Eastern Distinct q f Pennsylvania, to w it:
### # # # # # B e it remembered, That on the twentieth day of May, in the fifty-second year of the.
* bead. * Independence of the United States of America, A. D . Carey, Lea & Carey, of the
* # •# # * # 1 said District, hare deposited in ij|ls Office the title of a Book, the right whereof they claim
as proprietors; in the words following, to wit: •,
American OrpithologyV^r, the Natural History of Birds Inhabiting the United States, not given by 2 W ils o n s With Figures Drawn, Engraved, arid Coloured, from Nature. B y Charles Lucian
Bonaparte. 0
In conformity totbe act of Congress of the United States, entitled “ An act for the enpouragement of
learning, by securing, the copies, of maps, charts, ahd; books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies
during the times therein mentioned." And also to the act, entitled t( An act supplementary to an act,,
entitled ‘An act for the%ncouragement of learning, by. securing the copies of maps, charts, and hooks^
to the -authors and proprietors o f such copies during the tiines therein mentioned,9 and extending the ^
benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching* . historical and other printe,"
Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Bohemian Wife-wing .
Cock d t the Plains
Dusky Grous ■ . , ,.
Pallas’ Dipper,
Pine Bullfinch, female
Sharp-tailed Grous ,
Spotted, Grous .
^Vhite-crowned Pigeon
Zenaida Dove
Bombycilla garrula
£ètrao urophasianus # . . S t
wèlnàp ob'scumS . ; m XX - , 37
■ 1
Fyrrhula emi cleat or W '16
Tetrao phasianellus . . - ' 37
Telrao canadensis 47
Columba leucocephala . 1 9
Columba zenaida . 23