I i
A l l o so r u s . Fronds sub-coriaceous or coriaceous; veins rather obscure; involucre
* Pinnules obtuse, or at least not mucronate.
- Fronds only 1-2 pinnate.
3. P . a tro p u rp ú re a , Fée. Frond 6 to 12 inches long, evergreen, nearly smooth,
ovate-lanceolate, usually bipinnate below, simpler upwards ; pinnules oval to linear-oblong,
6 lines to 2 inches long.— Vol. I I., t. liv., p. 6 1 .— Canada to Arizona.
4. p . a sp e r a . Baker. Fronds 4 to 6 inches long, harsh and minutely roughened on
the upper surface, oblong-lanceolate, bipinnate ; pinnules 2 to 3 lines long, oblong, often
auriculate or somewhat lobed. — Vol. I I., t. Ixxiv., p. 205.— Texas and New Mexico.
- -1- Fronds often 3 -4 pinnate.
5. p . andromedsefoEa, Fée. Stalks light-colored ; fronds commonly 8 to 12 inches
long, .smooth and glaucescent, ovate, oftenest tripinnate ; ultimate pinnules 2 to 5 lines long,
oval, sub-cordate and emarginate, the edges often much revolute.—Vol. I., t. xxvii., p. 203.
6. p. p u lch e lla , Fée. Stalks blackish ; fronds 4 to' 6 inches long, smooth, deltoid-
ovate, 4-pinnate at the base ; ultimate pinnules i to 3 lines long, cordate-ovate, the edge
often much revolute.— Vo l. I., t. xL, p. 8 1 .—Tex as and New'Mexico.
* Pin/iules decidedly aatte or mucronate.
- Fronds rarely more than twice pinnate.
7. p . te rn ifo lia , Link. Fronds 3 to 9 inches long, linear-oblong, pinnate ; pinnte
uniformly trifoliolate, pinnules obovate-oval or linear-obovate.— Vol. IL , t. liv., p. 59.—
Western Texas.
8. P . W r ig h tia n a , Hook. Fronds -1 to 8 inches long, lanceolate to triangular-ovate,
bipinnate ; pinnæ longer than broad, having 3 to 13 oval or oblong oval pinnules, fertile ones
with the margins rolled in to the midvein.—'Vol. I I .,t . xlvii., p. 5. — Colorado to southern
g. P . b ra o h y p te ra , Baker. Fronds 4 to 8 inches long, narrowly linear-oblong, bi-
pinnate : pinnæ very short, often broader than lo n g ; pinnules few to a pinna, crowded,
■ • 1- . . . 1____ T7-_i TT 4. ..I..:;oblong-linear, 3 to 6 lipes long.— Vol. I I ., t. xlvii ., _p . r9e .— rC-raelii.fTo_r_n_!i»a.
- Fronds normally tripinnate.
10. p. Ornithopus, Hook. Fronds 4 to 12 inches long, rigid, somewhat glaucescent,
broadly ovate-lanceolate, tripinnate ; primary pinnæ spreading ; ultimate segments mostly in
threes, like the claws of a bird’s foot, scarcely two'lines long, the margins rolled into the
midvein.—Vol. I I . , t. xlvii., p. 1 1 .—California.
2 t o 2 inches long, ovate, closely tripinnate; ulti-
;rrated.—Vol. I ., t. xi., p. 77.
I I . P . d en sa . Hook. Fronds 1
mate segments linear, 3 to 6 lines long, sessile, sterile ones s
— Oregon and California.
§ 3 . P l a t y lo m a . Texture coriaceous, usually concealing the ve in s ; ultimate segments
broad and flat, the involucre narrow and at length hidden by the confluent sporangia.
12, P . B r id g e s ii , lio o k . Fronds 3 to 6 inches long, linear-oblong, simply pinnate;
pinnte’ sub-s’essile, glaucescent, orbicular or sub-cordate, 4 to 5 lines long; fertile ones often
conduplicate.—Vol. I ., t. xlii., p. 327.—California.
13 . P . fle xu osa, Link. Fronds 6 to 30 inches long, ovate-oblong, 2-3-pinnate; rachis
flexuous or zigzag, pinnæ deflexed; ultimate -pinnules 5 to 10 lines long, roundish-ovate or sub-
cordate, very obtuse; margin at first recurved.— Vol. I., t. xxvii.,-p. 207. — Texas to Arizona
8. C R V r rO G R AM M E , R. B rown.
I. C. a c ro sticho id e s, R. Br. Fronds 2 to 4 inches long, chartaceous, ovate, closely 2-4-
pimiate; pinnules ovate or obovate, adnate-decurreiit, those of the fertile fronds narrower and
longer, the involucres very broad; sori extending far down the veinlets. — Vol. IL , t. lix,
p. 99. — Arctic America to California and Lake Superior. ’
9. P T ER IS, L.
* Fronds simply pimiate.
I. P . long ifo lia, L. Fronds i to 3 feet long, lanceolate in outline, pinnate ; pinnæ very
many, several inches long, linear, often sub-cordate at the base. — Vol. IL , t. ixxviii. n 2 2; —
Florida. *
* * Fronds clusiered, the lower pin n a branched, the upper ones simple and linear and the
terminal one very long. ’
2. P . Crética, L. Fronds 4 to 12 inches long, chartaceous; rachis winged only in the
upper part ; pinnæ with a narrow cartilaginous thread-like border, sterile ones serrated the
teeth... ..p..e...l.l..u...c..i.d. .— Vol. IL , t. . 1I.x,;i.v-. , _p . .1 4. _1 .— TF71lo ridJ a- . ’
3. P . se rru ia ta , L. fil. Fronds 4 to 12 inches long, membranaceous; rachis conspicuously
winged; pinnæ destitute of cartilaginous, border, sterile ones serrulate with herbaceous
teeth. — Vol. IL , t. Ixxviii., p. 239. — South Carolina and Alabama.
* * * Root-stock cord-like; fronds scattered, ternate, the divisions decompound.
4. P . aquilin a,
divisions stalked ;
, L. Frond often very large, sub-coriaceous, broadly triangular, primary
; pmnE mostly pinnately lobed with several to many rather short obtuse lobes
and with a sometimes veiy long sub-entire apex.— Vol. I., t. xxxv., p. 263. — Common almost
* Fron d pyramidal, the rachis continuous to the terminal pinnule.
-t- Pinnules smooth, not separately deciduous.
I . A . C ap illu s -V en en s , L. Fronds 9 to 18 inches long, often pendent, ovate or ovateunceolate
2-3-pinnate at the base; pinnules wedge-obovate or rhomboid, \ -x inch long,
deeply and in-egularly mcised; involucres lunulate or transversely oblong. — Vol. I., t. xxxvii
p. 281. — Virginia and Florida to California.
2. A . emargina tum, Hook. Fronds 6 to 1 2 inches long, mostly erect, broadly ovate,
pinnules roundish or semicircular, \ - z inches broad, slightly lobed;
involucres transversely elongated. — Vol. I., t. cviii., p. 285. — California and Oregon.
•1- -1- Pinnules hairy, not separately deciduous.
‘o 12 inches long, deltoid-ovate, 3-4-pinnate at the
Vn?^TT^'7i°" surfaces; involucres both roundish and eíoñgated on the samé pínnuíesl—
Vol. IL , t. hx., p. 103. - Western Texas and ppoossssiibbllyy CCalifornia .