Plate XVI. Fig. 3.
See W il so n ’s American Ornithology, Pine Grosbeak, Loxia enudeator, Vol. I, p. 80,
, PI. 5, Fig. 2, for the Male at the age of one year.,
, Loxia enucleator, L inn. Syst. I, p. 299, Sp. 3. Faun. Suee. Sp. 223. Schen, Act.
Holm. 1757. p. 139. Gmel. Syst. I, p. 845, Sp. 3. Brunn. Sp. 239.' Muller,
Sp. 246. B orowsk. Nat. Ill, p. 133, Sp. 3. L ath. Ind. I, p. 372,. Sp. 5.
B et z , Faun. Suee. p. 234, Sp. 211. Meter & W olf, Tdsehenb. Fog. Deutschl.
Isp. 142.
Loxia fiamengo, Mus. Carls. I, FI. 17. Gmel. Syst. I, p. 864, accid. var.
Loxiapyrrhula, var. L a t h . Ind. I, p. 388, Sp. 56, accid. var.
Coccothraustes canadensis, Briss. Om. Ill, p. 250, Sp. 15, PI. 12, fig. 3. Id. 8vo. I,
p. 378.
Pyrrhula enucleator, T emm. Man. Om. I, p. 383. Sabine, Zool. App. to Frank. Exp.
p.Jjfilfi. Brehm. Lehr. Ear. Fog. I, p. 169, Ranz. Elem. Om.Yl, p.70, Sp. 2..
Selby, III. Brit. Om. I, p. 256, PI. 53,-fig. 1, Male, fig. 2, Female. N ob. Obs.
Wils. Nom. Cat. and Syn. Birds U. S. Sp. 193.
Cory thus enucleator, Guv. Sign. Anim. I, p. 392.
Strobilophaga enucleator, Yieill. Gal. Ois. I, PI. 53, yonng Male.
Fringilla enucleator, Meter, Syst. Taschenb. HI, p. 250, Sp. 2.
Ciufolotto snocdolatore, R a n z . he. (At.
Bur-bee, Buff. Ois. HI, p. 457. Gros-bec du Canada, I d . PI. enl. 135, fig. 1, Male a
year old.
Haken Kembeisser, B e c h s t . Nat. Beutsch. HI, p. 28. N a um . Fog. Nachtr. PI. 19,
fig. 36, Male, fig. 37,' Female.
Ber Fickten Kembeisser, Meter & W olf, Fog. Beutschl. 12, PI. 5, fig. 1, young
Male, fig. 2, old Female.
Greatest Bullfinch, E dwards, PI. 123, young Male, PI. 24, adult Female.
Pine Grosbeak, P e nN. Brit. Zool. Sp. 114, PI. 49, fig. 2. Arct. Zool. II, S^20'9.
E l l is , Narr. H, p. 15. L bw in , Brit. Birds, H, PI. 68. L a t h . Syn. n , p. I ll , Sp.
Supp. p.' 148*. - Mont. , Om. Rich L W alokJ Syn. PI. ,20.7. Donov. Brit.
Jgifds, I, P1. .17, BEjnjcjj, f}rfy. Birds,'{, -IX,-p. 238, PI. 43.
H'l.]piERS,.Tl,;p., 106, Sp. of ,
(Flamingo Grosbeak, Lath. Syn. Suppl. p.OSk accid. var.
My Collection, Male, Female, and yoling.
T he female Pine Bullfinch is eight and a half .-inches long, and
thirteen and a half in, extetajt^ ^ipThe bill measures more than half
an . inch,' is,vblackish with the lower mandibles paler at Jiase, the
feathers o n the whole ^head," neck, breast, and, rump, oyahge,
tipped with brownish, the orange* richer on theCrown/- where are
a few blackish dots, theiplumage at hasp plumbeous :|jthejback,'is
cinergous, somewhat mixed with orange, the shafts darker: bell#
and fgmorals! pure cinereous: lower tail-coverts whitish, shafted
with dusky : the. wings are four and a. half inches long, reaching
beyond the middle of the tail: the smaller hoYerfs apO similar to
the back, cinereous slightly tinged with orange: middre and laBgeE
blackish, margined iv jth whitish exteriorly and widely at tip;
the lower eoverts are whitish gray; .toills, blackish^ primayiga
margined with pale greenish oAngedsechndaries and tertials with
broad whitO exterior m a i^ n s : the, tail is three and, ithreh1 auaffiffer
inches long, blackish, the feathers with nar^o\Cpale edges f feet
dusky, nails blackj^h.
In the young;female the n lad and khmo are^tinged withfafiddi'sha
The male reptesentedshtid mhst actm^aimy^escribed .by^Wilson,
is not adult, buj full Orfeyearold.; Tat which period^ contrary to
the general law of nature, it is the brightest, as ^ as . first stated
by Linne, through his observation has'since been overlooked or
unjusmi^,eonWadi(#ed.J;3ln the adult male, the^ parts that were
.crimson*'in the immature - bijed, exhibit a fine reddish orange, the
breast and keljy being also o# that colour, but paler; the bars of
the wings, tinged with ro|0 ih thepyOung, becoxhl v|iilre #hftev ■*
vol. in.— E