ped tip being the full ^spring plumage; though asserted that
this species cfaaes ,!n,ofct yary in its - plumage with., the seasons...
However ♦this't may Jbe§ .we- have thought proper to give , a
representation of yhe | anomalous male bird from tire Rocky
MonntkiiisJiTO ohiCHifp^^^ whilst the female, .„placed \$ith,the Cock
of the Rpiins, ^ a t f^weduced size, may be properly^emimated,
has be®h daoseh aniong the oMmarp sfpaiiiineiW; MyingiJhei, tajJJs
tipped.gith red; me red tip being still more cdnspicipirrdn,; the
iCotnmOflBmales, from which, in order _to «comprehend «all, our
description has been drawn up.