spots; cheeks with two narrow dark lines; chin, throat, and spot over the orhits whitish; belly with hlack spots like
those on the side. Body and head 19 inches, tail 8 inches.” .
Thesknll which Dr Gray attributed to this species, and which is now in the British Museum, is marked F. huUoni
Blyth. It came from the Salt range, and was sent by Mr. Oldham. Length 3 inches 10 lines, width 2 inches 7 lines
Face rather short broad; nasals long, slender, and pointed at upper posterior ends. Premaxillas short and rather broad'
Crown convex, shelving on the sides Orbits incomplete. Brain-ease full and rounded, with the squamosals prominent'
Auditory bullae large, and the mastoid foramina oblong in shape. Superior canines moderate in size