i l
i t
2. Po lypod ium. The only genus of the tribe.
T m b e III. G R AM M IT ID E rE . Sori inoie M IT ID E rE . Sori more oorr lleessss eeiloonnggaatteeod, wltbont indusium, super-
rrcrafpladecl on the back of the frond or its divisions, and usually following the veins,
m M l f n “ r the tips of the latter and near the margin. Fronds sometimes se a l, or
tomentose, or .covered beneath with colored powder.
Gymnogramme. Sori much elongated, following the veins, and like them often
bbrraanncchheedd oorr rreetuiccuuulauteeud..
No tho læn a . Sori but little elongated, often of very few sporangia, placed below the
‘ ttiippss ootf tthhee vveeiinnss nnecaari tmhee m.iiaarijgjiiun ovaf t.h..e.. .d..i.v.i.s.i-o--n--s- -o-f the frond.
T kib e IV . V IT T A R IE z E . Sori much elongated, borne in a continuous furrow which
iiss oofftteenn mmaarrggiinnaall ooir sbuubu--miuaair5gHinia..li..
. V i t ta r ia . Fronds simple, narrowly linear, the sporangia mixed with paraphyses c
abortive sporangia.
aoornve spui.iugia.
TniBE V P T E R ID E E E . Sori close to the margin, sometimes extending partly down
dre veins: coTred, at least when young, by an involucre opening mwards and either
consisting of the margin or produced from :t.
; Cheilamthas. Sori minute, at the ends of the unconnected veins covered by a t
h r te ™ “ d in vo la e re .-Sm a ll ferns, often woolly, chaffy or pulvemlent.
,lla>a Sori near the ends of the veins, often confluent. I n v o lu c r e membranaceous,
S ltín u o n s round the pinnules. Sterile and fertile fronds mnch alike and smooth;
the stalk dark-colored.
re Sr,ri extending down the free veins. Involucre very broad, at length
■ ° t o i e , « ™ a n d exposing the'now confluent sori. Sterile and fertile fronds unlike,
smooth; the stalk light-colored.
.1- _ Ire.. relrelre VS f 1 K A
■^‘S S d ‘m a fg 'ir“ fhe ffond. “ Midve'” Ì f Si'e irinnides mostly eccentric or dissipated
into forking veinlets. Stalk dark-colored.
T r ib e V I B L E CH N E tF . Sori more or less elongated, borne on a fruiting veinlet or
on i s o e c i i receptacle parallel to the midrib, either near it or remote from it, and pro-
“ d h w ih a sp e L lu s S a lly concave or arched indnsium attached to the receptacle
outside the sorus and opening along the inner edge.
Uom a ria . Sori continuous from the base of the pinna to its apex, the recegacle
the margin than the midvein. Fronds in our species once pinnate, the fertile
ones with contracted pinntE. •
rarely inter-
IS B le o tn um . Sori continuous irom the base of the pinna to ¡K a P ° . :s between i‘
recentacle parallel to the midrib and close to it, ot sometime. . . . . . . . . . ..
a S the margin Invohicre a special organ, never formed from the margin. Fronds
in our species piiinate,-the pinna: articulated to the rachis.
,3 . W o o dw a rd ia . Sori interrnpted, ' S ' t e ' d
Fronds in our species ample, compound ; the veins reticulated,
m o ,.. V U A S P L EN IE .iE . Sori more or less elongated, borne on veins oblique to the
r l iS e in » v U by a special tisually flattened indusmm attached to the fertile vein-
let by one edge and. free on the other.
14. A sp len ium . Sori on the upper side of the fertile veinlets, less commonly on both
sides of them. Veins free in our species.
15 . Scolopendrium- Sori linear, straight, confluent in pairs, borne facing each other on
contiguous veins, the two indusia meeting by their free edges over the sporangia, and
at length disclosing the latter between them. Frond simple and veins free in our
16. C am p to so ru s . Veins reticulated, many of the sori continuous along two or three
sides of the areoles and therefore bent or angled ; other sori opposite and facing each
other ill pairs, and some single on either the upper or lower sides of the veins.
Frond simple, the apex slender and elongated-
T r ib e V I I I . A S P ID IE aE . Sori round or roundish, on the back, or sometimes at the
tip of the fertile veinlets,naked or provided with a special indusium. Stalk not articulated
to the root-stock, the tropical genus Olcandra excepted..
•F e r tile and sterile fronds nearly alike ; receptacle not elevated.
-f- Indusium none.
17. P h e go p te r is . Sori dot-like, minute.
Indusium orbicular or reniform.
18. A sp id ium . Sori round, borne on the back or at the apex of the veinlets ; indusium
attached at the centre or at the basal sinus, free around the margin. F in n s not
articulated to the rachis. Frond often decompound.
19. N e ph ro le p is . Sori round, at the enlarged apices of the veinlets ; indiisiiun rouiform
with the sinus either broad or narrow. F in n s articulated to the rachis. Fronds once
Indusium fixed across the fertile veinlet at the lower side of the
sorus, ovate or roundish, very delicate. Small ferns.
20. C y s to p te r is . (Character of the subsection.')
* * Sterile fronds foliaceous, the fertile frond with contracted and podlike
or berry-like divisions.
2t. Onoclea. Sporangia on an elevated r<
by an obsaure collar-like indusium.
leptacle, which is half surrounded at the base
T r ib e IX . WOODSIE.íE. Sori round, borne on the veins ; indusium fixed beneath the
sori, saucer-shaped and long-ciliate, or at first globose and at length breaking into
several segments.
22. W o o d s ia . Small ferns with free veins.
T r ib e X . D IC K SO N IE ^ . Sori-roundish, marginal, or submarginal. Indusium cup-
shaped or two-valvecl, its Outer part composed of a reflexed lobe of the frond, or
more or less united v;:th it.
23. D ic k so n ia . Indusium in our species small, nearly globular, membranaceous. Frond
rather large, elongated, decompound.
Sporangia globose, not collected in sori, scattered on longitudinal ve ins ; the ring
very broad, flattened, nearly complete, or imperfect, or obsolete.— Aquatic fern.