The following is Mr. G. R. Gray’s description of this remarkable
.. Upper su rlc e sap-green, with a verdigris tinge on the wings| each feather marked 1 the middle
yellow; which is margined on the sides with black, from which spring .rregnlar transverse hands of the same
L o u r ; the outer webs of the greater wing-coverts, quills, secondaries and entire tail brownish-buff,
irregularly banded transversely with black; between every alternate set lemon-yellow; the inner webs of
quiDs and secondaries black, more or less transversely banded with lemim-yellow; under surface pale
greenish-yellow, tinged with lemon-yellow, more or less marked along the shaft with pale yellow, wh ell is
narrowly margined with brownish-black ; some of the feathers have transverse bands of the same colour ;
the top of the head brownish-black, margined onterly with sap-green, tinged m some places with verdigris,
and marked in the middle with pale yellow; the front cheeks, ear-coverts and the projecting feathers of the
face pale urnbre, marked in the middle with yellowish-white; bill white ; feet plumbeous-black.
Total length 2 feet 4 inches ; bill 1 inch 8 lines ; wings 11+ inches; tail 94 inches; tarsi 14 inch.
The figure represents the bird about three-fourths of the size of life.