P l a t e f c x i * F ig f j |||
’Tdrao urophasianits, Nag. in ZnolSJoum. Land. In. Appi'. to Syn. Birds U. §. p.
;al&442.| in Ann. Lyceum Nat. M^TNew- Fork.
TneCocWof the Pubis, L ewis and Clark, Exp.’ll, p« 180.1re|&j^/
Mr. Leadbeater’s Collection in London, Female.
It isfwith tm? l i ^ l i ||t * saS®|£action th a t w e are enabled finally to
enrich tmk b lo rth .Fauna witH^.tbe.name. portrait, and
d€<s®gti6Mote;biV'noble bird;- ^b ic li must-have formed from the
^earMi^^^pipa's1!,^ principal’* orn^tiheiit-^lL the distant wjlds* of' the
jlgjPrn Hardly (dnfpriOT^ra'Ttbe \T u r k ey Aidf sfee, beauty, and
«usefulness,^ihe Co,bk *©^me, PlainsSKycnlLlled11o the first place in
the beautifiil series of North American in the same rank
tbatfethe Cock ofi the'‘lW’oods)t®wjustly claims amgng thosb of
‘II^KPpcateavA'siaivj. >
. T h i|wfine#lird, like sWi^d3tirop"ean ,a'rialpgu^® Seems’ to** be
r'feltri^tem within certain- bafindsj and im probably no wlfere
numerous, owing to its ‘bulk.HimitedWpiWersS^rapfl¥p’h t. and thii
%age§j® with which it is pursued^ b in SM iy rol^wpolygamnus
Jjmb]^, Jwhich ,are tbe{ <3aus>e ofisyesperate combats jbetween the
males] for th&pps^Miofi^f;the female^. However lbiigahe period
sjdfbe-it waslifrst h&rd of in the 'accounts of hunters, "arfd^travel-
lers, n #m d^^was known|tlian1 that • t'tere*. exii^ed|in th'e^ipt^ior
of AmeTO.alfh $ffry largeffp^ies^K Gcrous^ ealled BCitRe' hunters of
thj| w est5the Pi^mie T u rb i^ P tftie^to'
«^hat is^knowngoffits habits, but we h&vedt in our? power, to sa^h