126 Hypoxis ere da.
first a black and then a white sheath, or two, embracing about five,
long, grass-like, hairy leaves, deeply channelled, and of very unequal
lengths, from five to eleven or twelve inches long, the tips
generally sphacelated. Scapes two, throe, and four, about six inches
long, bearing two, three, and four flowers on peduncles of unequal
lengths, from one-half to three-fourths and one inch long. Both scape
and peduncles pubescent, with whitish hairs. The calicine petals lanceolate,
ovate, sub-acute, hairy, greenish-yellow exteriorly, bright-
yellow within. Grows in damp places, meadows, grassy borders of
woods, and similar situatiqns, from Canada to Ceorgia, flowering
in May.
The generic term Hypoxis is derived from £*•», underneath, and
•t»«, sharp, in allusion, as may be supposed from the generic description,
to the tapering and pointed base of the capsule. The present
is much the most common species in the United States, but
from its disposition to vary has often been supposed to consist of
more than one species. The petals are often more pointed than
represented in the plate, particularly in flowers which have appeared
late in the summer. The leaves also, which are generally of
the length of those of the figure, are not unfrequently one, two or
three inches long, and sometimes exceed even a foot in length.
The figure, (No. l.) is of the prevailing size of the plant, in its
natural situation.
Gynandria Monogynia, Linn. Orchidese, Juss.
Corolla ringent; the two lower petals placed under the lip, which is beardless; interior
leaves connivent. Column apterous. Pollen farinaceous.
Radical leaves linear-lanceolate, attenuated at base; scape sheathing; flowers spirally
secund; lip trilid, the middle crenulate. Willd.
S a t y r iu m spirale, Swartz. Prod.
O p h r y s a e stiv a lis, M i c h .
L im o d o r d m prsecox, Walt.
O r c h i s s p ir a lis , Linn.
Plant from twelve inches to two feet high. Root consisting of
three or four irregular carnose, palmate segments, of a yellowish