K P /
' P h fte ^ IX .
TMrao phasianellus, L inn. Syst. ed. 10, p. 160. Gmee. Sysl. I, p. 747. F orst.
jPhil. Tram. LXII, pp. 394 and 425. « L ath. Jnd. Orn. p. 635, Sp. 2. Bniss.
!*• Suppl, p ..;» . Tm n ig hli GqlL in Hint. Pis;, tç (fall. III. £ipjLi*. Nouv.
Diet. Hist. Nat. SjotSe, Zool. Jlpp. Id Frankl. Exp'ed'.'p' 68Î. , N(®. Cat. Birds
■Wi'S. Sp.'20'S'.' In. Syn. Birds tÜlljSp. M9?‘
Tetrao urogallus, var* is, LmTS&gyst. I, p,2ts||>p’. 1.
Gelinotte à longue queue. B ù»e . Ois. II, p. 2SG. Sonn. Buff. VI, p. 72. B onat.
, Tabl. Encyc. Om. p. 196^ PI. 91, fig.
Francolin à, longue queue, B earne, Voy. à Vocean du Nord, (Fr. transi.) p. .3,86.
^Tétras phasianelle, Tèîjjmé Pig. et Gall. Bl^p. 152.
Long-tailed Grom, EnwAtoBS« Crfean. PI. 117. tEXth.'Syn. IV, p. 732. Id. Suppl.
A&PÏÉl. À*
Sharp-tailed Grous, Ard. mol. Sp|>ïii!. i Ç|
The Grous, or Prairie Hen, BEiewis andvCi.ARK, Exp. II,-.p. 180, Sp. 1.
Philadelphia Museum, Female.
My Collection,'Mule and Feinalè.
T his species oT Grous, though long since <• said to n inhabit
Virginia, is in fact a .recedt * acquisition. to o tle Fauna*©f the
United States; for itf-was only through an awkward mistake
that it was ever mtributed to that country. : ^Mitchell, upon an
inspection of Edwards’s bad drawingj&f this bird, mistaking ft
fdr the RuffedTjrous of that dnd the$neighbouring states, declared
it to be an inhabitant of Virginia; and upon his authority Edwards
gave, it as snob. This;, statenSçnt. hpweve*|!’ leckkWS'sQn*. into the
erroneous belief of the, identity g£ wKe tw \ species, dn which he
was further confirmed, when lifter the .most cardïul rese^roneS he
vol. in.—K