L ea ve s o f the divergent branches quinquefarious, imbricated,
erecto-patent, recurved in their upper half, or subsquarrose, all
with a border o f two rows o f ve ry narrow cells ; the basal minute
ovato-lanceolate, the median ovate, elongato-lanceolate, with the
margin involute, and 3 -4 minute teeth at apex, the uppermost
narrowly lanceolate, scarcely toothed. Hyaline cells with annular
fibres, the upper with numerous small pores on each side o f cell,
lower lateral with large pores, which become fewer towards
the middle o f leaf. Chlorophyllose cells ve ry slender, compressed,
enclosed by the hyaline in the upper part o f leaf, but
coming to both surfaces in the lower part, oval or rectangular in
Perichætia clustered in the capitulum, straw-coloured or pink,
lower bracts ovate, acuminate, concave, recurved at apex, upper
elongate oblong, slightly emarginate and somewhat recurved at
point, convolute, without fibres or pores, often subsecund.
Capsules but slightly exserted, small, globose, blackish brown.
Spores pale yellow.
Male inflorescence purple, at the apex o f subclavate branches
in the coma or upper fascicles ; the antheridia pale green.
Hab.—Wet pine-woods ; rare. Fr. July.
E u r o p e .— Techelfer Woods, near Dorpat, frequent (Girgensohn, 1847); Kaddak
near Reval, Allentacken, and-Appelsee (Russow); Jamni-Les, near Permeskiill
(Gruner); Berglunda, near Lycksele, and Wilhelmina Kyrka, Lapland (J. Angstrom,
r864); Kajana and other places in Finland (Brotherus); Medelpad, Stode
N. A m e r i c a .— Belleville, Canada (Macoun, Fowler); n e a r New York (Howe,
Peck, Austin).
T h is beautiful species may be readily known by its clavate
divergent branches, and the large number o f them in each fascicle,
as well as by the small stem leaves, and the dense globose capitulum ;
in all other points its affinity is clearly with Sph. acutifolium, from
which, however, it is abundantly distinct. T h e delicate rose colour
which sometimes suffuses this plant, adds ve ry much to its elegance.
Var. /3. squarrosulum, Russow.
Divergent branches longer, their leaves squarrose, with more
numerous pores.
S y n o n .— Russow, Beitr. Torf. p. 68. S c h im p . Synops. ed. 2, p. 839.
H a b .— South Angermannland (Fristedt) ; birch woods near Ilmazal and Dorpat,
and at Techelfer and Appelsee (Russow).
16. Sphagnum Lindbergii, Sch im p e r.
Pl. x x i i i .
Monoicous ; glossy yellowish green tinged with reddish brown,
the stem with 3-4 layers o f cuticular cells. Stem leaves auricled,
broadly lingulate ; the apex broadly truncate and fringed.
Branch leaves in five rows, not undulated, ovato-lanceolate,
toothed at apex ; the chlorophyllose cells elliptic, enclosed by the
hyaline, but nearest the back o f leaf. Perichætia large, inflated ;
bracts oblong, truncate and fimbriate at apex.
S y n o n .— Sph. lindbergii, S c h im p . Torfm. p. 67, t. 25 (1858); Synops. p. 679
(i860), et ed. 2, p. 832 (1876). L in d b . in Öfv. K. Vet. Ak. F ö r h . xix. p. 136, n. 2
(1862). H a r t m . Skand. Fl. ed. 9, p. 81 (1864). Russow, Beitr. zur Kennt. Torfm.
p. 54 (1864). S c h l i e p h . in Verh. Z. B. Gesel. Wien, 1865, p. 398. M i l d e , Bry.
Siles. p. 389 (1869). A u s t i n , Muse. Appal, n. 40 (1870). B r a i t h w . Sphag.’ Brit.
Exsic. n. 45 (exot.).
Sph. cuspidatum, L i n d b . in Bot. Notiser, 1856, p. 1 2 2 .
Sph. cuspidatum ß.fulvum, a n d Sph.fulvum, S e n d t n e r , M s s .
M onoicou s; growing in large dense tufts, glossy yellowish
green, tinged with ferruginous or purplish brown.
Stems 6 -12 in. high, solid, dark brown; the peripheral cells
rufous red, not much th ick en ed ; the cuticular cells irregular in
size, without pores, forming 3 -4 strata. Stem leaves crowded,
reflexed, broadly lingulate, auricled ; the apex broad, transversely
truncate and fr in g ed ; basal cells hexagonal, in four rows, pale
brown, then becoming narrow and elongated, with a few imperfect
fibres in the lateral cells, these narrow cells bound a central
triangle, the base o f which is formed by the apical margin, and
this space is occupied b y large, loose, rhombic cells, broader and
2-3 partite at the apex o f le a f ; without fibres and pores, both of
which occur sparingly in the auricles.
Ramuli 4-5 in a fascicle, 2-3 arcuate, divergent, the others
pendent, elongated, and closely appressed to the stem ; retort cells
.of the branches larger, recurved at apex.
Lea ve s o f divergent branches numerous, in five ranks, firm, not
undulated, rather glossy, brownish or ferruginous green, ovate at
base, becoming lanceolate above, toothed and involute at a p e x ;
hyaline cells elongated, with numerous annular and spiral fibres,
and many minute pores at m a rg in ; chlorophyllose cells narrow,
elliptic in section, quite enclosed but nearest to back of lea f; border
widest at base, formed o f 3 -4 rows o f ve ry narrow cells.