Gods of the Bubis, 69
on the language of the Bubis, 64
on the liquor traffic, 63 note
Beads “ Aggry,” 679
Beans, Calabar, used in ordeals, 465, 466
Bells, musical, of the Bubis, 66
used by Witch Doctors, 464
Watch, among the Fans, 450,
Bell Town, Murder Society at, 539
Benga Tribe, the, 400, 402 ,
Witch Doctors of the, 464
Bights, of Benin and Biafra, 75
Bikei, Coinage among the Fans, 320-321
Blood, an apparition of, 522, 523
ideas among the W. African tribes
with regard to, 447, 525
“ Blown-blessings,” Ibata, 453
Bobia Island, 610, 612
Bobowissi, 521-
Boko Boko, on the Ogowe River, 183,
Bonny, Town and River, 97
Boofima, 539
Boque, or Bakwe River, 348
Bosum Prah River, 635
Brazza, M. de, at Loango, 105
his exploration of the Ogowe, 353-
Brazzaville, 360, 361
Buana, 606
Bubis, the, of Fernando Po
Arts and Crafts, 64
Character of, 56
Charms, 69
Fetish, 68
Gods, 69
Government, 69
Implements, 65
Language, 64
Music, 66, 68
Buea, on Canieroons, 600, 604
Burial customs (see Funeral customs)
among the Bubis, 70
African ideas regarding, 491
Burial grounds of the Ajumba, 481