+4C, pi. 365.—Id., Syn., 1839, p. 283,—Id., li. TETKAO OBSCUIU'S. And., Ornith. liiog., vol. iv„ 1838. of Amer,, vol. I , 1S42, p. 89,
pi. 295.—Niitt., Oruifli., vol. i., 1840, p. 609.
DE.NDR.VOAPl'S KIUHARDSONII. Elliot, Proc. Acad. N. S. (I8G4).
TETRAO RieilAKUSONII. Doug., Linn, Truiis.. xvi., p, 141.
Rbsumbi.ixo very closely the Dusky Grouse, the present species would probably be considered by an ordinary observer as identical with
th a t bird ; yet it presents characters which vary from its ally, aud which arc coustant. and of sufficient value to constitute a specific
Ricliardson's Grouse is strictly a mountain specie«, never, to my knowledge, having been ob«ervcd on the plains, nnd in its liabit«
lirescnt« no material difference from its relative. It is an inhabitant of the Rocky Moiiiiti
s found from tho Fontii I’as,« north-
The most striking difference between this species and the Drmhagapus Obemrus. is in. linving the tail sqna
black throughout its length, and being entirely destitute of the ashy terminal li.iiul so conspicuous in its ally,
Audubon figures this species, in the " Ilirds of Amorica," imiler the name of Tetrao Obsrurus, but speaks of o
sc.ssion which had the tail considerably rounded, of a deep black, with a terminal band of ash-gray, lie did
;t the tip, of a uniform
icciincn in his po-s-
consider these as
different, but accounted for tlie vnrintioii by supposing " th a t when tho tail is unworn it is distinctly rounded, and tipped with gray."
This docs not n)ipoar to me to be the case, as the fails of, the specimens before me present no indication of being worn away a t the
tip, and the foathors arc broader than those of it.s relative.
The upper parts of the male are grayish brown mottled with light brown ; in sonic specimeiis Ihis mottling is wanliiig, the feathers
being of a iiniForui color; upper tail coverts tipped with giay. YViiigs light browiii«li gray mottled with brown, the sceomlario« iiiargmed
with whitish; primaries light brown. Head, neck, l>rca.«t, and .abdomen load color. Chin ami tliroat lehitc, irregularly crossed with
black. Patch of feathers before the wing white. Flanks bluish gray, many of llio feathers tiiqied with white. Tail hlack, s.piai'c at
the tip, and incliiiiiig to brownish on the outer wohs. Under coverts dark brown broadly iiiargitied «ith white. Thighs and tarsi pah'
brown faintly mottled with a darker brown. Hill black. Feet brown.
The female has the upper parts lighter than tlic male, covcreil ivith bars and blotelics of hlaekish brown. Head ami neck grayi«li.
similarly crossed with brown. Wings rufous broivn mottled ivith blackish, some of the fontlicre having a central ivliite streak
light broivii, the outer webs mottled with yolloivish brown; secomlarics margined with giayish wliite. Tliioat ami breast ■
(lark brown, Umlcr parts lighter than the male, nitli considerable white intermingled. Tail black, the centra
back. Uudcr coverts dark browu margined wilh white. Rill black. Feathers of the legs light brown.
Over tlie eyes of both sexc.s is an orniigc-coloi'etl meinbruiie.
The idatc represents a imile and femnlc, the latter reduced in size.
•ast crossed ivilli
mottled like the