to tlic piiiiric toward evening to roost. It is very diflieult to appvoncli tliein when among tlio corn, as a poi-son makes so uiiicli noise
pas-sing between the stalks, that the hii-d.s become alarmed, and take to flight often nuobsei'vcd. Many an liour have I passed, toiling
after them in those iinlavorablc localities, and considered myself fortunate if five or six birds were the result of the hunt.
In winter tho Prairie Chickens porch upon the fences, and early in the morning the topmost rails for a long distance are often completely
hidden by the multitude of Grouse whicli have settled on thorn. As soon as tlic sun is two oi- throe hoiii-s high, they leave their
pcrclic.? to seek tlicir food.
Tliis .species is capable of going for a considerable time without water, the districts they inhabit being generally dry ; and they are
accustomed to quench tlieir tbii-st by picking off the drops of rain ov dew that glisten upon the loaves and grass.
Tlieir flesh, when yonng, is white, but in tlio adult quite dark ; nnd is generaliy much esteemed as an article of food.
Unlike the Ruffed Grouse, which is of an untamable disposition, the Prairie IIcii is easily domesticated, aud will breed in confinement.
When this species takes lliglit, it is with mncli less whirring of the wings than is characteristic of other mcmbci-s of this family, and
frequently, on rising, they utter a few distinct clucks.
The two sexes rcsoinblo oacli other closely in their plumage, the principal difference being th a t tlic male possesses tlio gular sacks, and
tufts of Icngtlicncd feiitliei-s upon the sides of tlie neck. They may be described ns follows:
General color of tho upper parts bi'owu, transversely biirred with blackish brown; wings lighter brown; primaries grayish brown, with
spots of reddish yellow on the outer webs. Tail-featlicis purplish brown, the two middle ones lighter and mottled witli hroivnish,black.
Loral space and throiit light buff. The long fcathei-s of the neck are yellowish red, chirk brown on the outer webs. Under parts white,
m.n-kod with broad cnvvod bands arranged in regular scries, of a grayish brown; imdcr-tail oovorts white, crossed with brown and margined
with black. Membrane over tho eye, and gnlar sack, orange yellow. Bill dusky; feet yellow, Featlicrs of the legs gi-ay, minutely
banded ivitli yellowish brown.
The plate represents a male in the act of iooting to a female sniTonuded by her brood.
The figures arc all life-sizc.