Tlio male lias tlic iiiiiici' parts black, each feather ci-ossed ivitli ivaviiig Hues of leaden gray ; the scapulars anil wings are of a reddisli brown,
mottled iri'cgnlai'ly like the back ; tho primaries dark broivn, with reddish brown shafts; the upper tail coverts black, mottled ivitli rufous, and
broadly tipped witli white; tail uniform black, the feathers broader than that of Canadensis, and nearly square a t the tip. The throat, upper
part of breast, and coiitro of belly pure black; a white lino from tlie eye continues around tlie black of the throat. Feathers on the sides of the
breast and belly, ivith conspicuous bar.s of wliitc. Tlio flanks, barred and mottled like tlie wings, tlie feathers having a white line iu tho centre
oxpnnding toward the tip. Under tail coverts black, broadly tipped with white. Thighs and tarsi light brown, faintlv barred with darker
brown. Bill black.
Female. Entire upper parts gray, barred with black and orange yellow, those on tlio head and neck being narrow, but becoming broader
and conspionons on the upper part of the ba ck ; upper tail coverts gray crossed with black, aud but faintly with orange yellow, the outer
foathci-8 tipped with white, and rimning more than half way down the tail. Wings reddish brown, irregularly baiTcd witli black; some of the
socoiidaries have a central line of white, widening a t the top. Primaries brown, with tho outer webs yellowish brown. Tliroat white, spotted
witli blnck. Upper parts crossed witli black and orange yellow, tlio feathers tipped with white, tliis last becoming more prominent on the
belly and flanks. Tail black, conspicuously barred with dark orange yellow, and tipped with white. Under covei-ts black crossed with yellow,
and broadly tipped with white; so that when they arc in position one above the other, it appears as though the coverts were white. Thighs
and tarsi ashy brown, with marks of white appearing through the feathers on the former. Bill black.
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