upon the breast with rufous; inner side of front legs crossed with two bars of blackish brown; belly spotted with the
same, and inner side of hind legs crossed with two bars of dark rufous brown. Two lines of red cross the cheeks, one
starting from behind the eye, the other just below, and extending beneath the ear. Tail slender, rather long, same colour
as the back, unspotted. Back of ears black, with a rufous spot in the centre. Paws and lower part of legs yellowish
brown, indistinctly spotted on front legs with red.
Entire length 17| inches, tail 8 3 .
The above description answers to the usual style of this C a t; but, as with the other species of the spotted members of
this family, individuals vary greatly, some being even paler than the one here described, while others are very dark and
conspicuously spotted with blackish brown. It was from this latter style that Blyth described his F. jerdoni, which may be
deemed the extreme limit of the dark variety of this species. Another specimen before me, intermediate between the one
just described and the F.-jerdoni style, is rufous brown, the hairs tipped with grey; the stripes over the head and spots
upon the back are black, while those on the flanks, shoulders, and hind quarters are rufous. The stripes on the cheeks are
brownish black. Entire underparts white, with the stripes on the breast, inside of fore and hind legs, and spots on the
belly jet-black. Back of ears black, with a rufous spot in the centre. The tail is reddish brown, unspotted. Both of
these specimens came from Ceylon.
The facial region of the skull of this species is short, and in a line with the forehead. Nasals very long and narrow,
and at their articulation with the frontal bone extend beyond the processes of the maxillae. Praemaxillae rather broad, their
processes separating the nasals from the maxillae for about one fourth the length of the former. The maxillae are broad,
and their processes square at their upper posterior border. Orbits nearly complete. Infraorbital foramen round and
open. Brain-case full and evenly rounded, with a slight postoccipital crest. Auditory bullae large and prominent, the
mastoid foramen narrow and oblong in shape. Lower outline of ramus curving slightly upwards in its anterior half, with
a s l ig h t Swelling downwards beneath the molars. Canines rather large for the size of the animal; the molar series moderate.