Pallas’ Dipper is longer than the common speeies, ‘measuring
eight and a half ipches. The bill is perfectly similar, and three
quarters ©f an inch long, blackish, paler beneath and on the
edges. The whole bird without any exception is of. a . dark
grayish slate-colour, with the base of the ■ plumage ^ somewhat
lighter; at the superior orbit is a slight indication of whitish.
The uniform general colour is somewhat darker on the head, and
a shade lighter beneath. The- wings -are three and a half inches
long, hs in the- genus; thé co-verts and tertials slightly tipped
with dingy whitish^ the primaries -incline soinewhat to brown.
T he tad ilieashres ofte inch and a half, and is;-perfectly e,# » r
The feet are of a flesh-colour, and the nails dusky white*; the
tarsus is. precisely one. inch long.
If we could: rely on Brehm, four speeies .of th is. genua .exist,
which- are all found in the old continent. Two’ are new ones
proposed by himself, under the names of Cinchis septentrwnalis and
Cinclus melanogaster. The latter, according to him^ is a- liherian
species, appearing occasional 1 y on «the northern coast óf European
Russia in winter, and is perhaps a genuine. species, easily distinguished
from- XkkS- Cinctw aquations by having but ten feathers in
the tail, whilst all others .have twelve, in addition t© its smaller
size,, darker colour, and dingy throat; but,.the former can hardly
be regarded even as ;a. northern variety produced by climate;
Mr. Brehm. is probably quite correct in observing that both his
hew speeies are perfectly similar to the old one.
BOM B 1 O IL L A G A B MU. L A .
Plate XVI. «Fig,.
Ampslis garrulus,L inn. S yd -1, g^-29.7#Sp., I..-’ Gmel. Syst. I, p, 83J3, Sp. 1, L ath.
Ind. L MuijuaB, JKbam. El. $. 363, ßp. 1. B Nat.
Ill, p. „171, Sp. 68. Meter & W olf, Tasch. Deutsch. I, p. 2Q4-,
Lanius garrulus, Faun. Suec. II, Sp. 82. Scop: Ann. I. Sp. $E>. Brünn, Sp. 29, 2fe.
Bombydphora polioccelia, Meter, Pfig: IAv. and Esthl. p. iöC j ,
Bombydvora garrula, T emm. Man. 0m. I, p . .124'. Om. I, p. 87#®L i i .
jBombydphora garrula? Brehm, Lehr. Eur. Vog. H, p., 930,., .
Bombydlla garrula, Vikill. Nmp, Did., N ob: Suppl. Syn. Urn. Birds in Zool. Journ.
London, IV,Är3, Sp. 65 His. ‘.Ranz. Eiern. Om. IV/ p. 1,36, Sn; 1.
Bombydlla hohemica,ISt e ph . Contin. Shaw’s JZool. Xfp.. 421.
Garrulus boliemiem, Gesn. Jlv'.'p. 7®Sv Ma>R. Ora. I/p. ?96, PI. 79®.- Mus. p.;674.
1 PI. 675. R a h Syn. A. JSVill. Om. pf 90,>PK'20. Alh. Jhr. II, pV29j*Pl. 3®.'
Turdus eristatui,'WiRs:p,^i|l^|,PL 4. Eeisch^! PI. ,32; fig. J, Male. K l e in , Stemm.
‘ n, 11, PL 13,,% 5, at—
Turdus Bombydlla bohemica, Briss. Om. II, pi 333, Sp. 63., ; Id. 8yo. 4®- 2ÄL
Garrulo di Boemia, St. degli Ucc. II, PI. 1
L i Jaseur, Bjjff. Ois. Ill, p. 429, PI. 26. T e. VauClT Ois. Para. g p . 137, PI. 49.
Le Jaseur de Boheme, BxFek-.Pl, ml. 291.
Europäischer Seidenschwanz, Bechstv Nat. Deutschl. Ill, p .-410, PI*' 34, fig, 1.
Rothlichgraver Seidenschwanz,. .NWm, Vog. | PL . 3 2 , fig. 6;fi. , Meter & W olf,. 0|«.
•d’Allem. Livr. 2^,EL 6, ‘fig. 1, Male, % 2, Female.
Silk-tail, Rat, Syn. p. sS, A. Phil. Trans. XV, pi 1165, PL 1, % 9.
Bohemian Chatterer, Pönn. Brit. Zool. Sp. 112, P i / i s lb. fol. 7, PL 1, & ’* Ljrrii.
- Syn- III, ß.%l,,Sp. ^PHTbersetz, III,pi #8, !!§ji/i. '-ÄBlb, Flor.
■ Scot. l , iSp. 92:: ‘. Qrm.. Diet; I L ettin, Brit. R®w*0'K, Br.
Birds. D onovan, Dr. Birds, I, PU-O- P ult. Cat. Dorsetah.^tki-^ßi
. My Collection.
If the absurd theory-advanced by Büflbn, that European animals
degenerate, or become mote ©it less changed in Other climates,