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between the veinlets in drying, but the hair-tipped tubercles
are found even more abundantly on the recurved margins of
the fertile pinnules than near the midvein, and are a very
remarkable characteristic of the species. The very edge of
the recurved margin is thin and white-cartilaginous, sparingly
hairy, and minutely denticulate or crenulate. The under surface
of the pinnules is paler than the upper surface, and bears
a few minute appressed hairs.
Pelhcea rigida, from Mexico, with very different fronds, is
roughened in a very similar way.
The sporangia have a ring of about twenty articulations.
The spores are subglobose and faintly trivittate.
Plate LXXIV., Fig. 1-4.—Pellæa aspera. Fig. 2 is an enlarged
portion of a pinna. Fig. 3, a portion of a pinnule, seen from the
under side, still more enlarged. Fig. 4 is a spore.
Plate LXXIV. — F i g . 5 - 9 .
NOTHOLÆNA P A R R Y I , D. C. E aton. ■
Parry’s Notholæna.
N otholæna P a r r y i ;— Root-stocks short, tufted, thickly
covered with linear-acuminate entire chaffy scales mostly having
a distinct blackish midnerve ; stalks clustered, slender, two
to five inches long, dark-brown or blackish, minutely striated,
hirsute-pubescent with spreading articulated whitish hairs;
fronds about as long as the stalks, oblong-lanceolate, tripinnate;
lower pinnæ distant, ovate, a little shorter and broader
than the middle ones ; ultimate segments crowded, roundish-
ovate, half a line to a line long, crenately incised, densely
covered above with entangled white articulated hairs, and
beneath with a still heavier similar tomentum of a pale-brown
color; ends of the lobes very slightly recurved; veins sparingly
forked, bearing at their ends a few blackish sporangia,
which at length project beyond the margin of the segments.
Notholæna P a rry i, E a t o n , in American Naturalist, ix., p . 3 5 1 ; Ferns of
the South-West, p . 3 0 6 .— D a v e n p o r t , Catal. p. 12 .
H ab.— Crevices of basaltic rocks near St. George, Utah, Drs.
P arry and Palmer. Valley of the Colorado, Arizona, P almer. Marengo
Pass, San Bernardino County, California, Parry. Eastern Slope of San I P
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