LAGOPUS PEPvSIOUS, G . E . G b a y .
LAGOPUS PERSICUS. Gray, Gen. of B„ vol. iii., pl.—Id., Cat. B. Brit, Mus., Pt, III., p. 48 (1844).
Tins liird, figured by Gray in the work above quoted, is said to be a native of Pcreia.
I t is bazanlous to anuouaee a specimen of Ptarmigan as belonging to an nndeseribed species, unless ample o,,po.t,mitics Lave been
afforded to compare it with oti.cre from tlie same locality, and which may also show like variations from weli-knowti for.iLs, since the
members of oven tlie same species in tliis genus present liiffcrenccs both in color of plumage and in tlie measurements of their parts
greater than may be found iu perhaps any other class of bircL«.
If one may judge l.y tiie lifelike portrait in tlie accoinpanying plate—tlic result of Mr. Wolf's unrivalled skill-tl.is biixl bears a
strong resemblance to tlie Lagopus .Scolkus. It is indeed of a lighter eolor tlia.i tlie typical examples of tl.at species, yet we know that
the Scotch Grouse vary very much, in different loealities, in tlieir ).l«.nagc, and it would not he deemed an unusual occurrence lo find one
of as light a line as tliat in the illustration.
As tlic I’tariuigaii arc natives of nortliern climes, it may be considered as somewliat strange tliat one siionld bo diseovorcd in Poreia ;
and tUcrcforo it would seem desirable, l.eforc admitting this l.ird to rank as an undoni.tcd species, that more Bpcciineiis sliould be procured
from tlic same coniitiy, and that they also sliould luesent a like pceiiliar style of coloring in tlieir plumage.
I am without any information in regard to the economy or habits of the Kiiiialcc Grouse, but presume that it would in both resemble
the Lagopus Scoticus.
Mr. (iray gives Kaipariali Persia as tlie iocalily wlicncc tliis specimen eainc,
Tlic drawing of tliis bird, whicli gives us so mucli better au idea of it tliaii tlio most minute description could, was iiiade from the
spccimeii ill tlie Britisl. Mnscui.i, and wl.iel. is tlie only one, I beiicve, tliat Ims ever been obtained.