P R E F A C E.
In choosing a family of birds for a second Jloiiogiaph, I n a s iiidaoed to make a selection of the TctraoniiiiD, t
only on
account of tlieir varied forms and interesting habits, but also for tlio iinpovtant jiart they bear toward man's comfort n
ami imppi-
ness. Although not brilliant in plumage of varied colors, like the I’ittid.-c, still few could witness tiie graceful forms, ei-ec:
and gallant bearing of the mcmbcis of this family, ivithoiit having their admiration excited. The majority of tiio species :
I iiihabto
itants of Nortli Amei'ica,- and many of llicm, through the coiitinncd persecutions to whicli tliey ai'c subjected, and tlic want of a
rigid enforcement of proper lan-s for their protection, arc rapidly clisappcai'ing fi-om onr laud, in a eompavativcly short space of time
to n-rite their liistory wliilo they ivci'c still to be found, and their habits
become o.xtinct; and this additional
observed in their native wilds,
Iiilluencod by such motives, it wius with
ordinary degree of interest that J entered i
ili tlio species of the Tctiaoniiico known i
tiic u-ork to a coiicliisioii, cmbi'aciiig within
'Vhat is wi-it, is ivi'it ; would it wci’C worthier.”
In treating of so dilficult a gi'oup a.s the Lagopidrc,
elusions regarding tlic idontiftcatioii of the species, that
fortunate in receiving the vast collections of these birds
on my ta.sk, and have now
Oriiitliologists a t the pros
11- Ptarmigan, it was absolutely necessary, in order
large number of specimens sliould bo olitaincd; a
iiadc by' Jlr. Keiinicott, during a protracted sojourn Art
IS particularly
e America, as
w-cll as, from larious other sources, numerous examples from almost every locality where these bii'tls wci-e knotvu to exist; forming
altogctbcr probably the largest and most complete collection ever brought together, Thcroibrc, artcr much investigation and study,
it is with some degree of coiifidcnee tliat I liave designated 'vliat have soometl to be good species; and although iny fellow-
Oriiithologists may not agree nitli mo in some of my views, yet tVom tlie material in my possession it was impossihle for me to
como to any otiior conclusions than those given in the various ai-ticles on tliis gi'onp; ami in scvoial instancc.s i-eeovd as synonyms
local Ibrms regarded by many ns good species.
And iioiv tlie pleasing duty devolves upon me, of acknowledging the iu«.sistancc I have received in the prosecution of thi.s work
from my niciuU both in this country and in liiiropc: and first to Prof, S. F. Baird, of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
«•ho placed at my disposal all the material relating to this subject, gathered by the various collectois of the al.ovc In.stitution,
and wlio has at all time.s given every aid in his power toward the successful completion of this iroiu.graph; to Mr. John Cas.dii,
ol Philadcliilua, I desire lo express my obligations for advice roganling tiic preparation of my plato.s, and as.sistance a t different
periods chocrfully rendered; to Mr, Goo. X. Lawrence, «lio aliowc.l me to appropriate for my use any specimens of these birds
wliich his cabinet contained ; to Mr. J. D. Sargcant, of Pliiladel|ihla, from whose litio exa.n|.lcs of Oanace Canadensis my drawing «-as
made; to Mr. Alfred Xcwton, «-ho sent me a fine scries of Ptai-migan fi-om rccland, which wore most useful in iny investigations.
To Dr, P. L. Sclater, Prof. Snndevall, of Stockholm; W. J. ILiys, Rsq.; Geo. A. lioardman, Es<|.: .Mon.s. Jules P. V.
Leadbcatcr, Usq,; J. C. licll, Esq.; .John Krider, Esq., and othci-s, I would here express my thanks for the aid gi-
times. To Joliii Gould, l-:s<|., who sent from London many species of this family, together «
Ptai-niigan, for my ins|)oction, I am much indebted.
Tlie plates fni-nishod by Mcssi-.s, liotvon .C Co., of Phihulelpliia, have been prepared «-itii th
(inn; so long cclcliratcd for their skilful execution in this ditticult ¡ind delicate bran
To Mr. C. F, Tliolcy, I would here state my gratification a t tlic careful inanncr
And no«-, nothing remains save to express the obligations I foci to those «ho
and with nnieh patience have borne with its necessarily slow issue; whose as.sistancc
iiiid been the moans of enabling me to bring them to a successful tcrinination.
■h lii.s type of the Spitzbergcn
usual care of that «ell-known
of art.
«'Iiicli lie lia.s lithographed my di-aivings.
ave honored my work « ith their support.
; througlioiit my labors,