Another spec;Ies.,plosfelyi allied- to, and perhaps - identical with
our,Dand4ailed-Pige<m,t(though ,we bavejequally good- reasons^for
believing it lAhSh^olt^^af-m ^a pf,,Temminck) land of which ~We
havefnotyet beenKabtegfcoftprpcure specimens*'is »also welVknpwn
Ajjjneed ^nTwgjhe^El orldaifrfeWsa'&wyther probably almost all the
I j ®^AffiDA.®OPE,-.*»)'
K GomMMJ* m m rM B Jiv
, Plat^XVIi;«Fig.t^N'W
Columba zenaida, Nob.- Add. Orn. iif.'Sti&Jourti. Ad&d. Phil. Id.- Cat. Birds TJ0&.
Sp. 198** in. Contr. Mad. Lye. Ph. I, Birds 198^1 dpm. *
;j,^E?/c,.JVa^- Bist^N.: Y. II, p. -Id. Suppl. in Zool. Journ. Load. V, p. 6.
My GpUection. - '
■pcThe- name of - Dove- nd1i^m l^og<ly fesedf^to^clesignate a
Systematic i group,- but-feis^. l$mpM>,yedll-for J all \ th^llmaRWEigedn's
indaWctSniinatel^'whilst the- larger Dove si* ar'e known as^ »Pigeons.
'‘Even tffis's distinction ©filsize however does »not; seem to be' agreed
upon, *-asf#e find authors calling the ^arger spte^es DQjvg ^ a itl
the smaller’ bnes^'Bigfeons^ and" soiftetimd^fe|venf- appMrfp’ibotih
appellations-. tb^dffcreht» Fages- of^y^&mp^i^em’esslfi.s in
fhe^ Ca'se^of the common Aifi^riqau PigS'on,' |Columba* migratoriii.
This extensive family- of^bifdl^Jso remarkable j for} ricbnwsti and
Splendor ofi-colours, so impoftant »as».#eomto ibutiiffr largely-- to
Supply- the wants of mankind* so interesting: a^-fotmin^ko-perfect
a link between the two »great divisions of, the feathered»-, tribes,
has»- Bed# »divided^ bn more .philosophical principles into^tbfee
groups^jyhich a®116 natur alisti^cohsi^ete:as-- genera, and dthers as
sbbg8ror,a$§§r1' sections. Of&thes'e two bijdy are found- repTieseptcd
in-, AmericiEwifle third, a> very natural group, being confined-to
Africa and’-they large eastern islands of the old world:
which the present biWf and-alk the MortMAmCriean; species|;but
djje, belong, - is the’ mosts typical of- all, being Characterized by a
straight and slender bilbnb'dih mandibles of which ai% soft and