I have a t various times obtained liybrids l.ctwoeii tliis species and ('upidonia Cupido. ami also betsveeii it and tlic more iiortlioni Sliaip-taii,
Pediaecaetes Pliasiancllus. Sonic of tlie ofrsprlng of Ihis species and the Prairie Chicken arc very Imiidsomo liirda, having a good deal of the
pare white under parts of the Sharp-tail, bnt the upper part of the breast and tlio flanks nro crossed with bars scolloi'cd on the lower odgo,
instead of the single heart-shaped spot«, iimkiiig a very peonliar and striking cflbct. (>f course these hybrids vary a good deal iu their markings,
accordingly ns the Prairie Chicken or the present species prcdoniiiiatcs, for some incline to one species more than to the other. This species is
distributed from the Mississijipi, throughout the northern ami western )>rairics, to Oregon and YVashington Territories.
Head and throat brownish-yellow, the front, crown, occiput and cheeks irregularly marked with idnck or very dark brown ; siipcrcilinry stripe
whitish; back ferruginous brown, variously spotted with blnck or browiilsb yellow; wings brownish gray, with large spots of white on all tho
coverts; trnnsvci'sc bars on tbe secondaries, and the outer webs of tho priinnrics, which arc dark lirown, spotted with the same; the tail fcathei's
havo the inner web white, outer, brownish gray, dotted with darker brown, the central feathers m-e elongated nml of the same color as the back ;
under parts pure white, the feathers on the breast and flanks having a brown U-sliapcd mark. Bill black ; feet brown. Tlioro is no diffcrciico
in color of plumage between the sexes. The yonng have the upper parts a light brownish yellow, eros.«cd irregularly with lines of blackish
brown; wings pinkish white, barred with black. Entire under parts yellow, darker on the sides and uiqier part of breast. Thighs and tarsi
same color as belly. Bill light yellow, with a central brown lino on upper mandible.