fÆ Q Ê ^M B J l *LÈ UÇ&G:$PinLL4yt
Plata XVII. J ig . 1.
Columba leucocephala, Limi.Jkist. I',* p:1 28t, Sp,,14. >Gmel. Syst. I, p. 77-2, Sp. 14.
M m ïnd. p.'594,^S[iTSÇ^EMM. Ind. Col. in Elst. Pig- et Gall. E pv»459. ViEnajl
11 Gal. iois. 93i ' PI. 194;
Columba minor leucocoryphas, B.Aii,(Syn..]t.GJ^&v. 16, and p. 184,,JSp, 24. Kixrs,
‘ ;&>. p/Y|öf p. J%Ô’, J J ïsi*
Columba saxätilis jamaiee)ß^R]usi& Oijn. I^p^lß^jSp. qä. In. 8vo. ;I,l p. 34. ,<
Columba capite albS,^Phe White-croumed Pigeon, Çatesb| , Car; I, p. 25, PI. yjm
■ Seligman, Sami. Self:. Fôgs»lÇcol. pffli|§[fi&
Le Pigeon de roche de la Jamaique, ffippF. Ow. Il, p.y52 g ^ froN. .
Colombe à "calotte, blanche, T e mm. Hist. Pig. et Galßl, pj 204. Ip. folio PI. 13 nf ,ïlu\
My ColleztiaÈBm';
T his bird has been already alluded to in o(ue first, volume,
when-pointing out the diflpfence between it and thé, nc^\i\0jlinnba
fasdata of Say. We were therf-far from supposingttmit l^ ^ p o u ld
so soon* have; to berime its* histori|n, but haying as certained th at
it inhatóts Florida, asJweïhas^th^Wi^-irid'ies'f'!«^ are e [fabled to»I
give it a plaice * in these'pages. A punce 'at the;'plate will noyp
rendef'the difference strikingly ohyious tortile AumficaöMÖÏdent,
who will thuyjperceive^ett^fefhanjËan be explaiMlIrby'words,
ho # entirely distinct the above.'n$med* species is from the pKffesent.
The WÉfteS&öwiied fragSMuimlL ■ inhabitant^of
Mexico and the Weswndies^-aMi^wise found in grea#framber P o |i
some .of thè Flbrid alk e^ ^ ^M F ls Key and otheg ^ eaMwiiL
spring, where it feeds almóst%xckts%ely.tó^a kina of wila*früiti;